Vol VI, No 2 (1898)


The tasks of forensic psychopathology and its modern meaning for a doctor and a lawyer

Vorotynsky B.I.


Over the past time, both in the general and in the special medical press, alarming voices have been heard louder and louder about the gradual increase in the number of mentally ill people among the population. This fact with constancy is also confirmed by the corresponding statistical studies and reports of psychiatric hospitals.

Neurology Bulletin. 1898;VI(2):a1-a42
pages a1-a42 views

Original article

On the application of the theory of dissociation of electrolyte solutions of Arrenius to electrophysiology

Chagovets V.


It is known that if we make a transverse cut of the muscle at a right angle to its axis, then the points located at an equal distance and symmetrical with respect to the center of the cut surface will have the same potentials, and therefore, when we move away from these places, we will not receive any current; if the cut is made with a greater or lesser sharp angle, then when two symmetrical points of such a transverse cut are retracted, one of which is closer to the obtuse one and the other to the acute angle, the current is obtained, and it turns out that the place lying at the obtuse angle is always positively in relation to lying in acute. These currents are called tilt currents.

Neurology Bulletin. 1898;VI(2):1-24
pages 1-24 views

Further research in the area of the central endings of the X-th pair of cranial nerves

Osipov V.P.


In 1896, I published the research of the central endings of the vagus nerve. Continuing with the study in the indicated direction, I received, in addition to confirming the results of the first study, some results that were not devoid of interest; These results were not new for me, because on the microscopic preparations that served as materials for the first work, there are corresponding changes in the area of ​​the central endings of the vagus nerve; on the contrary, further research was undertaken by me with the aim of checking the constancy of some changes in the medulla oblongata, advancing every step of the way behind the overwhelming vagus nerves. Thus, the present work is, as it were, an addition to the first one, containing the results of research that were not included in the first work.

Neurology Bulletin. 1898;VI(2):155-168
pages 155-168 views


Chizh V.F.


I think that the above ten stories of the disease are quite enough to create a picture of the disease; I could add another twelve stories of illness, but this would be completely unnecessary and would increase the volume of work, which, as you know, only spoils the heart. The history of illness not given here would be an unnecessary repetition of what has already been described in sufficient detail in the ten cases described.

Neurology Bulletin. 1898;VI(2):25-68
pages 25-68 views

Charcot-Blocq's Symptom Complex

Popov N.M.


You see in front of you a patient who has just recently entered the nervous department of the Pokrovskaya hospital. Our information about her, especially concerning her past life, is still very scarce. However, I do not allow myself to stop your attention on her today, since the patient presents a rather curious complex of symptoms, in the strength of which I have some reason to doubt: about two months ago she lost the ability to walk, stand and even sit and, although in her condition the patient has recently undergone a dramatic improvement, such a feature still catches the eye. Indeed, if we put the patient down, we will easily notice that she sways from side to side, tries to hold onto the edge of the bed with her hands, and nevertheless, after a few minutes, falls on the pillows. When put on her feet, the patient maintains an upright position only with the help of two seats; if she is left alone, her knees immediately bend and she sinks to the floor; walk, even with outside support, she can do it with great difficulty and extremely slowly. Take a look at what character they differ in this movement. In the beginning of each contraction of the muscles of the right leg, some difficulty is suppressed, which, however, is then smoothed out; if the patient is forced to repeat the same movements, then a similar feature is observed only at the first, although the subsequent ones continue to bear the imprint of uncertainty, inaccuracies, are performed as if by jerks. The same phenomena exist in the muscles of the left leg, only here they are expressed in an even greater degree.

Neurology Bulletin. 1898;VI(2):69-95
pages 69-95 views

Theoretical and practical considerations regarding the study of cranial circulation by measuring blood pressure at the two ends of the carotid artery

Telyatnik F.N.


Of all the methods of studying cranial blood circulation, which I will not list here, the best is the one in which the state of cranial blood circulation is judged by the blood pressure in the two ends of the carotid artery. Hürthle was the first to observe this method, and therefore the method itself is often called the Hürthle method. However, as Hürthle himself says, the idea of ​​a method existed before. So, A. Dastre and J. Morat, for the purpose of proving the existence of vasomotor fibers for the lower limb in n. ischiadicus, determined the blood pressure in the central end of one a. cruralis and in the peripheral end the other; on the side last n. ischiadicus overcame. With irritation of a peripheral nerve cut, the pressure increased in the peripheral end of the а. cruralis, remaining unchanged in the central cut. “This increase in pressure in the operated limb, which coincides with the unchanged pressure in the rest of the body, proves that (with the indicated irritation) there is a reduction in small arteries”.

Neurology Bulletin. 1898;VI(2):95-119
pages 95-119 views

To the microscopic anatomy of the medulla oblongata

Blumenau L.V.


In the course of several years since my employment in the laboratory, prof. S. Golgi (summer 1891) I repeatedly had to process the medulla oblongata of newborn animals (cats, dogs and rabbits and stillborn human fetuses) according to the method of the named anatomist. Thus, I have accumulated, and quite a lot, preparations of the medulla oblongata according to Golgi. Although recently there have been several wonderful studies of the same part of the brain and in the same way, I did not dare to use my material, in order to draw attention to some particulars, little or not touched upon by other authors.

Neurology Bulletin. 1898;VI(2):119-132
pages 119-132 views

Secretory nerves of the prostate

Mislavsky N., Borman V.


That the separation of the prostatae is a permanent constituent of the sperm is a fact accepted by all; but the innervation of this gland is almost not affected by the researchers. The only indication on the participation of nerves in the process of separation we find in two memoirs of Eckhard, who observed the discharge of a certain amount of prostate juice into the urethra during irritation n. n. erigentes in dogs. This separation was suppressed only at the beginning of irritation of the nerves, and Eckhard came to the conclusion that erigens is not a separate nerve for the gland in the full sense of the word, but empties the already formed secret, acting on the musculature of the gland. Eckhard, however, managed to obtain a significant amount of secretion by direct irritation of the gland itself. The collected secret had a neutral reaction, a specific gravity of 1.012 and a solid residue of 2.5%, of which about 1% was proteins.

Neurology Bulletin. 1898;VI(2):133-138
pages 133-138 views

Pathological and anatomical changes in the nervous system of dogs in case of arsenic poisoning

Tsvetaev A.A.


A positive answer to this topic was given in 1882 by prof. N. M. Popov in his dissertation: "Materials for science on acute mellitic toxic origin". He asserts that, first of all, the nerve cells (of the spinal cord) come to a state of turbid swelling and vacuolization. Both of these processes can lead them to complete destruction: the first, through the transition to a bland, spreading formation, the second, through an increase in the vacuole. Finally, in the late period, there is a pigment atrophy, which destroys all the cells, the improvement from the previous changes. The intensity of the process is determined by the greater or lesser proximity of the vessel .... In all likelihood, the author says, the brain also changes here. With the same positivity, the suffering of the peripheral nervous system is excluded in this work.

Neurology Bulletin. 1898;VI(2):139-154
pages 139-154 views

Bilateral periodically aggravated paralysis of the eye muscles with peculiar fluctuations in the control of the movement of the upper eyelids

Bekhterev V.


Cases of periodical eye paralysis are far from frequent occurrence and have been described so far only in a small number. In addition, many aspects of this interesting painful defeat are still not sufficiently clarified. In view of this, I will focus on one of the cases presented to my observation of periodically aggravating paralysis of the optic nerves, which at the same time represented extremely peculiar fluctuations in the control of the movements of the upper arms.

Neurology Bulletin. 1898;VI(2):169-181
pages 169-181 views

On the special nucleus of reticular formation at the level of the upper sections of the Varoliyev bridge

Bekhterev V.


Recently, thanks to the research of Koller, mine, Mislavsky and others, in the formation of already well-known early formations (such as the upper olives, etc.), it was possible to isolate several new or little known substances in the early which, adhering to the ascending topographic location, we will call: 1) the nucleus of the anterior column described by Mislavsky or the respiratory nucleus embedded in the medulla oblongata at the level of the roots n. hypoglossi, partly inwardly, partly outwardly from the last ones: 2) the lower central nucleus of Koller'a, located in the medulla oblongata above the head or upper part of the lower olives; 3) the lamellar core of the tire described by me at the level of the bridge, located above the inner part of the loop layer; 4) the upper central nucleus described by me, lying on the sides of the suture at the level of the posterior colliculus; 5) the anonymous nucleus that I described, laid at the level of the anterior colliculus inside and at the cold of the loop layer, which is present at this level on the transverse edges in the form of a sickle-shaped bundle, and finally 6) the small conical-shaped nucleus of the transverse bundle is located even higher.

Neurology Bulletin. 1898;VI(2):182-183
pages 182-183 views


Priv.-docent V.A.Muratov. Clinical lectures on nervous diseases of children. -Moscow. 1898; price 1 r. 25 k

Vorotynskiy B.I.


At children's age, nervous diseases often manifest themselves differently than in adults, they do not have a peculiar course, and in general, by the nature of the clinical picture, they sometimes largely deviate from the type that we are used to observing in adults. Some of the forms of nervous diseases of childhood age, in their ethiology, in their development, course and outcomes, are so different from similar forms in adults that they certainly deserve a special description and special analysis, as the clinical study of such forms can spill over into many nerves. in general, and to find out the pathology of especially confused, unclear and atypical cases of nervous diseases in adults. From this point of view, the study of nervous diseases of childhood deserves special attention and is of great interest both in theoretical and in practical relations. Of the Russian neuropathologists, V.A.Muratov was the first to deal with the special nervous pathology of childhood, and in this direction he had already published a lot of interesting and instructive observations.

Neurology Bulletin. 1898;VI(2):184-185
pages 184-185 views

A. N. Bernshtein. New insight in the theory of perception. Questions of philosophy and psychology. 1898, January-February

Vorotynskiy B.I.


The author emphasizes the fact that for psychology, a particularly dangerous moment is the fragmentation into the development of its special tasks and the isolation of separate studies without comprehensive coverage and expedient generalization of data obtained in various ways. At the present time, psychology has broken down into several special sections, which are developed completely independently and pursue their own specific goals.

Neurology Bulletin. 1898;VI(2):188-190
pages 188-190 views

Prof. A.S. Tauber. Brain surgery. Clinical lectures. -Spb. 1898

Vorotynskiy B.I.


Several years ago, neuropathologists and even psychiatrists were especially fond of the surgical treatment of the suffering of the central nervous system. At this time, neuropathologists very often called for help from the art of surgeons, and the surgical knife did not hesitate to penetrate into the cranial cavity and freely dispose of its contents. Soon, many observations appeared in this direction, mainly by English authors, who warmly recommended surgical intervention for brain diseases, reporting on the favorable results achieved by them with this method of treatment.

Neurology Bulletin. 1898;VI(2):185-187
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Dr. Brauer. Der Einfluss des Quecksilbers auf das Nervensystem des Kaninchens. (Deutsch. Zeitschr, f. Nervenheilkunde. XII Band, Heft.)

Tsvetaev A.A.


The motivation for the work of Dr. Brauer was the observed nervous diseases in syphilitics with their specific treatment of Hg. For the clinician, it is very difficult to solve the question of their dependence on Hg. Making a reservation that experiments on animals cannot always be transferred to humans, the author considers them, but not least, to add usefulness to observation at the patient's bedside, in addition to the principled solution of the issue.

Neurology Bulletin. 1898;VI(2):190-193
pages 190-193 views

"Russian Medical Vesnik". 1898, no. 1

Vorotynskiy B.I.


The first issue of the new magazine Rus. Med. Vestnik". In the course of 1898, 4 trial issues of the magazine will be published, and in 1899 "Vastnik" will already be published periodically in two books per month, 3-4 pages each. The annual price for the magazine is 5 rubles

Neurology Bulletin. 1898;VI(2):187-188
pages 187-188 views

G. Marinesco. L’origine du facial supérieur. — Revue neurologique. 1898. № 2

Yanishevskiy A.E.


This article is, obviously, a brief preliminary announcement. The author cites the results of his experiments, where he adopted a new method of research, based on the constancy of changes discovered by the Nissl method in the cells of the central nervous system after the interruption of the corresponding peripheral nerves.

Neurology Bulletin. 1898;VI(2):194-194
pages 194-194 views

Dr. V. V. Muravyov. Nerve cell in normal and pathological state (Russian archive of pathology, clinical medical and bacteriology. 1898, December)

Tsvetaev A.A.


Dr. Muraviev examines the structural features of the nerve cell in its normal and pathological state, using the Nissl stain. According to the author, our knowledge of the structure of the cell in the normal state can currently serve as the basis for pathological observations.

Neurology Bulletin. 1898;VI(2):193-193
pages 193-193 views

Хроника и смѣсь

Chronicle and mix. Volume V, № 2 (1898)

Vorotynskiy B.I.


The Medical Faculty of the Imperial Kazan University at the end of March 27 of this year honored Doctor of Medicine B.I. Vorotynskiy title of assistant professor in the Department of Nervous and Mental Diseases. For the next academic year, Doctor Vorotynskiy proposes to read a private course in forensic psychopathology for medical students and lawyers.

Neurology Bulletin. 1898;VI(2):195-200
pages 195-200 views

Annals of society

Chronicle of the society of neuropathologists and psychiatrists at the imperial Kazan University. Protocol of the meeting of the Society on December 14, 1897

Popov N.M.


It was chaired by prof. H. M. Popov, with secretary M. M. Maevsky; honorary members were present: K. A. Arnshtein, I. M. Dogel; active members: prof. N. A. Mislavskiy, V. I. Levchatkin, I. I. Naumov, P. S. Skuridin, B. I. Vorotynskiy, V. V. Nikolaev and a significant number of the public.

Neurology Bulletin. 1898;VI(2):201-203
pages 201-203 views

Chronicle of the society of neuropathologists and psychiatrov at the imperial Kazan University. Protocol of the annual meeting of the Society on January 31, 1898

Popov N.M.


The meeting took place in the assembly hall of the university. It was chaired by prof. N.M. Popov, under the secretary of B.I.Vorotynsky; honorary members were present: I. M. Dogel and K. A. Arnstein; acting members: N. A. Mislavsky, V. I. Razumovsky, I. A. Praksin, K. M. Leontiev, K. V. Voroshilov, P. S. Skuridin, M. M. Maevsky, L. A. Sergeev, V. I. Levchatkin, I. I. Naumov, A. F. Geberg, V. V. Nikolaev, N. A. Tolmachev. There were several hundred people in the audience.

Neurology Bulletin. 1898;VI(2):203-203
pages 203-203 views

Chronicle of the society of neuropathologists and psychiatrists at the imperial Kazan University. Protocol of an emergency appointment on February 8, 1898

Popov N.M.


Chaired by N. M. Popov, under the secretary V. V. Nikolaev; The following active members were present: K. V. Voroshilov, N. A. Mislavsky, V. I. Razumovsky, N. A. Tolmachev, L. F. Geberg, B. I. Vorotynsky, D. V. Polumordvinov, G. A. Klyachkin, E. A. Yanishevskiy; guests: Dr. Borman, Dr. Segel, Dr. Favorskiy, Dr. Mering, Dr. Pervushin, Dr. Martynov, Dr. Zabusov, Dr. Elinson and about a hundred people from the audience.

Neurology Bulletin. 1898;VI(2):204-206
pages 204-206 views

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