Fractal graphic as digital objectless art


This article analyses the phenomenon of digital computer graphics, based on mathematical calculations, and possibilities of using it in different modern art techniques. Digital fractal patterns are irregular, self-similar structures, which are based on natural objects' group of similar characteristics, such as: corals, starfishes, sea urchins, snowflakes, crowns of the trees. The principle of such image shaping is natural, so it’s worthwhile to trace down it's digital mathematic simulation. Contrary to digital graphic and painting, fractal graphic does not base on classic art traditions. The closest to the fractal graphics are objectless ornamental traditions, inheriting principles of infinite spatial creation of similar groups. The article includes the comparison of general ornamental rules and features of fractal images. Due to the fact that modern computer software allows to create the digital fractal graphics without special mathematical skills, an artist can combine traditional and digital painting and abstract fractal graphic to reach that level of balance and fortuity of an image, that abstract artist has tried to get, using traditional techniques. The fractal graphic is examined as a digital counterpart of traditional painting technique of monotyping in complex art work. Author underlines the likeness of many digital and material ways of creating images. Finally, the visual language of a piece of art still remains more important, than technological details of its production.


Dmitry Nekrasov



postgraduate student


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版权所有 © Nekrasov D.Y., 2014
