The Search of New Distribution Patterns in Digital Media Environment


Digital technologies and the Internet in particular are causing deep changes in film industry. The development of the VoD service is enhancing the tendency for digitalization and disintermediation. Consequently, there is a considerable cost reduction in the value chain. In the long term future there can be a radical revision of the existing system of distribution “windows”. To understand the principles of the on-line distribution the author tries to estimate the impact of new media technologies on film distribution and the strategy of its main participants


Поиски новых моделей кинодистрибьюции в цифровой медиасреде


Gennady Bakulev


PhD (Philology), professor, Russian and Foreign Languages Department


  1. Epstein, E.J. Gross Misunderstanding: Forget About the Box-Office. Slate, 2005, May 16.
  2. Film Industry, Led By Electronic Delivery, Will Grow in Every Category Through 2015: Report. The Hollywood Reporter, 6/14/2011.
  3. DeFleur, M.L., Ball-Rockeach, S. Theories of Mass Communication. Longman, NY, 1988. -P. 84.
  4. Epstein, E.J. Gross Misunderstanding: Forget About the Box-Office. Slate, 2005, May 16.
  5. DeFleur, M.L., Ball-Rockeach, S. Theories of Mass Communication. Longman, NY, 1988. - P.84.
  6. Film Industry, Led By Electronic Delivery, Will Grow in Every Category Through 2015: Report. The Hollywood Reporter, 6/14/2011.



版权所有 © Bakulev G.P., 2011
