The elemental composition of the leaves and fruits of Chinese magnolia vine (Schizandra chinensis) growing in the Voronezh Region

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Introduction. Chinese magnolia vine (Schizandra chinensis) preparations belong to a group of the most popular phytoadaptogens. Chinese magnolia vine fruits and seeds are used in officinal medicine. The shoots and leaves of the plant are being investigated to expand its raw materials base. The pharmacological effect of Chinese magnolia vine is due to the minerals contained in the plant raw materials. Objective: to investigate the elemental composition of the leaves and fruits of Chinese magnolia vine growing in the Voronezh Region. Material and methods. The investigation objects were the leaves and fruits of Chinese magnolia vine grown in the Voronezh Region, as well as the soil from the place of its growth. The elemental composition of Chinese magnolia vine leaves and fruits was determined by inductively coupled plasma-chromatography-mass spectroscopy. Results. The leaves and fruits of Chinese magnolia vine growing in the Voronezh Region were shown to have a similar mineral composition. It was represented by 62 elements, including 10 and 41, which belonged to gross and trace elements, respectively; 11 elements were defined as heavy metals. There was an uneven distribution of elements between the plant organs. The investigators calculated biological absorption coefficients for minerals in the Chinese magnolia vine leaves and fruits; and their variability was shown. Conclusion. The elemental composition of Chinese magnolia vine leaves and fruits stored in the Voronezh Region has been established. The studied objects are promising sources of essential and conditionally essential gross and trace elements.

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About the authors

Alexey Ivanovich Slivkin

Voronezh State University

Dean of the faculty of pharmacy , head of the Department of pharmaceutical chemistry and pharmaceutical technology, Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Associate Professor Voronezh 394006, Russian Federation

Yulia Vladimirovna Dobrina

Voronezh State University

assistant of the Department of pharmaceutical chemistry and pharmaceutical technology Voronezh 394006, Russian Federation


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