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The article has been prepared with the examining certain issues of the use of digital technologist in the implementation of prosecutorial supervision in the preliminary investigation stage. The work of O.S.Capinus, O.A. Insarov, B.V. Andreev, A.V. Palamarchuk and other authors. He author shares the point of view of the urgent need and effectiveness of using these technologies in various areas of prosecutorial activity. They are an effective means of optimizing it in various areas, primarily due ensuing higher efficiency in obtaining information about violations of laws that require their use of supervisory powers. The importance of their use in verifying the implementation of laws when receiving, registering and resolving reports of crimes, revealing the facts of hiding the latter from accounting is highlighted. The author analyzes the possibility of developing and rutting into practice automated systems and programs that ensure the selection of a rational option for the prosecutor in typical situations and have an exclusively recommendatory nature, which are, in essence, typical methods that are adjusted to the individual circumstances the prosecutor encounters during the audit. The author substantiates the opinion on the advisability of developing and introducing into practice the prosecution authorities a software product the use of which would provide additional information on the actual state crime, including on the basis of some existing digital technologies. It is proposed to supplement the existing reporting forms on the work of prosecutors in the preliminary investigation stage, providing them with information on the results of the preliminary investigation in cases about initiated on the basis of materials from prosecutorial audits that revealed criminal violations of federal laws. The implementation of these proposals in practice, along with the expansion of the use of digital technologies by prosecution authorities in the preliminary investigation stage, will be an additional guarantee that they will ensure right of victims of crimes and organizations to judicial protection and access to justice. Hoverer, the author is of the opinion that a balanced approach to assessing the possibilities and prospets using digital technologies in the practice of prosecutorial supervision in the preliminary investigation is necessary.

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About the authors

Vyacheslav Nikolaevich Isaenko

Moscow State University named after O.E.Kutafin (MSAL)

Dr of Law, Professor. Position: professor. Department: Judicial and Prosecutor-Investigation Activities chair.


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