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编号 6 (2021)


Sociodemographic factors influencing the health of pregnant women: changes in the Arctic countries over the past decades

Treskina N., Postoev V., Usynina A., Grjibovski A., Odland J.


Objective. To study the past decades’ changes in the sociodemographic factors that determine the health of reproductive-aged women in the Arctic countries. Materials and methods. The paper presents a systematic review of studies that evaluate trends in the prevalence of sociodemographic factors that determine the health of reproductive-aged women in the Arctic countries over the past decades. The 1970-2019publications were sought by the results of cross-sectional, cohort studies of the trend in the MEDLINE and e-LIBRARY databases in Russian and English. The review also includes reports from the Federal Service for State Statistics of the Russian Federation (RF), the statistical centers of Norway, Finland, and Denmark. Twenty-three studies met the selection criteria. Results. The investigators found pan-Artic trends: an increase in the mean age of primiparas, decreases in the teenage birth rate and in the proportion of married mothers, increases in the proportion of common-law mothers and in that of mothers who did highly skilled labor. By 2018, the mean age of mothers in the RF increased to 28.7 years. The mean age of primiparas in Finland in 2018 was 29.3years; and that in Norway and Denmark in 2019 was 29.8 and 29.5 years, respectively. The teenage birth rate in the RF fell to 20.7 births per 1,000girls aged 15-19, but this figure was much higher than that in Canada (8.4), Norway (5.1), Sweden (5.1), Finland (5.8), and Denmark (4.1). The proportion of married puerperas in the USSR in 1970 was 89.4% and that decreased to 78.2% (the RF data) in 2018. In Norway, that of married primiparas almost halved over this period. There was an increase in the proportion of primiparas with upper secondary and higher education. Conclusion. Over the past decades, considerable changes have been identified in the portrait of a pregnant woman, namely: there is an increase in the mean age of primiparas, decreases in the teenage birth rate and in the proportion of married mothers, and increases in the proportion of common-law mothers and in that of mothers who have upper secondary and higher education, and, consequently, are involved in highly skilled labor.
Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2021;(6):5-13
pages 5-13 views

The complement system during physiological pregnancy

Sidorova F., Nikitina N., Unanyan A., Ageev M., Kokin A.


This literature review analyzes the studies published over the past 10 years on the role of the complement system in the physiological development of pregnancy. The complement system belongs to the factors of innate immunity and plays an important role in maintaining homeostasis and developing a normal pregnancy. The paper presents the currently available data on changes in complement factors from preimplantation to full term. Many authors recognize that normal pregnancy develops after the moderate activation of the system of the complement, which is accompanied by the higher expression of its regulatory proteins in both maternal blood flow and the placenta. By the end of the third trimester, there are increases in the concentration of C3, C4d, C9, sC5b-9, anaphylatoxins C3a, C4a, C5a, regulatory factor H, as well as the C4d/C4, C3a/C3 ratios. Adequate placentation is accompanied by local expression of regulatory proteins, such as DAF (CD55), CD59, and MCP (CD46), which block the formation of C3 and C5 convertases and the assembly of MAC on the cell membrane surface. In addition, the investigators studied the role of the complement system in the processes of implantation and placentation, development of fetal organs and systems, and preparation for childbirth, as well as the risk of pregnancy complications and postnatal diseases in both the mother and her baby when complementary homeostasis is disrupted. Conclusion. Clinical trials using complement biomarkers in serum, urine, and placenta have shown a direct relationship between complement system dysregulation and adverse pregnancy outcomes, such as preeclampsia, fetal growth retardation, miscarriage, and preterm birth.
Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2021;(6):14-20
pages 14-20 views

The role of cell adhesion molecules in the pathogenesis of preeclampsia

Shelekhin A., Baev O., Krasnyi A.


This review analyzes the data available in the current literature on the immunological aspects of the development of preeclampsia (PE) and on the involvement of cell adhesion molecules (CAMs) in its development. It includes the data of foreign and Russian articles found in Pubmed and eLibrary. Despite many studies and theories, the etiology of PE is still unclear. The current idea on the pathogenesis of PE attributed an important role to immunological disorders, resulting in impaired placentation, reduced placental perfusion, and placental ischemia. The increased permeability of the placental barrier and the release of endothelium-damaging substances into blood lead to endothelial dysfunction and a systemic inflammatory response. In turn, these changes affect the function of many organ systems, including the kidney, brain, liver, and heart. The placental barrier separates maternal and fetal blood flows and provides trophic, respiratory, and metabolic functions. CAMs are involved in many processes: immune and inflammatory responses, the formation of intercellular contacts and integrity of the placental barrier, and the regulation of signaling pathways. There is also evidence that CAMs are involved in the pathophysiology of PE, contributing to decreased trophoblast invasion and increased vascular endothelial damage. When the intercellular trophoblast contacts are impaired, the membrane form of CAM passes into a soluble form. The detection of soluble CAM forms can be of prognostic and diagnostic value. Conclusion. Studying CAMs will allow a more accurate assessment of the severity and a higher reliability in predicting the outcome of pregnancy complicated by PE.
Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2021;(6):22-28
pages 22-28 views

Diagnosis of fetal hypoxia

Istomina N., Makarovskaya E., Baranov A., Revako P.


The predominant role in the overall pattern of perinatal mortality is currently played by antenatal fetal death (73%), the most considerable contribution to the pattern of which is made by chronic hypoxia. The pathophysiological processes of chronic fetal hypoxia are multicomponent and have not been fully explored. Its diagnostic methods used in obstetric practice have their limitations and disadvantages; they are often set up to register secondary or indirect signs, which cannot accurately predict severe neonatal outcomes or stillbirth. The most promising areas for research can be considered methods for the early diagnosis of placental insufficiency and noninvasive techniques for the functional assessment of fetal hypoxia, which is fundamentally important for initiating its maintenance therapy. This paper considers the general issues related to the pathophysiology of chronic hypoxia in the fetus and study methods for its assessment. It describes the new criteria for Doppler study, the widely used diagnostic method, which can assess the functional state of the fetal cardiovascular system in case of cardiac sparing and brain sparing effects. There are also the results of some pilot studies concerning the determination of specific hypoxia-induced RNA of the fetus in maternal blood, which have a high potential for the clinical biomarkers of obstetric complications. Attention is paid to a study method, such as MRI, the value of which will be able to significantly increase in the coming years. MRI allows a detailed study of the anatomical features of the placenta, identifying the causes of placental insufficiency. Furthermore, diffusion-weighted MRI (DW-MRI) or diffuse-tensor imaging (DTI) can provide additional functional information about the placenta, by detecting the areas of hypoperfusion. MRI also holds great promise to assess the fetal functional state: the markers of heart failure and lung tissue maturity are only part of new noninvasive fetal state imaging techniques that have the potential for further investigation and implementation in obstetric practice. Conclusion. Doppler blood flow study remains promising in the antenatal period; at the same time, great hopes are associated with MRI of placental insufficiency and the functional assessment of the fetal state, analysis of circulating fetal nucleic acids in maternal blood as markers of obstetric or fetal pathology.
Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2021;(6):29-33
pages 29-33 views

Placenta increta. Evolution of knowledge and skills

Lisitsyna O., Nizyaeva N., Mikheeva A.


Objective. To investigate the current possibilities of diagnosis and prognosis of placenta increta and the most effective organ-sparing treatments for this condition according to data from Russian and foreign literature. Materials and methods. The keywords “placenta”, “placenta increta”, “PAS”, “organ-sparing treatment”, “accreta”, “increta”, “percreta” were used to search for literature sources in the Russian and foreign databases: eLibrary, Medline/PubMed, Embase, CINAHL. Forty sources were selected. Results. The pioneering scientists Irving and Hertig defined the term “placenta increta” as “abnormalpartial or complete attachment of the placenta to the uterine wall.” There are presently several grades of placenta accreta spectrum (PAS): 1) placenta adherenta or creta (the tight attachment or fusion of the placenta to the muscle layer); 2) placenta increta (villous invasion into the muscle layer); 3) placenta percreta (placental invasion into all uterine layers). Clinically abnormal attachment of the placenta manifests itself in its inability to separate from the uterine wall (as it normally does). The most significant risk factors for this abnormality include prior uterine surgery, placenta previa, and a history of PAS. For diagnosis, ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging, which have equal efficiency, are used. Preference for surgical treatment is given to organ-sparing methods that can save not only the life of a mother, but also her reproductive function. Conclusion. Placenta increta is a dangerous pregnancy complication that leads to massive blood loss and high maternal morbidity and mortality rates. To date, a significant number of studies have been conducted to investigate this problem and to elaborate effective management tactics for these patients. The paper identifies the features of terminology, epidemiology, possible risk factors, and molecular markers and attributes of the pathogenesis of this nosological entity. It describes in details the most effective organ-sparing treatments for placenta increta.
Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2021;(6):34-40
pages 34-40 views

Intrauterine infection during pregnancy

Dolgushina V., Kurnosenko I., Astashkina M.


Recently, there have been more and more reports on the role of intrauterine infection (IUI) in pregnant women in the occurrence of a wide spectrum of obstetric and perinatal complications. To date, there is no generally accepted terminology for this complication. IUIshould be considered as a spectrum of infectious and inflammatory processes in various placental structures. The diagnosis of IUI during pregnancy presents significant difficulties. IUI can be verified only on the basis of placental morphological examination. In this connection, this diagnosis is made mainly retrospectively after the related complications have occurred. At the present stage, the search for non-invasive markers of subclinical IUI is being continued. Much attention is paid to the peculiarities of the course of pregnancy, ultrasound signs, and the study of immune factors. The treatment of IUI is no less difficult than its diagnosis. Recent publications on the pathogenesis, diagnosis, and treatment of IUI during pregnancy are reviewed. Conclusion. Despite the clinical significance of the problem of IUI during pregnancy, there is still no algorithm that allows for a comprehensive approach to diagnostic and therapeutic measures. The timely diagnosis and reasonable use of antimicrobial drugs can become a promising area in the package of therapeutic measures for the prevention of pregnancy complications and adverse perinatal outcomes in the presence of IUI.
Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2021;(6):41-46
pages 41-46 views

The problem of sarcopenia in postmenopausal women. Prevention opportunities

Sandakova E., Zhukovskaya I., Timofeeva E.


The review gives the definition of sarcopenia (2018), presenting it as “a syndrome characterized by a progressive and generalized loss of skeletal muscle mass and strength”; outlines the background, epidemiology, etiology, provides the concepts of myokines and muscle tissue as an endocrine organ, and considers the effect of hormones on muscle tissue, as well as the main pathogenetic mechanisms of the development of sarcopenia in postmenopause (a decrease in the level of sex hormones, DHEA-C, STH, thyroid hormones, insulin resistance); lifestyle (physical activity and nutrition); chronic systemic inflammation; fetal programming; mitochondrial dysfunction; deficiency of micronutrients, including vitamin D and its impaired reception; and neurodegenerative changes in muscle tissue. It presents the clinical signs of sarcopenia, modern diagnostic criteria based on specially developed tests (SarQol, SARC-F) and measurements of muscle strength (with hand dynamometers) and mass (using densitometry and bioimpedance analysis). The review highlights approaches to treating sarcopenia. There is evidence for the importance of regular physical activity, protein nutrition, and micronutrient supplementation. It gives the results of studying the effect of DHEA-C, STH, and sex hormone therapy on muscle tissue, as well as the results of menopausal hormone therapy in early and late postmenopause. Conclusion. Thus, sarcopenia should be regarded as an attribute of postmenopause, which reduces quality of life and shortens its span. In this connection, there is a need for further investigations of the mechanisms of development of this disease, for the development and clinical introduction of therapeutic and diagnostic methods aimed at the prevention and therapy of sarcopenia in postmenopause. These programs can be really implemented within the interdisciplinary interaction of obstetricians/gynecologists, internists, endocrinologists, neurologists, and restorative medicine specialists. Besides maintaining the optimal protein metabolism and regular moderate physical exercise, it is necessary to assess the role of personalized menopausal hormone treatment to preserve proper muscle tissue metabolism and to prevent sarcopenia.
Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2021;(6):47-53
pages 47-53 views

Surgical menopause as a risk factor for the early development of comorbid conditions in reproductive-aged women

Shabalova O., Yureneva S., Ermakova E., Khokhlova S., Gardanova Z., Yakushevskaya O.


Malignant neoplasms (MNs) of the reproductive system are the most common cancer localizations in the female population of the Russian Federation. Surgery is the most common treatment for genital MNs. Bilateral oophorectomy leads to surgical menopause (SM) and, as a result, contributes to family problems and limited professional activities, and has an extremely negative impact on quality of life in reproductive-aged women. SM is associated with body composition changes that are characterized by adipose tissue redistribution, increased visceral fat, and decreased muscle mass. Bilateral oophorectomy has been found to contribute to an impaired lipid profile, insulin resistance, and, as a result, a higher risk for cardiovascular disease (CVD) and diabetes mellitus (DM). The clinical manifestations of SM are highly diversified, and vasomotor symptoms (VMS) are some of the most painful ones, which affect up to 85% of women. VMSs reduce not only quality of life in patients, but also have an impact on their health. In patients with severe SM, the risk for CVD and DM has been established to increase by 50-77% and 20%, respectively; which correlates with the severity of SM. The most serious and intense manifestations of VMS are typical for patients with SM, especially for those with cancers, which extremely negatively affects their quality of life, by contributing to sleep problems, anxiety and depressive disorders. Another clinical manifestation of SM is an impaired attention and memory, which has a profoundly negative impact on quality of life in women and contributes to their limited professional activities. As many as 75% of cancer patients receiving chemotherapy or hormone therapy suffer from cognitive impairment. Conclusion. The timely and adequate comprehensive treatment aimed at correcting the early and long-term consequences of sex hormone deficiency is extremely important in patients with SM and a history of reproductive system cancers.
Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2021;(6):54-59
pages 54-59 views

Predictive value of testing for maternal plasma cell-free fetal DNA in fetal growth restriction

Kan N., Tyutyunnik V., Khachatryan Z., Sadekova A., Krasnyi A.


Aim. To investigate the relationship between changes in cell-free fetal DNA (cfDNA) level and placental morphology in fetal growth restriction (FGR) and determine its predictive value. Materials and methods. The study included 93 pregnant women, including 48 pregnant women with FGR (group I, 23 with early and 25 with late-onset FGR), and 45 women with uncomplicated pregnancy (group II, comparison group). The analysis included clinical and anamnestic data, the course of pregnancy and delivery, and the fetus and newborn health status. Maternal plasma cfDNA was measured by real-time polymerase chain reaction. Placentas were examined using the terminal deoxyuridine end-labeling (TUNEL) technique and immunofluorescence analysis. Results. The level of cfDNA in early-onset FGR [89.03 (44.52; 178.32) GE/ml] was statistically significantly lower than in the late FGR and the comparison group [244.14 (145.23; 422.47) and 211.05 (133.64; 567.81) GE/ml], (p <0.001). ROC analysis showed that testing for maternal plasma cfDNA at the threshold of119.11 GE/ml had high sensitivity (73.1%) and specificity (79.3%) (AUC = 0.81, 95% cI 0.63-0.98) for detecting early FGR and predict the likelihood of newborn complications. The f indings on placental architectonics included the predominance of fibrosis processes and the formation of extensive fibrinoid zones. This observation explains the decrease in cfDNA and impaired placental perfusion leading to FGR. It confirms the relationship between low cfDNA levels and the risk of having children with stunted growth. Also, there was strong positive correlations between the cfDNA level, body weight (r = 0.72; p <0.001) and length (r = 0.71; p <0.001) of newborns in cases of early-onset FGR. Conclusion. The study identified the diagnostic accuracy of cfDNA for differentiating early from late-onset FGR. The findings suggest that early and late-onset FGR have different underlying mechanisms. Testing for cfDNA allows for predicting the risk of having children with low body weight and height. The findings on the high diagnostic accuracy of cfDNA in detecting the early FGR suggest the prospects of using cfDNA as a predictive marker.
Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2021;(6):60-65
pages 60-65 views

Non-penetrating uterine rupture along the scar after cesarean section and dehiscence/aneurysm of the uterine scar in the second half of pregnancy and during childbirth

Savelyeva G., Kurtser M., Breslav I., Karaganova E., Neklyudova J.


Aim. To provide scientific substantiation of the distinction between the notions “incomplete uterine rupture after surgery” and “dehiscence/aneurysm of the uterine scar during pregnancy and childbirth”. Materials and methods. A retrospective analysis of 112 birth histories with uterine rupture along the scar after cesarean section, 44 birth histories of patients with dehiscence/aneurysm of the uterine scar after cesarean section and myomectomy was carried out. The births took place in maternity hospitals of Moscow Department of Healthcare, clinical hospital MD Group in the period from 1999 to 2018. Results. Out of 112patients with uterine rupture along the scar after cesarean section, delivery by re-surgery was in 62 patients, spontaneous delivery was in 50. Out of 62 patients with abdominal delivery, the risk symptoms of uterine rupture were in 53, and the incipient uterine rupture was in 48 women. Out of 50patients, uterine rupture after spontaneous delivery was in 49 women in early postpartum period. Out of 112 babies, 5 were born dead, 3 - with severe asphyxia, and 6 - with moderate asphyxia. In 29patients, the total blood loss volume was more than 1000 ml. Dehiscence/aneurysm of the uterine scar had common signs: the patients had no complaints, ultrasound examination detected very thin lower uterine segment (<1 mm), pregnancy was prolonged to full-term or almost full-term pregnancy, the intraoperative scar dehiscence was seen as a translucent bulging into the gestational sac and blood loss during cesarean section was with in the typical range for the blood loss. Conclusion. The notion “dehiscence/aneurysm of the uterine scar” should be distinguished from “incomplete uterine rupture”, since the concept of commonality of these notions will justify the doctors and contribute to their incompetence. The doctors should know both the symptoms of the risk for uterine rupture and the incipient uterine rupture.
Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2021;(6):66-72
pages 66-72 views

Opportunities for noninvasive diagnosis of liver damage in pregnant women with preeclampsia and HELLP syndrome

Fedyunina I., Strizhakov A., Timokhina E., Aslanov A.


Objective. To develop a comprehensive non-invasive diagnosis of liver damage in pregnant women. Materials and methods. A prospective examination was made in 117 pregnant women who were divided into two groups: a study group included women whose pregnancy was complicated by preeclampsia (PE) and HELLP syndrome; a control group consisted of 40 women with uncomplicated pregnancy. Liver function was evaluated using the authors’ designed score scale based on the serum biochemical parameters that most fully reflected the involvement of the liver in metabolic processes. The non-invasive procedure of a “Fibrotest” was first used in pregnant women in order to detect structural changes in liver tissue. Results. All women in the study group were observed to have changes in liver function of varying degrees of severity. As PE increased, the functional state of the liver progressively deteriorated up to an absolute decrease in its function. The detected liver functional changes in PE and HELLP syndrome were accompanied by morphostructural rearrangement in the organ, which is confirmed by Fibrotest results. Conclusion. The authors’ proposed comprehensive assessment of the liver condition using the score scale and the Fibrotest procedure makes it possible to timely detect the extent of liver damage, to choose rational obstetric tactics, to evaluate the efficiency of therapy, and to follow up the reversal of pathological changes in the organ in the postpartum period.
Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2021;(6):73-79
pages 73-79 views

The risk of pelvic organ prolapse in women after obstetric traumas

Askerova M.


Aim. Assessment of the risk of pelvic organ prolapse in women after obstetrical traumas. Materials and methods. This was a prospective observational study. It included the women aged 45-74 years. The study was conducted in the Antenatal Clinic of Maternity hospital No. 7 in Baku. Initially, a list of all female patients (17,814) aged 45-75 years, who were assigned to the Antenatal Clinics was prepared. The research sample included consistently every 25th woman from this list. The sample size (710 women) was determined taking into account the probable prevalence of pelvic organ prolapse in women and maximum permissible sampling error (3%). The sample population was divided into groups according to the degree of prolapse, the age, number of pregnancies and childbirths in medical history, body weight and body mass index, the employment, educational level and severity of comorbidity. The differences between the groups were assessed using x2 test. Statistical data processing was carried out using qualitative data analysis method. Results. The prevalence of pelvic organ prolapse was 59.9% among all assessed women, and it was low in the group of women without obstetric traumas in history (26.5%), and in women with obstetric traumas of different degrees it was 67.2-100%. Assessment of risk factors in women showed that only a small proportion of them did not have risk factors for pelvic organ prolapse (50/710; 7%). Most of women had 2 and 3 risk factors in history (32.5 and 27.0%, respectively). Conclusion. The prevalence of pelvic organ prolapse was 59.9% and varied ranging from 26.5% (in the absence of obstetric traumas) to 100% (with third- and fourth-degree perineal tears in medical history). Among the risk factors for genital prolapse (age, dysplasia of connective tissue, burdened family history and others), obstetric traumas prevail. A combination of risk factors and obstetric traumas increase the risk of pelvic organ prolapse.
Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2021;(6):80-84
pages 80-84 views

Blood and peritoneal fluid levels of soluble immunoregulatory molecules in patients with endometriosis

Vtorushina V., Korotkova T., Krechetova L., Inviyaeva E., Van'ko L., Adamyan L.


Aim. To investigate blood and peritoneal fluid concentrations of soluble immunoregulatory molecules in patients with different stages of endometriosis.Materials and methods. The study included women with stage I-II (n=12) and III-IV (n=28) endometriosis and a control group (C) (n=15). Peripheral venous blood samples were drawn from the study subjects before surgery, and peritoneal fluid samples were obtained intraoperatively. The samples were tested for soluble immunoregulatory molecules (IL-1β, IL-1ra, IL-2, IL-4, IL-5, IL-6, IL-7, IL-8, IL-9, IL-10, IL-12p70, IL-13, IL-15, IL-17A, IFN-g, TNFα, MCP-1, MIP-1α, MIP-1β, IP-10, CSF, GM-CSF, PDGF-bb, R ANTES, Eotaxin, VEGF, FGF basic).Results. There were no differences in soluble protein concentrations both between the study groups and the control group. Compared with the control subjects, patients with endometriosis in both groups had significantly higher levels of IL-6, IL-8, IL-10, and a tendency to higher concentrations of chemokines MCP-1 and MIP-1β in the peritoneal fluid. The assessment of the diagnostic value of the determination of peritoneal fluid IL-6, IL-8, MIP-1 МС, and MCP-1 levels in different stages of endometriosis was carried out. The diagnostic value of elevated levels of peritoneal fluid MCP-1 and MIP-1β was higher in patients with > I-II stages of endometriosis and IL-6 and IL-8 in patients with stage III-IV endometriosis.Conclusion. Patients with endometriosis have increased concentrations of IL-6 and IL-10 in the peritoneal fluid. Patients with advanced stages of endometriosis have significant changes in ratios of pro-inflammatory IL-6 to anti-inflammatory IL-4 and pro-inflammatory IL-12p70 to anti-inflammatory IL-10. In patients with all stages of endometriosis, there was an increase in the levels of chemokines IL-8, MCP-1, and MIP-1β that activate inflammation and affect cell growth
Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2021;(6):85-94
pages 85-94 views

Blood and peritoneal fluid effector and regulatory subpopulations of innate immunity cells in women with endometriosis

Inviyaeva E., Korotkova T., Vtorushina V., Krechetova L., Van'ko L., Adamyan L.


Aim. To compare blood and peritoneal fluid effector and regulatory subpopulations of innate immunity cells of women with different stages of endometriosis. Materials and methods. The study included women with stage I-II (n=12) and III-IV(n=28) endometriosis. Blood samples drawn from the study subjects before surgery and peritoneal fluid samples obtained intraoperatively were tested for mononuclear cells using flow cytometry. Results. The number of neutrophils and their ratio to lymphocytes were increased in the peripheral blood of women with endometriosis. There were no significant changes in the subpopulations of NK cells, neither between the groups of patients with endometriosis nor compared with the control group. However, patients in both groups had a pronounced decrease in the proportion of T-regulatory lymphocytes with CD4+CD25+CD127low/-phenotype (P=0.004), a decrease in the number of CD14highCD16low - classical (P=0.038) and an increase in CD14highCD16high - intermediate monocytes (P=0.028). The peritoneal fluid of patients with endometriosis was characterized by an increased proportion of cytotoxic CD3-CD56+CD16+- and regulatory CD56brigh'CD16dim-NK cells compared with control subjects. Conclusion. Changes in the ratio of blood neutrophils and lymphocytes and the ratio of monocyte subpopulations suggest the persistence of the systemic inflammatory process. The decrease in the proportion of T-regulatory cells in the peripheral blood and the increase in the proportion of cytotoxic and regulatory subpopulations of NK cells in the peritoneal fluid indicates dysregulation of immune response mechanisms contributing to the development of endometriosis.
Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2021;(6):96-104
pages 96-104 views

Endometrial microbiome in women with and without a history of repeated failures of assisted reproductive technology: what are norm and pathology?

Barinova V., Kuznetsova N., Bushtyreva I., Oksenyuk O., Dudurich V., Shatalov A.


Aim. To investigate the endometrial microbiome in healthy fertile women and patients with multiple unsuccessful assisted reproduction technology (ART) cycles. Materials and methods. The study included 20 women with infertility and multiple unsuccessful ART cycles (group 1) and 15 healthy fertile women with a history of at least one full-term childbirth (group 2). The endometrial microbiome was analyzed using next-generation sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene. Results. The endometrial microbiota of healthy fertile patients was dominated by Lactobacillus (29.4%), Comamonas (16.8%), and Mesorhizobium (6.0%). In infertile patients with multiple IVF failures, the most abundant were Lactobacillus (33.3%), Ralstonia (7.9%), and Pediococcus (4.8%). At the same time, the proportion of lactobacilli in patients of group 1 did not differ significantly from patients in group 2 (33.3% and 29.4%, respectively). Women with infertility and repeated unsuccessful IVF attempts had a significantly higher relative abundance of bacteria of the genera Brevundimonas and Ralstonia. At the same time, the fertile women in group 2 had a statistically significantly higher representation of Acidovorax, Brevibacillus, Caulobacter, Comamonas, Delftia, Distigma Pseudomonas, Schlegelella, Thermus. Conclusion. The study findings confirm the notion that the uterus may indeed be a non-sterile compartment and the existence of the uterine microbiome as a whole. Lactobacilli are dominant members of the uterine microbiome but not absolutely dominant, i.e.,> 90%. At the same time, the proportion of lactobacilli in fertile patients and patients with multiple ARTfailures did not differ significantly.
Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2021;(6):105-114
pages 105-114 views

Contrast-enhanced ultrasound imaging in the diagnosis of adenomyosis

Sencha A., Arakelyan A., Bykov A., Adamyan L.


Objective. To identify the most informative qualitative and quantitative diagnostic criteria for adenomyosis according to the data of transvaginal contrast-enhanced ultrasound (TV CEUS). Materials and methods. Forty-eight patients (a study group) with adenomyosis and 36 women (a control group) with the unchanged myometrium were examined. All the patients underwent TV CEUS using the ultrasound contrast agent (USCA) SonoVue. The investigation was conducted in the V.I. Kulakov National Medical Research Center of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Perinatology, Ministry of Health of Russia, in 2018-2019. Results. There were differences in the qualitative parameters of TV CEUS of the myometrium in health and adenomyosis in terms of the intensity and homogeneity of enhancement, the rate and type of contrasting, and the uniformity of USCA washout. The best diagnostic informative value indicators of adenomyosis are heterogeneous contrasting (sensitivity - 100%, specificity - 83.33%, and AUC - 0.917), uneven washout (sensitivity - 85.42%, specificity - 83.33%, and AUC - 0.844), slow accumulation (sensitivity - 81.25%, specificity - 88.89%, and AUC - 0.851), and low contrasting (sensitivity - 72.92%, specificity - 88.89%, and AUC - 0.809). There were differences between the groups in the quantitative parameters of TTR, PI, AT, AS, and DS. With a threshold value of TTP > 19.52s, sensitivity, specificity, andAUC were 87.0%, 83.3%, and 0.895, respectively; with a threshold value of PI < 36.1 dB, these were 95.7%, 83.3%, and AUC 0.941. Conclusion. TV CEUS revealed the most informative qualitative and quantitative diagnostic criteria for adenomyosis.
Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2021;(6):115-121
pages 115-121 views

Experience with the vitamin-mineral complex “Pregnomama” in women with physiological pregnancy

Gromova O., Pesegova E., Torshin I., Tetruashvili N.


Objective. Vitamin and mineral complexes (VMCs) are effective in reducing the risk of pregnancy pathology. The effects of VMCs in physiological pregnancy have not been studied in practice. Materials and methods. Women with physiological pregnancy (n=108) were divided into two groups: 1) 54 patients who received the VMC “Pregnomama ” (a study group) and 2) 54 patients who took folic acid and potassium iodide throughout the entire pregnancy (a control group). The VMC “Pregnomama” contains 200 mg of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA): docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). The female participants’ condition was assessed at 4,12,24, and 32 weeks of pregnancy and at 42 days after its resolution, by using the data of anthropometry, biochemical blood test, and Health Status, Activity, and Mood (HSAM) and SF-36psychophysiological questionnaires. Results. By the end of the study, the study group patients compared with the controls had more HSAM scores in the sections “Activity” (+5.0, P=3.5*10-5), “Mood” (+3.8, P=8.3*10-5), “Health Status” (+3.4, P=7.5*10-7) and in the section “Physical Component of Health” of the SF-36 scale (+3.7, P=5.8* 10-5). The greatest increase in the SF-36 score was observed in the sections “Role-physical functioning” (+21.3, P=0.0002) and "Social functioning" (+8.3, P=0.0095). The increase in the values of the above indicators was associated with a rise in the omega-3 blood index (P=1.3* 10-6) primarily due to the elevated concentration of DHA (+0.48%, P=9.6* 10-6). The number of female participants with the normal omega-3 index (more than 4%) increased when taking the VMC “Pregnomama” (from 70 to 91%) and decreased in the controls (from 72 to 61%; P=0.0001). Significant dynamics of ferritin concentrations in the blood was noted already by the 12th week of pregnancy (the main group is 88.8±35.2 ng/ml, the control group is 64.0±30.3 ng/ml; P=7,8*10-5). Conclusion. The VMC “Pregnomama” is effective in maintaining the psychophysiological status during normal current pregnancy and is safe throughout the entire pregnancy.
Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2021;(6):122-130
pages 122-130 views

Risk factors for infectious and inflammatory diseases of the lower genital tract in women using contraception

Letunovskaya A., Serov V., Baranov I., Donnikov A.


Objective. To develop recommendations for the choice of modern contraceptives, depending on the vaginal microbiocenosis and individual genetic characteristics. Subjects and methods. The investigation enrolled 120 women of reproductive age (18-45 years) who desired to use contraception; they were randomly divided into four equal groups: 1) 30 patients using barrier contraceptive methods; 2) 30 patients taking a monophasic combined oral estrogen-gestagenic contraceptive; 3) 30 women using a vaginal ring; 4) 30 women having a hormone-releasing intrauterine system. A clinical examination was performed 3, 6, and 9 months after starting hormonal contraceptives in order to estimate the frequency of and time to the occurrence of their adverse reactions. The composition of the vaginal microbiota was quantitatively assessed by Femoflor 16 PCR. To study gene polymorphism, DNA was isolated from peripheral blood. Results. In women using hormonal contraception, vaginal dysbiosis due the higher proportion of Gardnerella vaginalis was a significant risk factor for inflammatory diseases. Groups at risk for developing dysbiosis were determined in the examined groups using contraception. Patients with the IL4: -590 T/Tgenotype or carriers of the T allele of the IL1R1 polymorphic locus: Pst11970 C>T were shown to have a high risk for developing inflammatory diseases and to require monitoring of the vaginal microbiocenosis during hormonal contraception. Conclusion. Thus, dysbiosis is an important prognostic criterion when prescribing a contraceptive method. It is advisable to assess the vaginal biocenosis during hormonal contraception once every 12 months.
Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2021;(6):132-137
pages 132-137 views

Efficiency of combination therapy with indole-3-carbinol in patients with hormone-dependent uterine diseases

Tikhomirov A., Sonina T., Osetskaya E.


Objective. To evaluate the efficiency of combination therapy with indole-3-carbinol (I3C) in patients with hormone-dependent diseases, such as uterine fibroids, endometrial hyperplasia, endometriosis (adenomyosis). Materials and methods. The investigation enrolled 1217 patients aged 31-52 years with hormone-dependent uterine diseases (f ibroids, endometriosis, and endometrial hyperplasia). It was conducted using various therapeutic regimens and combinations. The results were processed using the SPSS 19.0 standard statistical software package. Results. The tolerability of treatment was similar in each of the subgroups. The efficiency evaluation showed the following: 1) the combination of a GnRH agonist and I3C was recorded to have an advantage over GnRH agonist monotherapy in the treatment of uterine fibroids; 2) the detection rate for positive changes during endometriosis in the use of combination therapy with dienogest and I3C) was higher than the baseline; 3) the efficiency of therapy using the combination regimen (a GnRH agonist/gestagen, I3C) for recurrent endometrial hyperplasia was higher than the basic regimen; 4) anti-relapse therapy after organ-sparing surgery was equally effective with the use of both a GnRH agonist and I3C. Conclusion. The addition of I3C to a drug treatment regimen for hormone-dependent uterine diseases enhances the efficiency of therapy, reduces the risk of recurrences and the need for re-operation, and improves quality of life.
Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2021;(6):138-144
pages 138-144 views

Optimization of treatment for vulvovaginitis in patients with persistent herpesvirus infection

Kononova I., Dobrokhotova Y., Kareva E., Shmakova N., Kotelnikova A., Graban I., Ovchinnikova L.


Objective. To optimize treatment and intimate hygiene for mixed and Candida vulvovaginitis in patients with persistent herpesvirus infection. Materials and methods. Eighty-three patients with mixed vulvovaginitis and 81 patients with vulvovaginal candidiasis that had developed in the presence of persistent herpesvirus infections were examined and treated. In mixed vulvovaginitis, standard local antibacterial therapy + Panavir as one suppository once daily was prescribed for 10 days. In Candida vulvovaginitis, antimycotics + Panavir as one suppository once daily was used for 10 days. At the second stage, both groups underwent comparative characterization of the feminine intimate sprays Panavir intima and Panavir Intima Normaflor used once daily for 14 days, followed by their application once every 3 days for another 2 weeks. Results. Including the antiviral drug Panavir and the spray Panavir Intimate Normaflor along with antibacterial drugs in the therapy of mixed vulvovaginitis showed a 6.4-fold reduction in disease recurrence. Incorporating the antiviral drug Panavir as suppositories along with antimycotics, as well as the spray Panavir Intima at the second stage displayed a 9.1-fold decrease in the recurring process. Conclusion. To optimize therapy for vulvovaginitis in the presence of herpesvirus infections, it is advisable to take the antiviral drug Panavir with a subsequent recommendation to use the feminine intimate sprays Panavir Intima Normaflor and Panavir Intima for mixed vulvovaginitis and candida vulvovaginitis, respectively.
Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2021;(6):146-154
pages 146-154 views

Differential diagnosis and management tactics in patients with a rare developmental Mtillerian duct anomaly ACUM and a rudimentary uterine horn at early reproductive age

Khashchenko E., Allakhverdieva E., Arakelyan A., Uvarova E., Chuprynin V., Kulabukhova E., Luzhina I., Uchevatkina P., Mamedova F., Asaturova A.


Background. There has recently been a 10-fold increase in the detection rate of genital malformations in girls. Accessory and Cavitated Uterine Mass (ACUM) is one of the rare forms of developmental Mullerian duct anomaly, is more common in adolescents and is an isolated accessory uterine cavity in a normal uterus. The paper summarizes the currently available data on the clinical features and differential diagnosis of ACUM and a double uterus with a rudimentary uterine horn, as well as nodular adenomyosis. Due to the typical clinical presentation and the rarity of ACUM, the patients are often diagnosed with genital malformation and a complete uterine duplication in the presence of a functioning uterine rudiment or nodular adenomyosis. Some authors believe that ACUM and juvenile cystic adenomyoma are the same structure that results from gubernacular dysfunction. The differential instrumental diagnosis of ACUM is of great importance. The paper presents the main criteria for visualization of ACUM, uterine rudiment, and nodular adenomyosis according to pelvic ultrasound and MRI. An example of differential diagnosis and management is analyzed in a series of clinical cases in adolescent patients with developmental Mullerian duct anomaly (ACUM) and a rudimentary uterine horn. Conclusion. The described clinical cases emphasize the importance of imaging methods in the differential diagnosis of ACUM and uterine rudiment, as well as the need for timely surgical intervention for mass removal and metroplasty.
Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2021;(6):156-167
pages 156-167 views

Systematic review of the efficacy and safety of nifuratel for patients with lower urinary tract infection

Kasyan V., Zaitsev A., Perepanova T., Pivazyan L., Grigoryan B., Kupriyanov Y., Kasyan G., Pushkar D.


Objective. To investigate the clinical and bacteriological efficacy of nifuratel in the therapy of urinary tract infections. Materials and methods. This systematic review includes all studies published in English and Russian for the period 1969-2020 that assessed the effectiveness of nifuratel in the treatment of lower urinary tract infections (LUTI) in women, including pregnant women. The review was written using the PRISMA checklist. The analysis involved randomized and nonrandomized original clinical trials (prospective controlled, prospective cohort, retrospective studies, etc.) and case series studies that included at least 10patients. Results. After searching for and excluding duplicates, 192 publications were included in the screening, of which 169 ones were excluded by reviewing the title and abstract. A total of 9 studies were obtained for qualitative synthesis, 7 of them were clinical ones that included the analysis of 442patients. Conclusion. The systematic review shows that the efficacy of nifuratel as a drug for the therapy of urinary tract infections is comparable and sometimes superior to that of other antibiotics. Nifuratel shows more pronounced therapeutic efficacy and better tolerability compared to nitrofurantoin. Today, it is impossible to consider LUTI in women in isolation and not take into account the state of biocenosis of the vagina and intestines. Nifuratel is also interesting in that it has a spectrum of activity not only with respect to the main uropathogens, but also the causative agents of individual vaginal infections and is suitable for the treatment of acute and chronic LUTI. However, there remains a need to conduct a large number of randomized controlled trials, as well as to examine the safety profile for renal failure and in the elderly.
Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2021;(6):168-176
pages 168-176 views

Ehlers-Danlos syndrome as a cause of fatal obstetric complications

Malgina G., Nesterov V., Erofeev E., Makarov R., Leshchinskaya A., Krokhaleva Y., Kovalev A., Kovalev V., Belomestnov S.


Background. The vascular type of Ehlers-Danlos syndrome is of the greatest importance in the practice of an obstetrician/gynecologist, since it is accompanied by various obstetric and general medical problems that are often life-threatening. The incidence is 1:5,000 to 1:250,000, depending on the form and severity of the disease; the mild forms of the disease are more commonly recorded; its subtle forms are not always diagnosed in childhood, but usually when specific complications appear. Case report. Clinical cases demonstrate difficulties in diagnosing and predicting maternal outcomes in patients with Ehlers-Danlos syndrome. Currently, there is no consensus on safe delivery in patients with Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, since any surgical intervention in this category of patients is fraught with bleeding associated with spontaneous ruptures of the defective vascular wall. Due to the difficulty of predicting fatal complications of Ehlers-Danlos syndrome in obstetric patients, any description of the clinical case is useful for obstetricians/ gynecologists, angiosurgeons, and anesthesiologists/resuscitators. Conclusion. Based on the results of the two cases described above, the authors believe that for a successful pregnancy outcome in these patients, one should pay attention to the major and minor phenotypic signs of Ehlers- Danlos syndrome and, if there is a little suspicion, recommend a molecular genetic study of type III collagen genes at the stage of pregnancy planning, as well as a consultation with a vascular surgeon and a geneticist. Planned abdominal delivery is recommended for patients with a confirmed diagnosis in a third-level perinatal center with the participation of a multidisciplinary team: highly skilled obstetricians/gynecologists, a team of vascular surgeons, and a team of anesthesiologists and transfusiologists.
Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2021;(6):178-185
pages 178-185 views

Efficacy of plasma exchange in the therapy of recurrent pregnancy-associated atypical hemolytic-uremic syndrome

Kirsanova T., Fedorova T., Gurbanova S., Pyregov A., Vinogradova M.


Background. Pregnancy-associated atypical hemolytic-uremic syndrome (aHUS) is characterized by an aggressive avalanche-like course and an extremely poor prognosis with fulminant thrombotic microangiopathy (TMA), whereas targeted therapy with a complement-blocking drug is always impossible in the first 24 hours. There are very few cases of recurrent pregnancy-associated aHUS in the modern literature; in this connection it is important to display the management of patients with the second disease episode that has developed during pregnancy. In the era of eculizumab, the role of plasma exchange in verified aHUS is becoming increasingly limited. Just the same, when eculizumab is not available, plasma exchange remains the only treatment option. Case report. The paper presents the experience in successfully treating two consecutive pregnancy-associated aHUS episodes manifested after delivery in one patient, by using only plasma exchange, which showed a favorable outcome, including complete recovery of renal function. Conclusion. Different types of TMA in pregnancy are fulminant and represent a life-threatening condition for the mother. In this condition, the most urgent issue is the timely initiation of appropriate therapy. The presented observation of two aHUS episodes demonstrates difficulties in choosing a treatment policy and in making a rapid differential diagnosis, even when there is only one episode of TMA in the history. The discussion lists the recommended treatment regimens, as well as the possibility of a favorable outcome with timely initiation of plasma therapy
Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2021;(6):186-191
pages 186-191 views

Rare tumor-like masses in the vulva

Zharov A., Kolesnikova E., Penzhoyan G., Dryaeva L.


Background. The reason for the increase in the rare pathology of the vulva is, firstly, the accumulation of genetic breakdowns in the population, the study of which has recently intensified, and, secondly, the possibilities of modern diagnosis, which allow for verifying the process, have improved. However, information about the rare tumor-like pathology of the vulva is still insufficient. Objective. To optimize the diagnosis of rare tumor-like processes in the female external genitalia. Case report. Based on international experience, the authors analyze their two own clinical cases. One patient had Behcet’s disease with a classic triad of symptoms; the other had aberrant breast tissue in the vulva. In both cases, the final diagnosis was made with a significant delay after the first signs of the disease appeared. The history data, that had not taken into account during the patients’first visit and served as a reason for late diagnosis, were clarified. Complaints, the type of a pathological focus in the vulvar area, and clinical features are described. Conclusion. The accumulation of genetic abnormalities in the population increasingly leads to their diverse phenotypic manifestations, inter alia with the localization in the vulva. For timely diagnosis and selection of the optimal treatment option, there is a need for the further accumulation of clinical experience and its coverage in the specialized medical literature.
Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2021;(6):192-197
pages 192-197 views

To the anniversary of I.S. Sidorova

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Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2021;(6):198-198
pages 198-198 views