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卷 24, 编号 3 (2021)


Possible use of the drugsecuritel/valsartan (of aperio)

Okladnikova E., Gackich I., Potupchik T.


In this article, a literature review of domestic and foreign sources on the use of the combined drug sacubitril/valsartan (uperio) was conducted, which showed that it can be used in patients suffering from CHF with a reduced ejection fraction of <40% and >45%. In the above sources, it is proved that the use of the drug securitel/vaIsartan (of aperio) leads to improved functional class of CHF and reduced requirements for diuretic therapy and improve tolerance to physical activity and quality of life of patients and reducing mortality from cardiovascular disease and admission to a hospital about CHF. The positive aspects of the use of the combination of sacubitril/valsartan in comorbid patients with chronic kidney disease and heart failure, even with a reduced ejection fraction in end-stage kidney disease, are shown. Sacubitril/valsartan may be recommended for use in patients with CHF and diabetes mellitus, taking into account the dose adjustment of hypoglycemic therapy. The data of studies on the use of sacubitril/valsartanau in patients with hypertension are presented, which confirm a good antihypertensive effect compared to other drugs for the treatment of elderly people suffering from systolic arterial hypertension and/or increased blood pressure mainly at night, resistant to drug therapy. Positive research results, as well as a good safety profile, indicate the possibility of using the drug sacubitril/valsartan in clinical practice.
Problems of Biological Medical and Pharmaceutical Chemistry. 2021;24(3):3-12
pages 3-12 views

Comparative study of the stability of some colloidal silver preparations of industrial production

Lust E., Endoltseva O.


Silver preparations, in particular colloyd silver, are in demand in the Russian pharmaceutical market. To date, they have not been offered an alternative replacement for the treatment of otolaryngological diseases in young children as an antibacterial agent. Earlier, colloid silver preparations (protorgol, collargol) were produced only in the production departments of pharmacies, but with the expansion of the range of medicines, industrial-made silver proteinate preparations appeared. The article is devoted to a comparative study of the stability of preparations of silver proteinate (protargol), manufactured industrially under different storage conditions, in comparison with a pharmaceutical preparation. A number of test objects include actually drugs and preparations containing silver proteinate, but related to perfumery and cosmetics. Studies have noted both a change in the appearance of samples during storage and a change in the quantitative content of silver proteinate over time under certain storage conditions. The samples were divided into two groups, one of which was stored under the conditions recommended by the manufacturer, and the second group - at room temperature with exposure to daylight and artificial light. Determination of the content of the target substance was carried out by the titrimetric method in three samples for six months. Evaluation of the content of silver proteinate was carried out according to the order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated 26.10.2015, No. 751n. Based on the results obtained, it has been established that drugs made only with silver proteinate and purified water, both pharmaceutical and industrial, are stable only for no more than four weeks. The perfumery and cosmetic product, also made with silver proteinate and purified water, turned out to be stable within the shelf life set by the manufacturer, namely 18 months. Over time, the proteinate content decreases, but different storage conditions do not significantly affect its concentration.
Problems of Biological Medical and Pharmaceutical Chemistry. 2021;24(3):13-19
pages 13-19 views

Validation of the method of quantitative determination of the amount of flavonoids in the herb Astragalus dasyanthus L

Pozdnyakova T., Bubenchikov R., Kuleshova E.


The main group of active substances of Astragalus dasyanthus are flavonoids, among which hyperoside predominates. Therefore, we made an attempt to standardize the raw Astragalus dasyanthus woolly flowering in the content of flavonoids, in terms of hyperoside. The development of a fairly accurate and simple method for the quantitative determination of flavonoid content, as well as its validation, is an urgent problem. Therefore, the aim of our work was to validate the method for quantitative determination of the amount of flavonoids in the herb of Astragalus dasyanthus. Material and methods. The object of the study was herb Astragalus dasyanthus, harvested in 2019 - 2020 in the Kursk region during the period of mass flowering of the plant. The herb was dried to an air-dry state and ground to a particle size of 1 mm. When developing the methodology, optimal conditions were established for extracting the sum of flavonoids from raw materials: the degree of grinding of the raw material is 1 mm, the extractant is ethyl alcohol 70%, the ratio of raw material to extractant 1: 100, heating for 45 minutes. When studying the conditions of spectrophotometry, it was found that the use of 2 ml of a 5% solution of aluminum chloride is optimal. Results. Validation of the methodology was carried out according to the parameters of linearity, repeatability, reproducibility and correctness of the methodology. Based on the results obtained, it was found that within the concentration measurements (starting from an optical density of 0,33 to an optical density of 0,89), the dependence of the content of hyperoside on the mass of a sample of raw materials is linear. Repeatability of the method was determined on one sample of raw materials in 6 replicates. The acceptance criterion was expressed by the standard deviation relative value, which should not exceed 10%. It amounted to 4,38%, which testifies to the precision of the technique under repeatability conditions. Determination of reproducibility of the method was performed by 2 researchers. The study was carried out on 3 samples in 3 replicates. As a result of our studies, the relative standard deviation was 4,67%, which indicates the precision of the technique under reproducibility conditions. The correctness of the technique was established by measuring the content of hyperoside in solutions obtained by adding the required amount of a standard solution of hyperoside (0,25 ml, 0,5 ml) to the test solution. In the developed methodology, the recovery percentage ranges from 9,15% to 102,35%, its average value is 100,36%. There is no systematic error in the methodology, the relative uncertainty at a confidence level of 0,95 does not exceed 2,89%. Conclusion. The developed method of quantitative determination of flavonoids in the herb of Astragalus dasyanthus can be used for standardization of raw materials «Herb Astragalus dasyanthus» the content of flavonoids.
Problems of Biological Medical and Pharmaceutical Chemistry. 2021;24(3):20-26
pages 20-26 views

The content and antimicrobial activity of essential oils in the herb Thymus marshallianus Willd. and Thymus serpyllum L.

Sheremetyeva A., Frolkova A., Shapoval O., Durnova N., Berezutsky M.


Essential oils of representatives of the genus thyme (Thymus L.) are characterized by a large variability in the qualitative composition and quantitative content, as well as a variety of biological activity, which determines the relevance of their study. The aim of this work is a comparative analysis of the content of essential oil in the herb Thymus marshallianus Willd. and Thymus serpyllum L. and the study of the antimicrobial activity of the vapors of their essential oils. The objects of research are the herb Thymus marshallianus Willd. and Thymus serpyllum L. The quantitative content of the essential oil was measured by steam distillation. The antimicrobial activity of essential oils was studied against standard strains of three types: Escherichia coli ATCC 25922, Staphylococcus aureus FDA 209P, Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 27853. Statistical processing was performed using the StatSoft Statistics 10.0 software package. The content of essential oil in the herb Thymus marshallianus exceeded similar indicators in Thymus serpyllum by 3 times (1,00±0,11 and 1,81±0,19% vs. 0,22±0,07 and 0,62±0,20%) and varied depending on the climatic and geographical conditions of growth it was found. And during the study of the antimicrobial activity, it was found that both tested essential oils completely suppressed the visible growth when it was present in the control variants of Escherichia coli ATCC 25922 and Staphylococcus aureus FDA 209P strains during the entire incubation period. Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 27853 showed visible growth in the presence of each of the essential oils.
Problems of Biological Medical and Pharmaceutical Chemistry. 2021;24(3):27-32
pages 27-32 views

Collagenolytic properties of micromycetes collection strains during long-term storage study

Nikitina Z., Gordonova I., Nasibov E.


Relevance. The VILAR collection of micromycetes contains hydrolyzing collagen strains-potential producers of collagenases. When searching for enzymes producers, the stability of viability and biosynthetic activity of microorganisms is an important indicator. In this regard, the study of collagenolytic activity of mycelial fungi collection strains during long-term storage is relevant for solving applied and fundamental problems of modern biotechnology. Objective. Viability and collagenolytic activity of collection strains of micromycetes during long-term storage study. Material and methods. The object of the study were 16 micromycetesstrains, belonging to the genera Aspergillus, Beauveria, Paeci-lomyces, Penicillium, Phialophora. The cultures were stored under oil at 4 °C for 4 years. After storage, the viability and collagenase activity of microorganisms were evaluated during surface cultivation. In addition, deep cultivation of fungi was carried out with the determination ofcollagenolytic activity in the filtrates of the culture fluid. Results. Studies have shown that all micromycetes remained viable after 4 years of conservation under the selected conditions. During surface cultivation on a modified medium with the replacement of sucrose with collagen, fungi formed colonies and well-defined lysis zones, which indicated the synthesis and secretion of collagenolytic enzymes. Differences in growth rates and lysis indices were found for individual species and strains of micromycetes. Comparison of lysis indices before and after storage showed the stability of this indicator. Using regression and correlation analysis, five strains were selected for deep cultivation. Determination of collagenolytic activity in culture fluid filtrates confirmed the synthesis and secretion of collagenolytic enzymes by the studied micromycetes. Conclusions. Conservation of micromycetes on agarized Chapek media under oil at 4 °C ensures the preservation of viability and collagenolytic activity. The stability of the collagenolyticproperties of micromycetes during long-term storage was confirmed. For five strains selected on the basis of regression and correlation analysis, the secretion of collagenolytic enzymes into the culture medium during deep cultivation was shown.
Problems of Biological Medical and Pharmaceutical Chemistry. 2021;24(3):33-39
pages 33-39 views

Vitamin A and its status in vegetarians and vegans

Galchenko A., Ranjit R.


Vitamin A is an essential fat-soluble micronutrient. It is necessary for the normal functioning of epithelial tissues, replication of genetic materials, perception of light or for smoothly running the immune system. Provitamins A (carotenoids) are powerful antioxidants. They can also be precursors for not only retinol but also for the most active forms of vitamin A - retinal and retinoic acid. However, the reverse transformation doesn't take place, it is impossible to endogenously obtain carotenoids from retinol or its oxidized forms. The efficiency of converting carotenoids to retinol depends mainly on two factors. The first one is the type of carotenoid. β-carotene is converted to vitamin A twice as efficiently as other carotenoids, and the second factor is the bioavailability of the provitamin A. As fat-soluble substances, carotenoids are better absorbed in the presence of enough fats. Vitamin A deficiency is associated with the malfunction of visual system as a result of xerophthalmia or night blindness. In addition, the lack of vitamin A can cause deterioration of the skin and mucous membranes and may lead to a high infant mortality rate. At the same time, hypervitaminosis A is a serious teratogenic factor. An insufficient supply of carotenoids impairs the antioxidant defence mechanism of the body, which increases the risks of oxidative damage of cellular structures, and probably leads to cancerous diseases. Vitamin A is not synthesized by plants. Herbivorous and fruit-eating animals synthesize it from carotenoids obtained from plant foods but carnivores have almost lost this ability. Thus, only animal tissues are sources of vitamin A for them. As a result, vegetarians consume substantially less vitamin A than omnivores, and vegans don't consume vitamin A at all. However, they get much more carotenoids from their diet, and as a result, the total intake of retinol equivalent does not differ much among the groups. Serum β-carotene concentrations are generally higher in vegans. However, there is a disparity regarding the level of retinol. Thus, there is little evidence to date to conclude that any of the three groups has an increased risk of vitamin A deficiency compared to the others.
Problems of Biological Medical and Pharmaceutical Chemistry. 2021;24(3):40-48
pages 40-48 views

Features of accumulation of heavy metals and arsenic in medicinal plant raw materials of dandelion of medicinal collected in urband agrobiocenoses of Voronezh region

Dyakova N.


Voronezh region is one of the most important regions of agriculture and crop production. The aim of the study is to analyze the contamination of medicinal plant raw materials with heavy metals and arsenic using the example of dandelion roots prepared in various urban and agroecosystems of the Voronezh region. The study was carried out using pharmacopoeic techniques using an atomic absorption spectrometer МГА-915МД. Concentrations of lead, mercury, arsenic, nickel, cadmium, copper, cobalt, zinc, chromium in 51 plant raw materials were determined. A comparison of data on the content of the studied elements in the soils of the region and their concentration in the roots of the dandelion drug suggests the presence of physiological barriers that prevent the accumulation of toxic substances in the plant, which is especially noticeable for lead, cadmium, mercury, arsenic, cobalt and chromium. Dandelion medicine selectively accumulates copper and zinc if their content in the environment is below the vital level. Based on the studies conducted, it can be assumed that in conditions of anthropogenic impact on the habitat of the dandelion drug as a result of the selection action in conditions of man-made pollution of the external environment and the manifestation of adaptation to these conditions, its edaphotype is formed.
Problems of Biological Medical and Pharmaceutical Chemistry. 2021;24(3):49-55
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