Analysis of metabolic changes in liver mitochondria and red blood cells in essential hypercholesterolemia in rats



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Relevance. One of the main causes of increased mortality is vascular atherosclerosis against the background of hypercholesterolemia. The aim of the study was to analyze the biochemical changes occurring in liver cells and red blood cells in the simulation of essential hypercholesterolemia in rats. Material and methods. In liver mitochondrial homogenates and blood red blood cells in the control and experimental groups, indicators of the main energy cycles characterizing substrate-enzyme processes (pyruvic acid, lactate, cytochrome oxidase and succinate dehydrogenase), as well as antioxidant protection (reduced glutathione, glutathione reductase and glutathione peroxidase) were determined. Results. The changes recorded in the liver may reflect adaptive shifts associated with the accumulation of pyruvate as an additional substrate for mitochondrial oxidation, while in red blood cells, the accumulation of lactate contained with a decrease in the level of pyruvate indicates the formation of hypoxia. The decline of glutathione level in the liver and in erythrocytes there is a tendency to increase, which can be linked to increased transport of reduced glutathione from liver to blood. This pattern reflects the increasing role of red blood cell reduced glutathione both in regulating gas transport function and protecting cell membranes from the destructive effects of O2. Conclusion. Inhibition of glutathione peroxidase activity in essential hypercholesterolemia in both liver cells and red blood cells contributes to a violation of the balance of oxidized glutathione/reduced glutathione, which accelerates atherosclerotic manifestations.




Z. Mikashinovich

Rostov State Medical University

Dr.Sc. (Biol.), Professor, Department of General and Clinical Biochemistry № 1 Rostov-on-Don

I. Semenets

Rostov State Medical University

Post-graduate Student, Department of General and Clinical Biochemistry № 1 Rostov-on-Don

A. Romashenko

Rostov State Medical University

Post-graduate Student, Department of General and Clinical Biochemistry № 1 Rostov-on-Don


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