Vol XIII, No 3-4 (1906)


On the issue of childhood progressive paralysis

Borovikov I.V.


In Russian literature, materials about youthful (children's) progressive paralysis before 1895, anyone interested in this issue can be gleaned from the work of Dr. Yushchenko, in which all cases of this, fortunately still rare, disease are collected until 1895.

Neurology Bulletin. 1906;XIII(3-4):1-27
pages 1-27 views

A case of bilateral sciatic neuritis with secondary ascending degeneration of the posterior bundles of the brain

Svechnikov V.


Prof. A. Pick in the chapter on diseases of the spinal cord indicates that neuritis ascendens generally often leads to inflammation of the spinal cord and its membranes.

Neurology Bulletin. 1906;XIII(3-4):28-41
pages 28-41 views

Historical outline of the situation of patients with epilepsy and the matter of helping them in ancient Russia

Sukhov A.A.


Going down the chronological ladder, it becomes increasingly difficult to find indications of the position of epileptics in the ancient times of our history.

Neurology Bulletin. 1906;XIII(3-4):42-52
pages 42-52 views

The current situation of epileptics in Russia

Sukhov A.A.


If in antiquity most of the epileptics were beggars, not finding a job and not being adapted to it, then the situation of such patients in our time is even worse.

Neurology Bulletin. 1906;XIII(3-4):53-64
pages 53-64 views

Materials on the question of the influence of meteorological elements on the course of seizures of epilepsy

Orleansky L.M.


Research tables

Neurology Bulletin. 1906;XIII(3-4):65-181
pages 65-181 views

Dr. V. Galippe. The Heredity of Degeneration Stigmata and Sovereign Families. Paris. 1905

Obraztsov V.


Extensive in its volume (450 pages), the work of Dr. Galipre'a can be attributed to the number of original works both in content and in appearance.

Neurology Bulletin. 1906;XIII(3-4):182-184
pages 182-184 views

Е. Stransky. Dementia tardiva. (A contribution to the clinic of dulling psychoses). Monthly Journal of Psychiatry and Neurology. 1905. Volume. XVIII.

Markelov G.


Understanding the clinical material on the part of deafening psychoses, we often have to meet with cases that, without a certain stretch, cannot be attributed to any of the modern clinical forms of diseases.

Neurology Bulletin. 1906;XIII(3-4):184-188
pages 184-188 views

Prof. Jendrassik. About the origin of hallucination and delusion Neurolog. Centralbl. 1905 № 23

Markelov G.


The literature on the nosological meaning of deception of feelings is quite extensive, but most of the works devoted to this issue suffer from ambiguity and uncertainty. There are three kinds of theories for the origin of hallucinations and delusions.

Neurology Bulletin. 1906;XIII(3-4):188-191
pages 188-191 views

Isolated, cerebral sensory disorder. Kutner. (Monatsschrift für Psychiatrie und Neurologie. Band XVII. Heft 4)

Pavlov A.


Based on 4 of his observations and literature, the author first provides data for a differential diagnosis between organic and hysterical cerebral sensory disorders, and then data for the topical diagnosis of the former.

Neurology Bulletin. 1906;XIII(3-4):191-192
pages 191-192 views

J. Grasset et A. Gaussel. Sign of organic paralysis of the lower limb, (Un signe de paralysie organique du membre inférieur. Revue neurol. 1905. No. 17)

Pavlov A.


With organic paralysis of the lower limb, especially with hemiplegia, sometimes there is a symptom characterized by the ability to raise the paralyzed limb separately and the inability to raise both limbs at the same time.

Neurology Bulletin. 1906;XIII(3-4):192-193
pages 192-193 views

Léopold Levi. Thomsen's disease and sarcoplasm. (Maladie de Thomsen et sarcoplasma. Revue neurol. 1905. No. 15)

Pavlov A.


The author, together with Borgherini, Fernarini, Paoli, Miugarzini and Perusini, admits the existence of myotonic syndrome, depending in individual cases on different lesions and allowing different explanations.

Neurology Bulletin. 1906;XIII(3-4):193-194
pages 193-194 views

G. Deny et M. Renaud. Confusion hallucinatoire aigue et insuffisance hépatique (Deux planches hors texte). L'encephale. 1906, Mars - Avril

Toporkov H.


Acute confusion is very often a consequence of the poisoning of nerve cells with toxic products secreted by bacteria or produced by the body itself.

Neurology Bulletin. 1906;XIII(3-4):195-196
pages 195-196 views

Antonin Convers. From formic acid faction to mental medicine. Annales med. - psychological. 1906, Mai — Iuin

Toporkov N.


The medical world is currently with great interest in the issue of the therapeutic effect of formic acid preparations

Neurology Bulletin. 1906;XIII(3-4):196-197
pages 196-197 views

Ant. Conners. Psychoses and neurasthenics relate to diseases of the nose and rhino-pharinx. 1906. Lyon, thesis

Toporkov N.


The author has collected clinical material published in a special press related to the issue under consideration. Based on this material and literary data, he comes to the following conclusions.

Neurology Bulletin. 1906;XIII(3-4):197-198
pages 197-198 views

Wladimir Serbsky. Contribution to the study of mixed forms (vésanies). Annales méd. — psychol. 1906, Mai-Iuin

Toporkov N.


The author has collected clinical material published in a special press related to the issue under consideration. Based on this material and literary data, he comes to the following conclusions.

Neurology Bulletin. 1906;XIII(3-4):199-200
pages 199-200 views

Chronicle and mix


Bessarabets (3 Sept.) Reports that the influx of patients to the Zemstvo hospitals in Bessar. province and especially in the Kostyuzhensk psychiatric hospital is increasing every year. At present, the Kostyuzhenskaya hospital is so overcrowded that patients are often placed in the corridors.

Neurology Bulletin. 1906;XIII(3-4):201-205
pages 201-205 views

Letter to the editor

Toporkov N.


Médecin en chef of the Maison Blanche hospital (in Paris), Dr. J. Lwoff asked me to spread the following appeal among Russian psychiatrists as widely as possible.
Fulfilling the request of the highly esteemed comrade, I have the honor to humbly ask you to print my present letter and proclamation in the nearest book of the Neurological Bulletin that you are editing.

Neurology Bulletin. 1906;XIII(3-4):206-206
pages 206-206 views

Letter from the mentally ill

Obraztsov V.N., Kovalevskiy P.


Article 49. Games harmful to health or causing material damage, for example: athletic wrestling, tote, roulette, cards, lotteries, dovecote and others, must followers of moral morality, of course, avoid.

Neurology Bulletin. 1906;XIII(3-4):161а-238а
pages 161а-238а views

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