Centenary of the oldest film school


On September 1, 2019, the All-Russian State Institute of Cinematography named after S.A. Gerasimov (VGIK) celebrated its 100th anniversary.

The centenary anniversary of one of the oldest film schools in the world is celebrated both in Russia, where the art of cinema enjoys special recognition among Russians, and in the countries of near and far abroad, where numerous graduates of VGIK work, honoring their Alma Mater.

In connection with the anniversary, the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin expressed gratitude to the VGIK staff "For services in the development of national culture and art, many years of fruitful work." On the days of the anniversary, Vladimir Putin visited VGIK, examined the classrooms, got acquainted with the work of the Faculty of Animation and Multimedia, the Faculty of Cinematography, and held a meeting with masters, graduates and students of the university.

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On September 1, 2019, the All-Russian State Institute of Cinematography named after S.A. Gerasimov (VGIK) celebrated its 100th anniversary

The centenary of one of the world's oldest film schools is celebrated both in Russia, where the art of cinema enjoys special recognition among Russians, and in the countries of near and far abroad, where numerous graduates of VGIK work, honoring their Alma Mater.

In connection with the anniversary, the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin expressed gratitude to the VGIK staff "For services in the development of national culture and art, many years of fruitful work." On the days of the anniversary, Vladimir Putin visited VGIK, examined the classrooms, got acquainted with the work of the Faculty of Animation and Multimedia, the Faculty of Cinematography, and held a meeting with masters, graduates and students of the university.

Recognition of the significance of the VGIK's merits and contribution to the education and training of young professionals in the field of cinema, television, and other screen arts was the holding in Moscow of the World Congress of the International Association of Film and Television Schools CILECT (Center International de Liaison des Ecoles de Cinéma et de Télévision), the third account of the forum since the creation of this organization in 1955. Almost 200 representatives of the management staff of 106 film universities from 39 countries gathered to congratulate the hero of the day.

The grand opening of the Congress took place in the cinema and concert hall of VGIK, where the Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation V.R. Medinsky, who opened this international forum, President of the CILECT Association Professor Bruce Sheridan, Executive Director of CILECT S. Semerdzhiev, Rector of VGIK V.S. Malyshev, made greetings. During the Congress, round tables were held, where delegates discussed a wide range of film education issues in international film schools, student films were shown, and master classes were held.

The work of two scientific and practical conferences within the framework of the Congress - “Dramaturgy and Media. Difficulties and prospects of interaction ”, where a wide resonance was caused by the report of Yu.N. Arabov, a well-known screenwriter, head. the Department of Cinema Drama of VGIK, as well as the Meeting on the Problems of Technical Development of the Film Industry, where the main speakers were recognized directors - V.I. Khotinenko, head. Department of Directing Feature Films VGIK, and Karen Palmer, laureate of numerous international awards.


About the authors

Journal Editorial

Author for correspondence.
Email: vestnik-vgik@vgik.info
Russian Federation, Россия, 129226 Москва, ул. Вильгельма Пика, д.3


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