The 60s. Half a Century Later. Nostalgia


The author of such books on film history and theory as “Masterpieces of the Documentary Screen” (2015), “The World Documentary Screen” (2011),“The Concept of Reality in Pre-Television Era” (2004), “The Concept of Master Shot in the Screen Document” (2002), “The Issues of Modern Soviet Documentary Filmmaking” (1988), and a number of articles published in various academic journals. Summary: Overlooking the misery of artistic search in modern practice of the national documentary cinema prompts to turn to the experiences obtained half a century ago: the rise of artistic search in the documentaries of the 60-s. The article (conclusion, for the beginning see issue № 4 (26) 2015) examines the socio-psychological atmosphere, which formed “the moral solidarity" of the generation that devoted itself to the renovation of documentary cinema; as well as looking into the makeover of the aesthetics of screen documentary of that time.

About the authors

Galina S Prozhiko


Author for correspondence.

Dr. in Art, Professor, Head of Film Studies workshop


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  2. Джулай Л. Документальный иллюзион. Отечественный кинодокументализм - опыты социального творчества. - М.: Материк, 2001.
  3. Дробашенко С. Экран и жизнь. - М.: Искусство, 1962.
  4. Дробашенко С. Феномен достоверности. - М.: Наука, 1972.
  5. Мастерство оператора-документалиста (ред. сост. Прожико ГС. ). - М.: ВГИК, 1974.
  6. Прожико Г. Жанры в советском документальном кино 60-70 гг. - М.: ВГИК, 1980.
  7. Прожико Г. Концепция реальности в экранном документе. - М.: ВГИК, 2004.
  8. Рошаль Л. Мир и игра. - М.: Искусство, 1973.
  9. Стреков И. Автор и документальный фильм. - М.: ВГИК, 1967.
  10. Тарковский Андрей. Архивы. Документы. Воспоминания. - М.: Подкова; Эксмо-Пресс, 2002.

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