The anatomical and morphological characteristics of the leaves of common myrtle (Myrtus commonis) growing under the conditions of the Southern Coast of the Crimea



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Introduction. Common myrtle (Myrtus commonis L.) is a promising medicinal plant that is comprehensively being studied in the Nikita Botanical Garden to be introduced into industrial culture as a raw source for obtaining medicinal plant raw materials. Objective. To investigate the morphological and anatomical characteristics of myrtle leaves as characteristics of the identity of promising medicinal plant raw materials. Material and methods. The investigation object was fresh and dried whole and crushed leaves of common myrtle cultivated at the production site of the Nikita Botanical Garden (the Republic of Crimea). The myrtle leaves underwent morphological and anatomical studies in accordance with the general pharmacopoeia articles «Leaves» and «Technique for microscopic and microchemical studies of medicinal plant raw materials and herbal medicines» in the 14th Edition of the Russian Federation's State Pharmacopoeia, by using transmitted or polarized light microscopy. Results. The external signs of the whole leaves of common myrtle, the characteristic features of which may include the shape and size of the leaves and the characteristic taste and odor of the raw material, were determined. The anatomical and diagnostic signs of the whole leaves and their powder (the dorsoventral structure of the leaf blade; the presence of anomocytic stomata only on the abaxial side; conceptacles with essential oil; druses and prismatic crystals of calcium oxalate) were revealed. The biometric anatomical and diagnostic characteristics were determined. Conclusion. The morphological and anatomical characteristics of the whole and crushed leaves of common leaves were established in accordance with the pharmacopoeial requirements.




Ekaterina Bakova

Nikita Botanical Garden, National Research Center, Russian Academy of Sciences

Junior Researcher of the Laboratory of Human Phytorehabilitation

Farhad Melikov

Nikita Botanical Garden, National Research Center, Russian Academy of Sciences

Head of the Laboratory of Human Phytorehabilitation

Dmitry Konovalov

Pyatigorsk Medical Pharmaceutical Institute, Branch, Volgograd State Medical University

Deputy Director for Science, Head of the Department of Pharmacognosy

Natalia Bobkova

I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University (Sechenov University)

professor of the Department of the Рharmaceutical Natural Science Institute of Pharmacy named after A.P.Nelyubin


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