Biological properties of homoprobiotic isolates of lactobacteria - promising producers of probiotic preparations

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The current direction is the use of probiotics for the prevention and treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases of animals, which include Lactobaccilus spp strains. The aim of the study was to study the biological properties of new homoprobiotic lactobacillus isolates isolated from the intestinal contents of healthy weaned piglets, with the selection of a promising producer for the creation of a probiotic drug. 12Lactobaccilus spp. isolates isolated from the intestinal contents of 23 healthy animals were used as research objects. The homoprobiotic strain of L. acidophilus LH-l-DEP-VGNKI isolated from the probiotic drug "Lactobifadol forte"(LLC BF "Component") served as a positive control. Material and methods. Lactobacilli were grown in a deep culture on a corn-lactose medium. The proteolytic activity was determined in cell extracts destroyed by ultrasound. The adhesive properties were studied using the method of photocolorimetry, the level of acid formation according to the Turner method. The antagonistic properties of lactobacillus strains were studied by a diffuse method in vitro, using Enterobacteriaceae strains from the intestinal contents of weaned pigs with gastroenteritis, E.coli (typical), E.coli (lactosenegative), Proteus vulgaris, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus as a test object, and E.coli C 600 was used as a test strain. Antibiotic resistance was determined by the method of serial dilutions with the determination of the minimum suppressive concentration. Results. It was found that the most effective proteolytic and glycolytic activity was shown by isolates numbered 3,7,10 and the control strain. A high level of adhesive activity and acid formation was shown by isolate number 7, which has a pronounced antagonistic activity, as evidenced by the size of the diameter of the growth delay zone of the test strain around the agar block by 10-23% relative to the control. The study of antibiotic resistance of the isolate number 7 revealed that the isolate is sensitive to ampicillin, cefatoxim, cefixime, meropinem, kanamycin. The species of the isolate is L. ragasasei. Conclusion. Thus, the homoprobiotic isolate of L. paracasei and the combination of this isolate with the probiotic strain of L.acidophilus LH-l-DEP-VGNKI can be recommended for inclusion in the composition of probiotic products for veterinary use.

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About the authors

I. A Gneusheva

Oryol State Agrarian University named after N.V. Parakhin

Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor of Biotechnology Orel, Russia

I. Yu Solokhina

Oryol State Agrarian University named after N.V. Parakhin

Ph.D. (Biol.), Associate Professor of Biotechnology Orel, Russia


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