Theoretical aspects of the creation and pharmaceutical analysis of ointment combinations of antifungal and anti-inflammatory drugs with Tizol gel



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New forms of drugs for local delivery are emerging and used in modern pharmaceutical and medical practice. Aqua complex of titanium glycerosolvate "Tizol" is a substance for local delivery of drugs. The development of glycerohydrogel and its properties are promising for the creation of two- and three-component formulations of anti-inflammatory and antifungal compositions of titanium-containing ointments. The synergy of the pharmacological properties of the Tizol gel and the active ingredients increase compliance and faster recovery. The review of literature sources covers the analysis of the pharmacological application and the possibility of complexation of the Tizol gel with antiphlogistic and antifungal drugs. The combinations are presented for manufacture at the pharmacy. The directions of practical use in medicine and pharmacy of new combinations are described in the article. The expansion of the therapeutic use of metami-zole sodium and itraconazoleis shown when creating combinations of ointments. The development of new combinations of ointments involves qualitative and quantitative analyzes that are used in manufacturing, preclinical and clinical trials. The review presents some methods for identifying active substances with sensitivity intervals for general reactions. Available instrumental and simple classical chemical methods of analysis are used for the quantitative analysis of drugs in the proposed two- and three-component ointments. The conditions of the experiments refer to the author's developments. Analysis of literature data made it possible to study and substantiate the necessity and possibility of creating new anti-inflammatory and antifungal combinations of ointments with Tizol gel. Newer ointments may be effective and safe competitors to topical finished drug products. The new combinations will be widely used in medicine and pharmacy. The presented information about the author's own experimental work in the development of quantitative and qualitative analyzes of new drug compositions shows the prospect of further scientific research in the field of pharmaceutical analysis, preclinical trials.




T. Anisimova

Tyumen State Medical University

Post-graduate Student


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