Editorial Policies

Aims and Scope

Russian scientific and technical journal covering electronics problems.

“ELEKTRONIKA: NTB” is a journal about electronics for professionals. Each issue contains the latest information necessary for your work: market news, interviews, analytics, a guide to the Russian and Western electronics market, technical articles and expert comments. The focus also includes analysis of the global electronics market, problems of Russian science, issues of intellectual property, and investment.


Peer Review Process

  • Science articles that were received by the editorial boards of journal "ELECTRONICS: STB" must be subject to stringent peer review at the author written requested.
  • Editor in chief estimates the correspondence of the paper to the journal profile, a requirement to the execution and directs the article for peer review to the editorial board member in charge of the concerned subject or to a third expert, doctor or master of science that haves the most related to the subject specialization
  • Sponsoring editors are informed that the sent to them manuscripts are the authors’ property and contain details unliable for public disclosure. The sponsoring editors cannot copy the article and make use of its content for their proposes.
  • The referee report upon the expert board adequate request can be delivered to the RF State Commission for Academic Degrees and Titles.
  • The peer review duration for every individual case is determined by the editor in chief. The maximum review term from the manuscript (version) acquisition date to the editors office to the editor board delivery amounts to 2 months.
  • The decision points out: the correspondence of the article content to its title; evolution of the subject matter relevancy; evolution of the supplied material form; article publication usefulness detailed description of the article strengths and weaknesses. In conclusion of the manuscript review on the basis of its publisher reader clear withdrawals must be given about its publication in the presented form or about the necessity to improve or rewrite (with structural changes) it, or refusal of publishing with objectives.
  • If the review contains guidelines for the article improvement or update it is sent to the author with a proposition to accommodate the guidelines while preparing a new version or dispose them in a reason-way. The reworked article once more is directed for peer review.
  • Whenever the publisher reader does not recommend the article for publication the editorial staff can send it to be reworked taking into account the remarks and also send it to another sponsoring editor. The negative referee report is sent to the author at his request.
  • Manuscripts that received discrepant referee reports must be sent for an addition review. If the manuscript received two negative reviews the publisher has the right to reject at once the proposed manuscript and not publish it.
  • Final decision about article publication accept the editor in chief together with the collaborative magazine staff news editor.
  • After taking a decision about publication the executive editor of the magazine staff informs the author of this by the phone or e-mail.
  • The publisher office keeps the original referee review within one year.
  • The publishing house does not make commitments about the manuscript issue date.
  • Not subject to peer review are members of RAS articles if the member of RAS is the only or first author of the paper: scientific reports read at meetings, congresses, conferences and so like, as well as forum resolutions (solutions) recommended for publication by editors and made out as an article: interviews and round tables, conferences and so on reportages; information, information-advertizing, image articles, reports and announcements.


Publication Frequency

The journal “Elektronika: Nauka, Tekhnologiya, Biznes” is published 10 times a year.


Issue Purchase

Readers without a subscription may still purchase individual issues. The following payment options and fees are available.

450.00 (USD)


Article Purchase

Readers without a subscription may still purchase individual articles. The following payment options and fees are available.

50.00 (USD)



The journal is indexed in:


Ethics of the Journal

In their activities, the Editorial boards and Editorial collegiums and review team are guided by the requirements of adherence to publication ethics in the preparation and publication of journals produced by the ASSOCIATE PRINTING-AND-PUBLICATION CENTRE “TECHNOSPHERA”. The international practice on the ethics of editing, reviewing, publishing and authorship of scientific publications is observed by all participants in the editorial and publishing process — authors, editors, reviewers, and the publishing team creating all of our journals.

The editorial board monitors compliance with the ethics requirements based on the manuals prepared by domestic and international specialized organizations, associations and publishers, as well as the Association of Science Editors and Publishers. The main standards relied in ASSOCIATE PRINTING-AND-PUBLICATION CENTRE “TECHNOSPHERA” are those developed by the Ethical Principles of Scientific Publications, adopted by ASEP.

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