Increasing the efficiency potential of a pharmaceutical logistics subsystem based on the introduction of a territorial pharmaceutical ecosystem



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Introduction. The creation of business ecosystems has become one of the current trends in building corporate interactions in the external and internal environments. Pharmaceutical logistics is the key area in prospectively modifying the market drug distribution system when applying an ecosystem approach. It is in the logistics systems of pharmaceutical enterprises that it is, from our point of view, necessary to determine the potential for added efficiency of the drug supply system, by introducing a sectoral territorial pharmaceutical ecosystem (TPE). Objective: to develop and test a methodological approach to determining the predictive effectiveness of ecosystem transformation of the distribution logistics of the industrial pharmaceutical complex of the Ural Federal District (UFB), by building a TPE. Material and methods. The methodology for modeling the micrologistic systems of pharmaceutical plants in the UFD took into account factors, such as the price of products, the level of trade impositions in the wholesale market segment, batch sizes, and qualitative characteristics of the assortment portfolio of drugs from a specific manufacturer. Modeling was carried out using the distribution data on 474 brand-name medicines produced in the UFD. The hierarchical clustering of a sample of drug manufacturers in the UFD, by taking into account the parameter of serial production and the degree of logistics centralization was done to deepen and detail the specific features of the production and distribution of medicines in the UFD. Results. The analysis of the features of the aggregated wholesale supply of the test drug group showed a small share (3.8%) of medicines with constant defect-free distribution and a small percentage (28%) of brand drug names in the structure of the wholesale supply. There was evidence for a tendency of logistics centralization with the priority of large federal distributors and for a smaller share of large federal distributors in the logistics subsystem of the UFD than the average for the pharmaceutical market of the Russian Federation. A methodology for assessing the frontal marginality of merchandise flow and logistics imbalance, by taking into account the compliance of the assortment with demand, was proposed for a qualitative assessment of the market distribution system for medicines produced in the UFD. Testing the procedure was in the simulation of the impact of introducing the TPE in the distribution pharmaceutical logistics system of the UFD, in the formation of a single comparison field of the examined enterprises by critical logistics system parameters (logistics efficiency, compliance with demand, and logistic imbalance) and in the predictive modeling of the effect of optimizing the distribution system. Conclusion. It has been shown that the introduction of TPE in the logistics systems of UFD industrial enterprises will be able to achieve a 16.2% increase in the relative predictive efficiency of drug distribution channels. The significantly enhanced logistics efficiency in the distribution channels for the medicines produced in the Urals indicates the feasibility of TFE as a model for the further development of the territorial system for organizing the production and distributing the medicines.




Alexey Petrov

Ural State Medical University

Associate professor of the Department of management and economics of pharmacy, pharmacognosy

Anna Kantorovich

Ural State Medical University

Рost graduate student of the Department of management and economics of pharmacy, pharmacognosy

Galina Andrianova

Ural State Medical University

Head of the Department of management and economics of pharmacy, pharmacognosy


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