The study of the sedative activity of a complex pharmaceutical substance of plant origin based on ginkgo biloba, hawthorn, valerian, melissa, motherwort tinctures

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Introduction. The relevance of the problem of neurotic disorders with an asthenia syndrome (neurasthenia) is confirmed by numerous studies of social and age-different manifestations of this phenomenon. Since the neurasthenic syndrome is often accompanied by mnestic disorders, there is a need for the combined use of sedative and nootropic drugs, which makes the need to develop drugs that combine sedative and nootropic actions relevant. Objective: to study the sedative activity of the complex pharmaceutical substance of plant origin (CPSPO) based on ginkgo biloba, hawthorn, valerian, melissa, motherwort tinctures. Material and methods. The study of the sedative activity of the CPSPO was carried out in the «Open field» test, based on the ability of sedatives to reduce motor activity. Results. The data obtained indicate the presence in the CPSPO, albeit weak, but a significant sedative activity. Conclusion. The studied CPSPO based on Ginkgo Biloba, Hawthorn, Valerian, Melissa, Motherwort has a significant sedative activity, but inferior to the reference drug.

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About the authors

Bakhtiyor Alisherovich Imamaliev

Scientific Center "Med Standart LLC"

Author for correspondence.
PhD in Pharmaceutical Sciences, Head

Nigora Baxadirxodjaevna Aripova

Scientific Center "Med Standart LLC"; Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute

PhD in Pharmaceutical Sciences, (acting as) an associate professor of Pharmacognosy

Ulugbek Khasanbaevich Ganiev

Scientific Center "Med Standart LLC"



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