Film Art in the System of Forming a Stage Identity Model





The article examines the processes of forming stage identity models in the artistic space of cinema that possesses a modeling function, the ability to create new identity types, to influence the formation of a personality and change social relations. A screen art work both reflects the inner identity changes and offers the culture subjects some plausible behavior models for self-identifying in everyday life. By analyzing a number of ilms the author singles out four stages of identity development and deines their main characteristics. The structure and process of identity formation are treated as the result of interaction with culture. The configuration of identity depends on the prevalent cultural system. The notions "Culture 1" and "Culture 2" are revised and such concepts as "product culture" and "conlict culture" are introduced.


Vladimir Kolotayev

VGIK,Russian Liberal Arts University

доктор филологических наук; РГГУ,ВГИК; VGIK,Russian Liberal Arts University


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版权所有 © Kolotayev V.A., 1970
