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Том 26, № 4 (2019)



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Pharmateca. 2019;26(4):6-9
pages 6-9 views

Genetic predictors of the pharmacological effects of dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitors and sulfonylureas in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus

Shorokhova P., Baranov V., Vorokhobina N., Shpilevaya O.


The review presents current data on the pharmacogenetics of such oral antihyperglycemic drugs as dipeptidyl peptidase-4 (DPP-4) inhibitors and sulfonylureas (SU), whose mechanism of action is somehow related with the effect on the secretion of endogenous insulin. There is a significant variability in the glucose-lowering ability of DPP-4 inhibitors and SU, as well as in their side effects, pharmacokinetics (PK) and pharmacodynamics (PD). Majority of genetic studies focus on genetic polymorphisms involved in oral antihyperglycemic drugs (OADs) PK. Some recent studies, however, include genes encoding target molecules and transcription factors affecting the OAD PD. It is assumed that the therapeutic response to SU and DPP-4 inhibitors is widely associated with a number of single nucleotide polymorphisms in the TCF7L2, KCNJ11 and ABCC8 genes due to their crucial role in insulin secretion and glucose homeostasis. Significant progress has been achieved in determination of genetic markers associated with PD, therapeutic response and/or side effects of OADs. At the same time, despite the contradicting results of studies of various genetic factors that can cause a change in the glucose-lowering effect in response to taking antidiabetic drugs, the results of such reseach should undoubtedly be considered as the basis of the future pharmacogenetic recommendations for antihyperglycemic therapy in type 2 diabetes mellitus.
Pharmateca. 2019;26(4):10-16
pages 10-16 views

Diabetic autonomic neuropathy: problems of diagnosis and therapy

Kurnikova I., Yurovsky A.


The article presents the scientific data on the prevalence, classification, mechanisms of development and main clinical manifestations of diabetic autonomic neuropathy. Particular attention is paid to the primary diagnosis of cardiac, gastrointestinal and urogenital autonomic neuropathies. The possible solutions to the problem and the main approaches to the treatment of autonomous neuropathy are discussed. It has been shown that one of the most popular modern treatment methods is the use of а-lipoic acid preparations; its effectiveness has been fairly well proven in the treatment of diabetic peripheral neuropathy, but good results have also been obtained in the treatment of autonomic neuropathy. Based on the data of scientific literature and his own previously published work on the diagnosis and treatment of autonomic neuropathy, the author presents his own view on the problem under discussion.
Pharmateca. 2019;26(4):17-24
pages 17-24 views

Insulin detemir and its place in the diabetes treatment: results of 15-year use

Girsh Y.


Insulin detemir (Levemir) is a long-acting basal insulin analogue for the treatment of patients with type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM1, DM2). The prolonged effect of insulin detemir is associated with its high ability to self-association and the possibility of a reversible connection with albumin in both subcutaneous fat and plasma, which slows down its systemic absorption from the injection sites and provides a buffering effect and low variability of action. Numerous randomized, open, multi-center studies have shown the positive effect of insulin detemir on glycemic control using this basal insulin analogue in combination with oral hypoglycemic therapy and in baseline bolus therapy for DM1 and DM2 patients. Compared with neutral protamine Hagedorn (NPH) insulin or insulin glargine, insulin detemir showed similar effectiveness according to the glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) level, with a lower variability, which determined a significantly lower risk of developing hypoglycemic episodes, including nocturnal hypoglycemia in DM1 and DM2 patients. An additional advantage of insulin detemir was significantly lower patient weight gain compared with NPH insulin and insulin glargine. The results of studies of patients aged 2-16 or 6-17 years have shown that the inclusion of insulin detemir in the baseline-bolus mode of insulin therapy for children and adolescents is more effective and safe compared to NPH insulin and insulin glargine. Positive results were demonstrated in pregnant women with DM1. Maternal and neonatal outcomes on insulin detemir therapy were similar to the outcomes observed with NPH insulin treatment in terms of their effectiveness, but with a lower incidence of hypoglycemic conditions, which determines the greater safety of this drug. Insulin detemir has proved its worth as basal insulin therapy in older DM1 and DM2 patients with comorbid pathology. Thus, insulin detemir may become the best option for use as a basal insulin therapy and as a part of the basis-bolus insulin therapy of DM1 and DM2 patients of different age groups.
Pharmateca. 2019;26(4):26-35
pages 26-35 views

The first results of an observational retrospective study assessing the effectiveness of the use dapagliflozin in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus in real clinical practice in the Russian Federation (GLORIA study)

Antsiferov M., Kvasnikov B.


Background. The number of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM2) is growing steadily both in the whole world and in the Russian Federation. Dapagliflozin is a selective type 2 sodium-glucose cotransporter (SGLT2) inhibitor, which blocks glucose reabsorption in the proximal tubule of the kidney and thus promotes glucosuria. Objective: to describe changes in key glucose metabolism parameters and other clinical and laboratory characteristics against the Background of the use of dapagliflozin in the Russian patient population. Methods. The GLORIA study is an observational, retrospective, multicenter study that included 922 diabetic patients who started therapy with dapagliflozin. Dynamics of the glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) level was assessed as the primary endpoint. Additionally, the clinical characteristics of patients treated with dapagliflozin were evaluated, as well as the proportion of patients with a decrease in HbA1c level by 0.5% or more, the proportion of patients who reached the target HbA1c value (<7.0%), and the dynamics of fasting blood glucose level, body weight and blood pressure (BP). Results. A history of macrovascular complications was registered in 338 (36.7%) patients. When evaluating the clinical efficacy of dapagliflozin, a significant decrease in HbA1c level by 0.9% compared to the initial value was observed. The dynamics of fasting blood glucose level was -1.95 mmol/L. The target Hb1Ac value of <7.0% was reached in 357(40.1%) patients. In patients taking dapagliflozin, a significant decrease in body weight was observed: the median difference of this indicator was 3.0 kg. Dapagliflozin administration was accompanied by a significant decrease in systolic and diastolic blood pressure: the median difference between the initial and final values was 6.5 and 4.5 mm Hg, respectively. 260 side effects occured in the study. Only 12 of them, however, were established to have a causal relationship with the fact of taking the drug. Mild hypoglycemic episodes occurred in 2 (0.2%) patients. When using regression equations to assess the associations between the clinical characteristics studied and taking dapagliflozin to achieve target HbA1c values, it was found that using the drug both as monotherapy and in combination with metformin increases the chances of achieving target HbA1c values. Conclusion. The use of dapagliflozin in the Russian patient population is accompanied by a significant decrease in HbA1 level, fasting plasma glucose level and other indicators of the effectiveness of therapy, as well as a favorable safety profile.
Pharmateca. 2019;26(4):36-45
pages 36-45 views

Experience of the use of insulin degludec in the treatment of patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus (according to the data of the Moscow segment of the Federal Diabetes Register)

Demidov N., Mishra O., Antsiferov M.


Background. The basis of modern therapy for type 1 diabetes mellitus (DM1) is the replenishment of the basal and prandial insulin secretion. Introduction into clinical practice of new drugs with a profile of action similar to the physiological insulin action is an extremely important task. The beginning of the use of basal, non-peak long-acting insulin analogs in clinical practice opened the way to ensure adequate glycemic control at night with minimal risk of hypoglycemic states. A new drug of this class, insulin degludec, has demonstrated new possibilities for effectively controlling the glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) level, reducing glycemic variability and ensuring a low risk of general, nocturnal and severe hypoglycemia compared to other basal insulins. Objective. Evaluation of the glycemic control parameters in patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus receiving insulin degludec. Methods. On the basis of the Moscow segment of the Federal Diabetes register, a sample of patients with type 1 diabetes receiving therapy with insulin deludec since 2016 (n=178) was formed. A statistical analysis of the patient data was conducted: age and sex, the average HbA1c level, the average dose of basal and prandial insulin before insulin degludec administration, and the dynamics of these indicators for 3 years was analyzed. Results. A statistically significant decrease in HbA1с level by 0.6% (from 8.2 to 7.6%) in the period from 2015 to 2016 inclusive (the period of transferring patients to the therapy with insulin degludec) and stable retention of HbA1c at a level of 7.4 % in the next 2 years was revealed. A statistically significant decrease in the average total dose of insulin by 0.04 U/kg (from 0.88 to 0.84 U/kg) due to a decrease in the dose of basal insulin by 0.03 U/kg was observed (p<0.05). At the same time, there was a non-significant tendency to a decrease in the dose of prandial insulin. Conclusion. The transfer of DM1 patients to insulin degludec leads to a statistically significant decrease in HbA1c level. The achieved reduction in HbA1c level persists for at least 2 years. The transfer of DM1 patients to insulin degludec is accompanied by a statistically significant reduction in the dose of basal insulin, while there is no statistically significant change in the dose of prandial insulin.
Pharmateca. 2019;26(4):46-49
pages 46-49 views

The effectiveness of therapeutic measures in metabolic syndrome and vitamin d deficiency

Alekseeva N., Beloborodova E.


Background. Despite the progress achieved in the diagnosis and treatment of metabolic syndrome (MS), its significant prevalence remains. The heterogeneity of MS indicates the need for the use of complex therapy based on a personalized approach. Currently, the protective role of vitamin D in relation to human health is shown, but the question of its relative importance in MS is still open. Therefore, this study was conducted to understand the additional mechanisms that affect the pathogenesis of MS and, accordingly, the effectiveness of therapeutic measures. Objective. Improvement of the effectiveness of therapeutic measures in metabolic syndrome (MS) and vitamin D deficiency. Methods. The study was conducted in 2014-2015 with the inclusion of 60 patients with MS and vitamin D deficiency (50% women, 50% men) aged 20 to 45 years. Patients in the control group (n=30) were recommended to have diet therapy and the use of metformin at a dose of 1700 mg/day for 6 months. Cholecalciferol at a dose of 2000 IU/day was recommended to patients of the comparison group (n=30) in addition to the above mentioned therapy. Results. Only patients of the comparison group have achieved a more pronounced effect of treatment. Conclusion. Achievement of an optimal vitamin D level in patients with MS with the use of cholecalciferol a t a dose of 2000 IU/day in combination with diet therapy and the use of metformin increases the effectiveness of treatment, has a positive effect on abdominal obesity, insulin resistance and systemic inflammation.
Pharmateca. 2019;26(4):50-54
pages 50-54 views

Hyperglycemia and ischemic stroke: clinical features in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus

Izhbuldina G., Novikova L.


Background. Among patients with acute cerebral circulation disorders, the frequency of hyperglycemia reaches 60%. To date, however, there is no consensus on the role of increasing glucose levels in the development of stroke, whether it has a physiological or pathological nature. Objective. Evaluation of the effect of hyperglycemia in the onset of ischemic stroke (IS) on the course and short-term clinical prognosis of the disease in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM2). Methods. 186 patients with IS and DM2 (54 men, 132 women) were examined, the average age was 67.8±7.72 years. Study design: case series. The degree of neurological deficit (NIHSS) and functional impairment (modified Rankin scale - mRs), and the fasting glucose level were assessed. The survey was carried out in the acute period of stroke at admission to the hospital and on the 21st day from the onset of the disease. Results. Hyperglycemia was detected in 76.3% of patients. Patients with glycemia >10.0 mmol/L were found to have a higher degree of neurological deficit than patients with normoglycemia (17.9%). Hyperglycemia >7.8 mmol/L was accompanied by a higher frequency of mRs 4-5 (by 25.6%) and a decrease in the incidence of apparent positive dynamics (by 27.7%). Conclusion. In DM2 patients, the development of IS is characterized by high levels of glycemia. Hyperglycemia is associated with the severity and clinical outcome of the disease.
Pharmateca. 2019;26(4):56-60
pages 56-60 views

The state of carbohydrate metabolism and the development of cerebrovascular diseases in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus

Antonova K., Tanashyan M., Maksimova M., Shakhparonova N., Romantsova T.


Background. Cerebrovascular diseases (CVD) are often detected in patients with diabetes mellitus (DM). An increase in the glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) level is associated with the development of microvascular complications; however, there is no information about a similar relationship in the genesis of acute or chronic forms of CVD. Objective. Evaluation of the role of carbohydrate metabolism parameters in the development of acute and chronic forms of CVD in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM2). Methods. The study included 167 patients with DM2 and ischemic CVD: group 1 (n=87) included patients with ischemic stroke (IS), group 2 (n=80) included patients with chronic CVD. General and neurological examinations, laboratory tests with determination glycemic and HbA1c levels, duplex scanning of the main arteries of the head (MAH), and neuroimaging (magnetic resonance imaging of the brain) were performed. Results. The development of both acute and chronic forms of CVD in diabetic patients usually occurs against the background of arterial hypertension, atherosclerosis of MAH, and an increase in body mass index on average 5 years after the diagnosis of diabetes. The same frequency of critical stenosis of the internal carotid artery (more than 70%) was detected in both groups - 34 and 37.5% for group 1 and 2, respectively. In patients of group 1 in 63.2% of cases an atherothrombotic subtype of IS occurred, and the incidence of atherosclerosis of MAH had a direct correlation with the duration of diabetes (r=0.26; p=0.02). There was a significantly higher level of glycemia and HbA1c (10.1 mmol/L and 8.4% versus 7.3 mmol/L and 7.6%) in patients with acute cerebral circulatory disorders (CCD) compared with patients with chronic CVD . Conclusion. The severity of carbohydrate metabolism disorders in DM2 patients is associated with the degree of «chronization» of the CVD. Insufficient glycemic control with an increase in glucose level to 10.1 mmol/L and HbA1c level to 8.4% creates favorable conditions for the progression of atherosclerosis with atherothrombosis, which are the leading pathogenetic mechanism for the occurrence of ischemic CVD in DM2 patients.
Pharmateca. 2019;26(4):61-67
pages 61-67 views

Prevention of blindness in diabetes mellitus. From retinal laser coagulation to pharmacology

Shadrichev F., Demidova T., Grigorieva N., Kozhevnikov A.


To date, the prevalence of diabetes mellitus (DM) has already reached the level of a non-infectious pandemic. With an increase in the prevalence of diabetes, the number of associated complications, including ophthalmic ones, is increasing. Diabetic retinopathy and diabetic macular edema are the main cause of vision loss among the working-age population. Understanding of the pathogenetic processes underlying the ophthalmological complications of diabetes determines the importance of early diagnosis and the need for timely treatment aimed at maintenance of visual functions. This review provides practical information on the management of patients with diabetic retinal lesions and describes the historical way of changing the paradigm of treating diabetic macular edema from retinal laser coagulation to the current gold standard - antiangiogenic therapy.
Pharmateca. 2019;26(4):68-78
pages 68-78 views

Potential drug interactions of oral hypoglycemic drugs that increase the risk of hypoglycemia

Pereverzev A., Ostroumova O., Tkacheva O.


Type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM2) is a metabolic disease that develops as a result of insulin secretion dysfunction or reduced tissue sensitivity to insulin action (insulin resistance). DM2 patients often suffer not only from the symptoms of elevated blood glucose levels, but also from the manifestations and complications of comorbidities that dictate the need for prescribing drug therapy. As a result, diabetic patients have a high risk of polypragmasy, which can cause a serious complication - hypoglycemia. The article provides a brief overview of some pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic interactions of glucose-lowering drugs, including with food and biologically active supplements.
Pharmateca. 2019;26(4):96-99
pages 96-99 views

Current approaches to the diagnostics and treatment of acromegaly

Antsiferov M., Alekseeva T., Andreeva A.


Acromegaly is a severe chronic neuroendocrine disease that requires timely, adequate diagnosis and therapy. In the diagnosis of acromegaly, determination of the insulin-like growth factor-1 and growth hormone levels, as well as neuroimaging, play a key role. In the treatment of acromegaly, surgery is the best choice. In the absence of ability of surgical intervention or in the case of non-radicality of the surgical treatment, the pharmacotherapy is indicated. Somatostatin analogues (SSA) today are the most effective means of drug control of secretory and proliferative tumor activity. In the case of resistance to SSA, it is possible to transfer to another SSA, increase the dose of SSA, or add dopamine agonists and growth hormone receptor antagonists to the SSA.
Pharmateca. 2019;26(4):100-104
pages 100-104 views

The place of glyflozins in the management of type 2 diabetes mellitus

Sharonova L., Verbovoy A.


Achievement of the optimal long-term glycemic control without increasing the risk of hypoglcemic conditions remains the goal of treating type 2 diabetes mellitus. According to the new recommendations, the drug for the treatment of a patient with diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular pathology should primarily have cardiovascular safety. SGLT2 inhibitors belong to this group of glucose-lowering drugs. The article discusses the glycemic and non-glycemic effects of SGLT2 inhibitors, and presents data from clinical studies on assessment of the safety and efficacy of therapy using various representatives of this class of drugs.
Pharmateca. 2019;26(4):105-110
pages 105-110 views

Do we know everything about the possibilities of metformin in the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus? Which of its combinations is the most studied, effective and available for the patient in the real practice of the endocrinologist?

Biryukova E., Solovyova I.


The incidence of type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM2) is growing steadily around the world, and the effectiveness of glycemic control in this disease is still insufficient. The pathogenetic mechanisms of DM2 are discussed. The important role of insulin resistance as a key element in the development of DM2 is emphasized. The molecular mechanisms of action of metformin are considered in detail; its glycemic and extraglycemic effects, and the place of this drug in modern therapy of type 2 diabetes are analyzed.
Pharmateca. 2019;26(4):111-121
pages 111-121 views

Obesity and associated diseases. Modern possibilities of prevention and treatment in real clinical practice

Markova T.


Among the proven risk factors for the development of non-communicable diseases and mortality from them, obesity has a special role due to a chronic recurrent nature of the course and a high prevalence among all segments of the population, regardless of gender and age. Currently, obesity-associated diseases include more than 10 nosologies, such as type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM2), cardiovascular and oncological diseases, polycystic ovarian syndrome, obstructive sleep apnea syndrome, and many others, but cardiovascular diseases and DM2 undoubtedly play a leading role. It has now been proven that the treatment of obesity can slow down the development of prediabetes and is one of the key factors in the treatment of DM2. Along with lifestyle changes, pharmacotherapy is an essential step in the management of obese patients. It has been convincingly proven that the use of Reduxin® and Reduxin®Met in patients without contraindications is effective and safe regardless of the presence of polymorbid pathology and the use of various concomitant therapies.
Pharmateca. 2019;26(4):122-127
pages 122-127 views

Thyrotoxicosis syndrome: difficulties of diagnostics and treatment (case of amyodaron-induced tyreotoxycosis)

Zhurtova I., Sizhazheva S., Ivanova M.


Background. A variety of clinical manifestations of thyrotoxicosis syndrome leads to the certain difficulties in the diagnosis of its causes. One of the rare forms of thyrotoxicosis syndrome is amiodarone-induced thyrotoxicosis, clinically manifested by a relapse of cardiac rhythm disturbances, an increase in angina attacks, the appearance or intensification of signs of heart failure. Description of the clinical case. The article describes the case history of a 60-year-old patient with difficulties in diagnosing and treating amiodarone-induced thyrotoxicosis due to a number of reasons: lack of information on amiodarone use in the medical history, difficulty in palpation and ultrasound of the thyroid gland because of its retrosternal location, and the lack of scintigraphy, a highly informative method for a very accurate differential diagnosis of many causes of thyrotoxicosis, in the region of residence. Conclusion. The features of the management of the presented patient included the treatment with glucocorticosteroids against the background of use of thiamazole. Compensation of thyrotoxicosis, developed on the background of taking amiodarone, is associated with many difficulties and requires an individual approach in each case.
Pharmateca. 2019;26(4):128-133
pages 128-133 views

Clinical case of the use of the long-acting somatostatin analogue in a patient with acromegaly who has not achieved clinical and laboratory remission after telegrammatherapy

Goldshmid A., Martynova E., Poteshkin Y.


Background. The duration of an increase in the growth hormone (GH) and insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) levels directly correlate with the mortality rates in acromegaly that’s why complete biochemical remission of this disease remains the treatment goal. Description of the clinical case. Clinical observation of 38-year-old patient L. is presented The diagnosis of «acromegaly» was established in 2007 (at the age of 27 years), and a course of telegrammatherapy was conducted. From 2008 to 2009, he received a short-acting octreotide analogue, from 2010 to 2016 - a prolonged somatostatin analogue, with pronounced improvement in general condition, but without achievement of laboratory remission. Since 2016, he receives long-acting somatostatin analogue. In the spring of 2018, he was admitted to the hospital for the assessment of the effectiveness of therapy and examination for the detection of complications. Clinical and laboratory compensation of the disease was revealed, and therefore it was recommended to continue drug therapy in the same regimen. Conclusion. Against the background of therapy with long-acting somatostatin analogue, patient with acromegaly achieved clinical and laboratory remission (GH <2.5 ng/ml, IGF-1 - within the reference range), thus, the stabilization of the disease can be expected. Since acromegaly, regardless of the activity of the process, serves as a factor that increases the cardiovascular risk significantly, all patients with this disease must be monitored by a cardiologist with the timely prescription of HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors (statins), if necessary.
Pharmateca. 2019;26(4):134-137
pages 134-137 views

Extreme risk category in the stratification of cardiovascular complications. Consensus Council of experts

Expert C.


The conclusion of the advisory board demonstrates the necessity of introducing a new risk category for cardiovascular complications: the extreme risk category. The article presents the analysis of the studies that were the basis for the introduction of this risk category. The following patients groups may be classified as an extreme risk category: combination of clinically significant atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease with diabetes mellitus type 2; atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease with cardiovascular complications occurred despite adequate lipid lowering therapy and/or achieved LDL cholesterol level <1.5 mmol/l. Management of extreme risk patients is discussed, that includes not only requirements of achievement of LDL cholesterol, blood pressure and HbA1c target levels, but also using of drugs with proved effectiveness in reducing cardiovascular risk.
Pharmateca. 2019;26(4):138-143
pages 138-143 views

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