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Pharmaceutical chemistry

Studying the hypolypidemic activity of flavonoids and isoflavonoids of the Ononis arvensis L. Methods by in silico

Davitavyan N., Nikiforova Е., Pogulyay Y., Khochava М., Mizina P., Adamov G.


Introduction. Today, one of the reliably known causes of mortality in the Russian Federation is diseases of the cardiovascular system, a significant part of which is associated with atherosclerotic disease. Combination therapy for diseases of the cardiovascular system includes, among other things, the use of modern lipid-lowering drugs, the use of which is often limited due to their pronounced side effects. In this regard, it seemed appropriate to search for new compounds of natural origin that potentially have lipid-lowering activity with minimal side effects. According to the scientific literature, natural phenolic compounds, namely substances from the group of flavonoids and isoflavonoids, have a set of such characteristics. In this regard, steelgrass (Ononis arvensis L.), the chemical composition of which is extremely rich and diverse in terms of flavonoids and isoflavonoids, can be a rather promising source for searching and screening compounds with a given activity.

The aim of the study. The purpose of the work was to study and predict the hypolipidemic activity of flavonoids and isoflavonoids of Ononis arvensis L. using in silico methods.

Material and methods. The objects of the study were the structural formulas of flavonoids and isoflavonoids of field steelhead. Calculation of molecular properties was carried out using the Molinspiration chemoinformatic software. Computer prediction of lipid-lowering activity was carried out using the PASS-online service. Molecular docking was performed using the CB-Dock2 services for blind docking and Webina 1.0.5 for active site docking. Hepatotoxicity, mutagenicity and cytotoxicity of the analyzed biologically active substances were studied using the ProTox-II resource.

Results. As a result of in silico studies, it was found that most of the studied flavonoids and isoflavonoids correspond to the Lipinski rule and the drug-likeness concept. In addition, for all studied biologically active substances, activities associated with a decrease in lipid fractions in the body were predicted. The results of molecular docking indicate that all analyzed compounds are capable of potentially inhibiting the enzyme HMG-CoA reductase, which makes it possible to predict the required lipid-lowering effect. Studying the toxicity of the research objects, most of them in silico demonstrated a high level of safety.

Conclusions. The prospects for further research on the development of targeted technology for obtaining herbal preparations from steelhead, enriched with flavonoids and isoflavonoids, as well as subsequent tests to confirm hypolipidemic activity in in vitro and in vivo experiments are shown.

Problems of Biological Medical and Pharmaceutical Chemistry. 2024;27(5):3-15
pages 3-15 views

In vitro permeability study of nasal medicinal product for systemic action

Vlasenko I.


For systemic medicinal products bioavailability is a fundamental characteristic that determines their efficacy and onset of action. Biopharmaceutical parameters of nasal preparations (physicochemical properties of the active substance such as membrane permeability, solubility, lipophilicity, pKa, polymorphic state, type of finished dosage form, pH, osmolarity, composition and characteristics of excipients), affecting bioavailability, are variable and controllable within pharmaceutical development. Besides the use of components that affect enzymatic activity, mucoadhesion and effective contact time, mucociliary clearance and viscosity of mucous secretion, changing the rate and degree of absorption of the active substance is possible by modulation of tight junctions and paracellular transport. These processes can be particularly determined by the osmolarity of the dosage form and the use of permeation enhancers. Taking into account the portfolio of excipients available to scientists used in a wide range of concentrations, and, in addition, the requirements of the target product profile in terms of safety and pharmacokinetic parameters, as well as regulatory recommendations for justification of the composition within pharmaceutical development, with particular emphasis on the selection of functional components and the concentrations used, it is important to have relevant and reliable screening tools when formulating a drug product. Due to the absence of standard bioavailability assessment methods for nasal preparations, literature review was conducted and methodology of in vitro permeability study for of nasal medicinal products for systemic action with the use of artificial membranes as well as cell line RPMI 2650 of human nasal epithelium is developed. The use of such sufficiently homogeneous barrier films allows to minimize the variability of test conditions. Permeation study of developed compositions of antimigraine medicinal product is conducted. The results obtained provide evidence of their qualitative compliance and allow to recommend laboratory permeability study on cellulose membranes for the selection and justification of the composition of pharmaceutical compositions.

Bioavailability is a fundamental characteristic of pharmaceutical products for systemic action, which defines efficacy and speed of action. Permeability through biological membranes is defined not only by the properties of active component but also by the particulars of formulation. Due to the absence of standard bioavailability assessment methods for nasal preparations, literature review was conducted and methodology of in vitro permeability study for of nasal medicinal products for systemic action with the use of artificial membranes as well as cell line RPMI 2650 is developed. Permeation study of developed compositions of antimigraine medicinal product is conducted. The results obtained provide evidence of their qualitative compliance and allow to recommend laboratory permeability study on cellulose membranes as a screening tool in pharmaceutical development.

Problems of Biological Medical and Pharmaceutical Chemistry. 2024;27(5):16-22
pages 16-22 views

Pharmaceutical development of an adhesive gel based on a biodegradable natural complex

Rytchenkov S., Poroisky S., Stepanova E., Tatarenko-Kozmina Т., Pleten А.


Introduction. One of the most important issues in the development and improvement of pharmacy is the creation of original and increasing the effectiveness of existing dosage forms. At the same time, there is justifiable interest in the group of application dosage forms (ADF), which have many advantages, both biopharmaceutical and technological and economic in nature. At the same time, the most significant and promising within this group are dosage forms such as gels and films.

Purpose of the study – development of optimal composition, adhesive gel technology, pharmacological confirmation of effectiveness on a model of intestinal anastomosis.

Material and methods. To obtain an adhesive gel, compositions based on Na-CMC (0.5–1.5%), Na-alginate (0.5–1.5%) and chitosan (1–3%) were prepared. The osmotic capacity of the gels was studied using a model of dialysis through a semipermeable membrane. The adhesive properties of the gel were determined on an experimental model of intestinal anastomosis by the time of localization of the film-gel complex at the site of application. The biodegradation properties of the film-gel complex were also studied in in vitro and in vivo experiments.

Results. A 1.5% gel based on Na-CMC has a greater capacity compared to other prototypes, capable of absorbing up to 12.56% of moisture from its own weight. Gel based on Na-alginate (1.5%) absorbs up to 10.20%, and chitosan (3.0%) – up to 11.05% moisture. The “film-gel” complex based on chitosan gel (3.0%) did not migrate from the site of application within 128 hours, which indicates its satisfactory adhesive properties, since the time during which the complex was at the site of localization corresponds to the critical time the period during which coronary artery failure most often occurs. The film-gel complex biodegraded in the blood plasma of rats within 136 hours, and remained in the abdominal cavity of rats at the site of application for up to 7 days.

Conclusions. Comparative studies of various models of adhesive gels obtained on different bases were carried out: Na-CMC (1.5%), Na-alginate (1.5%) and chitosan (3.0%) and showed the advantages of a gel based on chitosan in relation to its ability to ensure film fixation at the application site.

Problems of Biological Medical and Pharmaceutical Chemistry. 2024;27(5):23-30
pages 23-30 views

Identification and quantification of flavonoids in medicinal plants growing in the Republic of Uzbekistan

Leontiev V., Ignatovets О., Feskova A., Charnetskaya Y., Adamtsevich N., Strakh Y., Mirzarakhmetova D.


Introduction. In recent years, the popularity of herbal medicine has been increasing. One of the most numerous classes of biologically active substances of plant origin are flavonoids, which have a wide range of biological activities: anticarcinogenic, antioxidant, antimicrobial, neuroprotective, immunomodulatory, hepatoprotective effects, and also capable of stimulating the damaged body tissues regeneration processes. The relevant area of the research is the search for medicinal plants with a high content of flavonoids for the development of herbal remedies with wound-healing activity. This problem can be solved through the use of plant raw materials from the Republic of Uzbekistan, which have a high content and a wide range of biologically active substances, thanks to the sharply continental climate of the country with consistently hot summers and increased levels of ultraviolet radiation.

The purpose of the research is to select medicinal plant raw materials as a source of flavonoids for the development of wound healing agents.

Material and methods. The object of the study was medicinal plant raw materials harvested on the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan: oregano herb, sage leaves, St. John's wort herb, sandy everlasting flowers, bur beggar-ticks herb. Identification and quantification of flavonoids in the studied samples of medicinal plants was carried out using thin-layer chromatography, absorption spectrophotometry in the visible region using reaction with aluminum chloride and high-performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry.

Results. It has been established that the content of flavonoids in the herb of oregano, leaves of medicinal sage, St. John's wort herb, flowers of sandy everlasting, harvested in the Republic of Uzbekistan, is significantly higher than in medicinal plant materials harvested in the territory of the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation. Using the method of thin-layer chromatography and high-performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry, kaempferol-3-β-D-glucopyranoside was identified in the extract of sandy everlasting flowers, and isoquercitrin was identified in the extract of St. John's wort herb.

Conclusions. As a result of the research, sandy everlasting and St. John's wort, growing on the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan, were selected as the sources of flavonoids (glycoside kaempferol and isoquercitrin) with regenerating properties for the development of wound healing agents.

Problems of Biological Medical and Pharmaceutical Chemistry. 2024;27(5):31-38
pages 31-38 views

Problems of determining the medicinal herbal remedies antimicrobial activity and their solution methods

Timokhina А., Lupanova I., Mizina P., Fateeva Т.


Intriduction. Currently, the antibiotic resistance development in pathogenic microorganisms remains a global problem. To solve this problem, an active search and development of new antimicrobial drugs, including those of plant origin, is underway. In the many years course of experience in this area, methods used to determine antimicrobial activity are being developed and improved, however, not all of them are suitable for determining the activity of biologically active substances of plant origin.

The purpose of the study. To summarize information about existing methods for determining antimicrobial activity under in vitro experimental conditions.

Material and methods. The article is based on publication materials from the PubMed and E-library databases, search.rsl. The literary search was carried out by keywords: antimicrobial activity, antibacterial effect, antibiotic, herbal preparations. The review includes articles that are relevant to the research topic and have been published over the past 10 years.

Results and discussion. The article describes the main methods for determining antimicrobial activity in vitro and determines the possibility of using these methods in relation to herbal remedies.

Conclusions. The findings indicated that the choice of the research method should depend primarily on the object under study and the type of microorganism in respect of which the activity is determined. Most of the developed and widely used methods for determining antimicrobial activity do not allow an adequate assessment of the activity of herbal remedies. Thus, when working with herbal remedies, the methods of double serial dilutions in liquid nutrient media with the use of indicators and the developing direction of activity research on biofilms can be considered the most accurate.

Problems of Biological Medical and Pharmaceutical Chemistry. 2024;27(5):39-49
pages 39-49 views

Influence of cultivation conditions on the growth and accumulation of biologically active substances of Hyssopus officinalis L. under in vitro conditions

Cherednichenko М., Khlebnikova D., Fedotova P., Brem Е., Romanenko V.


Introduction. Since ancient times, aromatic plants have been widely used to treat diseases of various natures due to the content of valuable metabolites and essential oils (EOs). In modern medicine, cosmetology and the food industry, the importance of aromatic plants is also not in doubt; the chemical composition, accumulation features, synthesis and properties of EO are being actively studied. With the development of clonal micropropagation technology, it has become relevant to study the accumulation of biologically active substances in aseptic in vitro culture (microclones and cell cultures) under various propagation protocols.

Material and methods. Hyssop (Hyssopus officinalis L.) is a common aromatic plant from the family Lamiaceae Martinov. The aerial parts and EO of the plant have a wide range of biological activities - anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antimicrobial, etc., which determines the use of plant biomass and extracts in food and light industries, medicine, and pharmacology. In this work, the influence of the mineral and hormonal composition of nutrient media on the growth of aseptic plants of two cultivars of Hyssopus officinalis – Lekar and Iney – was studied.

Results and conclusion. A comparison was also made of the accumulation of the total flavonoids in an aseptic culture depending on the cultivation mode - the degree of aeration of the culture vessel and the addition of cytokinin or auxin components to the nutrient medium. It was found that the leaves of aseptic plants of Hyssopus officinalis accumulate more flavonoids (up to 3.6 mg/g fresh weight) than the stems (0.3–1.1 mg/g fresh weight for most experimental variants), in addition, the cv. Lekar was significantly richer in compounds of this group (2.7–3.6 mg/g fresh weight in leaves) compared to the cv. Iney (no more than 1.5 mg/g fresh weight in leaves).

Problems of Biological Medical and Pharmaceutical Chemistry. 2024;27(5):50-58
pages 50-58 views

Problems of experimental biology and medicine

Effect of opioid peptide analog on animal behavioral responses under experimental conditions alloxane diabetes mellitus

Krintsova Т., Tsibizova А., Sergalieva М., Samotrueva М.


The aim is to assess the effect of the opioid peptide dalargin on the behavioral responses of laboratory animals under the conditions of experimental alloxane diabetes mellitus.

Material and methods. The experiment was performed on nonlinear white male rats weighing 280-290 g. Laboratory animals were divided into several groups: 1 – control group, which received water for injection daily by intraperitoneal administration (control), 2 – animals with alloxane diabetes mellitus; group 3 – diabetic individuals treated with dalargin for 21 days intraperitoneally at a dose of 100 mkg/kg/day starting one month after alloxan administration. Diabetes mellitus was modeled by intraperitoneal administration of alloxane to pre-starved animals for 24 hours at a dose of 100 mg/kg once (dose worked out in preliminary studies). Assessment of the severity and dynamics of individual behavioral acts, as well as the level of emotional-behavioral reactivity of animals, was carried out using psychopharmacological tests: "Raised cruciform labyrinth" and "Dark light chamber."

Results. When dalargin was administered to animals under the conditions of alloxane diabetes mellitus, an increase in motor activity and cognitive activity was noted, which indicated a decrease in anxiety that was observed during the development of experimental diabetes mellitus.

Conclusion. Based on the results obtained from the study of the effect of the opioid peptide dalargin on the behavioral responses of laboratory animals under the conditions of experimental alloxane diabetes mellitus, it was found that the investigational drug has psychocorregative, antidepressant and anxiolytic effects.

Problems of Biological Medical and Pharmaceutical Chemistry. 2024;27(5):59-64
pages 59-64 views

Influence of Lophanthus chinensis dry extract on the morphofunctional state of Wistar rats the brain during long-term alcoholization

Razuvaeva Y., Khaltagarova E., Toropova А., Markova К., Olennikov D.


The study purpose to evaluate the effect of the Lophanthus chinensis dry extract on the Wistar rats brain morphofunctional state against the background of long-term alcoholization.

Material and methods. Alcohol intoxication was induced by long-term administration (6 weeks) of 40% ethanol in rats. Lophanthus chinensis dry extract at a dose of 100 mg/kg was administered from the 3rd week of the experiment. On days 42-45, the animals were tested in an "open field", an elevated plus maze, and they developed a conditioned passive avoidance reaction. After which a neurons pathomorphological study in the cerebral cortex was carried out.

Results. It has been established that L. chinensis dry extract exhibits a neuroprotective effect during long-term alcohol intoxication, preventing the development of structural disorders in the cerebral cortex, thereby reducing anxiety and emotionality in animals, enhancing orientation-exploratory activity and normalizing mnestic functions.

Conclusion. L. chinensis dry extract has a neuroprotective effect during long-term alcohol intoxication.

Problems of Biological Medical and Pharmaceutical Chemistry. 2024;27(5):65-71
pages 65-71 views

Dependence of oxidative balance and cholesterol metabolism in muscle tissue on exercise intensity

Elikov А.


Intriduction. Changes in oxidative balance and lipid metabolism have the leading role in performance limitation, adaptation and maladaptation to physical activity. It is especially important to analyse the direction of metabolic changes at the subcellular level.

The aim of the study is to examine the state of oxidative balance and cholesterol metabolism in muscle tissue at moderate and maximal swimming load.

Material and methods. A comprehensive study of indicators for free-radical oxidation (content of diene conjugates, TBA-active products, chemiluminescence intensity), antioxidant defense (total antioxidant activity, antiradical activity) and cholesterol metabolism in tissues of heart muscle and thigh muscle of white male rats at moderate and maximum swimming load was carried out.

Results. The patterns of metabolic changes in muscle tissue depending on the intensity of muscular work have been established: these are the forms of compensated oxidative stress at moderate and decompensated at maximum load, against the background of decreasing cholesterol content. In cardiac tissue oxidative stress phenomena were less expressed, and changes in cholesterol content were multidirectional: a tendency to decrease at moderate load and a significant increase at maximum load.

Conclusion. The reduction of antioxidant defence resources and intensification of free-radical oxidation reactions constitute one of the leading mechanisms for metabolic disorders due to extreme physical load, which is confirmed by reliable changes in the studied parameters. The complex study of indicators characterizing the processes of free-radical oxidation, antioxidant protection and cholesterol content is an informative criterion for the influence of physical exercise on the organism. The obtained data allow us to recommend the inclusion of antioxidants in the complex prevention and therapy of acute physical overstrain.

Problems of Biological Medical and Pharmaceutical Chemistry. 2024;27(5):72-76
pages 72-76 views