
Deprivation of Right to Occupy Determined Posts or Engage in Determined Activity as the Type of Criminal Punishment in the Republic of Kazakhstan
Nuradel M.
Legal Regulation in the Field of Cybersecurity of Intelligent Transport (Foreign Experience)
Yakovleva A.
Analysis of the State of Work on the Disclosure and Investigation of Thefts of Other People's Property (Based on the Materials of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the KBR)
Shkhagapsoev Z., Surtsev A.
Fine as a Type of Criminal Punishment in the Republic of Kazakhstan
Mussali N.
Diplomatic Immunities and Privileges (Theoretical and Legal Aspects)
Aliyev E.
Designing a Model of the Organizational and Structural Mechanism of the Activities of Subdivisions of the Internal Affairs Bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Emergency Situations of a Social Nature
Piannikov V., Volchenko A.
Demianosov V.
Limitation of Freedom as Type of Punishment by Criminal Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan: Theoretical and Practical Problems
Mussali N.
Attracting to Community Services as Type of Criminal Punishmentin the Republic of Kazakhstan
Mussali N.
The Theory of Separation of Powers: Issues of Formation, Development and Implementation
Barashkov E., Pyatkin V.
About some features of professional self-realization of women employees in the internal affairs bodies of the Republic of Tajikistan
Gurez D.
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