Visual Picture of the World in the Reflection of Modern Media

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The article “Visual picture of the world in the reflection of modern media” is a part of the scientific work devoted to the analysis of the methods of disclosure of the plurality of meanings by means of visualise and ways of their influence on the viewer's perception.

The analysis offered for discussion of questions allows to trace in a new way process of search of expressiveness of screen culture, including off-screen media content and art projects. We also consider how with the advent of computer technology, modern media, United in a single screen culture, seek to reflect the picture of the rapidly changing world in its mosaic, in the development of end-toend time. Special attention is paid to the visual form of plastic images of cinema and television, which largely predetermined the path of development of visual perception of the world through sensory knowledge of the global process-taking place in the world. The author highlights the question of how the screen directs a person on the path of solving problems on links/trailers, lifehacks / commercials, running lines, while providing the right to choose, and new judgments, sometimes non-trivial, and sometimes false.

Revealing the connections of new communicative means the author offers the concept of the birth of a new civilization, where online communication, information exchange, media messages, various formats-not just a way to change the transmission of information, but civilization with its own laws and rules of communication, with a new language, based on technical and English — language terms, expanding the possibility of merging different cultural layers, with its philosophy and aesthetics, where visualization is a way to control the viewer's attention. Various forms of editing in its broadest sense become the main "bridge"of the whole" composition" of the world order, where the division into the size of the event series, media persons is decisive. Various forms of editing in its broadest sense become the main "bridge"of the whole" composition" of the world order, where the division into the size of the event series, media persons is decisive. To reveal a number of issues, the author draws Parallels with the cinema, highlighting the similarities and differences in the specifics of the spectacular nature of the two components of modern screen culture.

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About the authors

Natalya I Utilova

Higher School of Television of Moscow State University

Author for correspondence.

Doctor of Art, Professor

Russian Federation, Moscow


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