
Current Issues of the Development of the Causes and Conditions of Crime in the Russian Federation
Berova D., Akkaeva H.
Cyberbullying: Criminological, Criminal Procedural and Psychological Aspects
Volosova N., Epanchintseva G., Shmeleva E.
Modern Trends in the Development of State Sovereignty
Kochesokov Z., Mankieva A., Voropaev I.
Countering Activities Ensuring the Operation of Online Stores for the Sale of Drugs
Malleke D.
Technology and Law: to the Formulation of the Problem
Samushkin N.
Gaps in the International Legal Regulation of Groups of Relations in the Field of Scientific and Technological Progress in the Conditions of Socio-Political Transformation
Nikiforov S.
To the Question of the Current State of the Methods of Implementation (Transformation) of International Legal Norms into the System of Russian Law
Ilovaisky I., Turov G.
Administrative Prejudice as an Interdisciplinary Institute
Zimenkova I.
Internal factors in the transformation of the judicial system
Timoshenko A.
Problems of the Criminal Legislation of the Russian Federation at the Present Stage of Development
Romanova L., Kvasnikova T.
On Topical Issues of Countering Cyberterrorism Threats in the Conditions of Digital Transformation
Malaev A.
Digitalization of Justice: Problems and Ways of Their Solution
Apushkina T., Ginzburg I., Mitroshkina E.
Legal Problems of Digitalization of Prosecutorial Supervision over the Observance of Human and Civil Rights and Freedoms
Migunova T., Korolev A.
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