Studying the features of accumulation of flavonoids in wormwood herb of bitter synantropic flora of the Rostov region




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Anthropogenic impact on medicinal plants is an important factor that affects the synthesis of secondary metabolites. With an increase in anthropogenic load, additional synthesis of secondary metabolites increases, primarily flavonoids, which play an important and obvious role in protecting plants from stress.

The aim of the study was to study the features of the accumulation of flavonoids in the herb wormwood synanthropic flora of the Rostov region.

Material and methods. Samples of medicinal plant material of wormwood herb collected in Morozovsky district of Rostov region were studied. Wormwood herb was collected and dried during the beginning of flowering (end of June - beginning of July 2021). The content of the sum of flavonoids in terms of rutin in selected samples of wormwood herb was determined three times by the standard pharmacopoeial method on a spectrophotometer SF-2000.

Results. The study of vegetable raw materials harvested in the roadside zone of a slow road (IV category) with slow traffic and a railway showed a direct dependence on a decrease in the content of flavonoids with an increase in the distance from highways.

Conclusion. According to the studies, it can be concluded that moderate anthropogenic impact, which is characterized by the release of various ecotoxicants into the environment, can induce the biosynthesis of flavonol compounds. However, under conditions of complex toxic stress (near the category IA highway with high transport traffic), the plant antioxidant system may be inhibited, which is expressed by the suppression of the production of polyphenols.




Y. Selivanova

Voronezh State University


Assistant, Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Pharmaceuticals Technology

俄罗斯联邦, Voronezh

N. Dyakova

Voronezh State University


Ph.D. (Biol), Associate Professor, Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Technology

俄罗斯联邦, Voronezh

A. Slivkin

Voronezh State University


Dr.Sc. (Pharm.), Professor, Head of Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Technology

俄罗斯联邦, Voronezh

A. Vervikina

Voronezh State University


Student, Faculty of Pharmacy

俄罗斯联邦, Voronezh


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2. Figure 1. Sampling map of Artemisia herb

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3. Figure 2. The content of flavonoids in terms of rutin in the herb of the wormwood synanthropic flora of the Morozov district of the Rostov region

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