Methodology of training in strikes and protective actions from them of students of educational organizations of the Ministry of internal affairs of the Russian Federation

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The aim of this study was to study the use of the method of circular training, which is such a form of organization of a training session that has a power orientation and is carried out in a cyclic manner when certain muscles of the body are worked through. The methodical basis of the circular training consists of exercises performed repeatedly in compliance with the conditions for dosing the load, its changes and alternating with rest. In this context, circular training can be defined in the role of the organizational and methodical form of physical exercises for the development of strength endurance. Its main feature is a clear rationing of physical activity. At the same time, power endurance plays a leading role in increasing the functional capabilities of energy metabolism and the autonomic systems that provide it, namely, the cardiovascular, respiratory, and central nervous systems. The objectives of the study are to justify the use of the circular training method for the effective development of the required physical qualities (in our case, it is endurance of strength) in the conditions of a hard time limit with strict regulation and individual dosage of the exercises. Conclusions: the use of the method of circular training is the most effective way to develop strength endurance of students and undoubtedly helps to increase their functional capabilities. In addition, through the method of circular training, the successful development of motor abilities and skills, as well as all physical qualities - strength, agility, flexibility, speed and endurance is determined.

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About the authors

Radmir Mukhametbievich Cherkesov

North Caucasus Institute for Advanced Studies (branch) of the Krasnodar University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

police major, Senior Lecturer of the department of physical training Nalchik, Russia


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