卷 4, 编号 2-3 (2012)


[ biblioteka VGIK ]

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Vestnik VGIK I Journal of Film Arts and Film Studies. 2012;4(2-3):272-272
pages 272-272 views

[ biblioteka VGIK ]

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Vestnik VGIK I Journal of Film Arts and Film Studies. 2012;4(2-3):286-286
pages 286-286 views

[ biblioteka VGIK ]

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Vestnik VGIK I Journal of Film Arts and Film Studies. 2012;4(2-3):306-309
pages 306-309 views


Iyun'skaya kinomaniya

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Vestnik VGIK I Journal of Film Arts and Film Studies. 2012;4(2-3):202-202
pages 202-202 views


Sociocultural Functions of Film Libraries and Archives

Malyshev V.


The article surveys the sociocultural principles of the functioning of film libraries and archives in terms of the evolution of the film archive sphere, mainly as exemplified by the history of the FIAF, whose ideology and practical activity the new trends in this field reflect.
Vestnik VGIK I Journal of Film Arts and Film Studies. 2012;4(2-3):6-19
pages 6-19 views

World War Two in the Cinema of the Late 1950s

Zaitseva L.


The article explores the theme of the war in the cinema of the late 1950s as exemplified by the landmark films of the period: «Soldiers» (dir. A. Ivanov) and «The Cranes Are Flying» (dir. M. Kalatozov) with the protagonist as an ordinary person poorly suited for warfare on the one pole of the conflict, and the tragic character of the alien situations on the other.
Vestnik VGIK I Journal of Film Arts and Film Studies. 2012;4(2-3):20-30
pages 20-30 views

The Non-Selection Virus. A. Zvyagintsev’s «Elena» in Terms of Identity Theory

Kluyeva L.


The article investigates the artistic peculiarities of A. Zvyagintsev’s new film «Elena» which stands apart from all his preceding work. In a sense, the film demonstrates the director’s rejection of the previously found pattern associated with Zvyagintsev’s style. The author analyses the director’s specific manner reflecting his aesthetic principles. The analysis is done from two points of view: the philosophy of the film (the anthropological aspect) and in terms of the identity. Special attention is given to the audience’s projective perception in the film’s structure.
Vestnik VGIK I Journal of Film Arts and Film Studies. 2012;4(2-3):31-48
pages 31-48 views

Personal Critical Points in Soviet Cinema: from «Ilyich Gate» to «Flights in Dreams and in Reality»

Bezenkova M.


The article traces the main age-related personal critical points that formed the conflict in the landmark films of the 1960-1980s — «Ilych Gate» and «July Rain» (dir. M. Khytsiev), «Unfinished Piece for the Player Piano» (dir. N. Mikhalkov), 'Flights in Dreams and in Reality» (dir. R. Balayan) — in the context of the protagonist’s changes in Soviet cinema.
Vestnik VGIK I Journal of Film Arts and Film Studies. 2012;4(2-3):67-76
pages 67-76 views


Historic and Cultural Background of the «Belye Stolby» Festival of Archive Films

Malyshev V.


The article reveals the history of creating the «Belye Stolby» Festival of Archive Films and analyses the historic and cultural conditions of the emergence of one of the most respectful events in archive cinema.
Vestnik VGIK I Journal of Film Arts and Film Studies. 2012;4(2-3):50-57
pages 50-57 views

The Paradoxes of the Thaw Period

Zaitseva L.


The so called Thaw Period which got its name thanks to Ilya Ehrenburg, holds a specific place in the history of Russian culture. It is characterized by complex contradictory tendencies viewed by the author using the film «Ilyich Gate» (dir. M. Khutsiev, sc. G. Shpalikov) as an example.
Vestnik VGIK I Journal of Film Arts and Film Studies. 2012;4(2-3):58-66
pages 58-66 views

Artistic and Aesthetical Aspects of the Systematic Change in the First Half of the 20th Century

Burov A.


The article highlights certain artistic and aesthetical aspects of the systematic change in the art of the first half of the 20th century. Based on specific factors, the author discovers a number of basic criteria for the artistic, aesthetical and structural evaluation of post-visual phrases (relevant for both post-visual phrase of the first half of the 20th century and the postvisual phrase of the second half of the 20th century and the beginning og the 21st century).
Vestnik VGIK I Journal of Film Arts and Film Studies. 2012;4(2-3):77-85
pages 77-85 views

The Image of Home in Cinema

Reizen O.


The article is a review of the most widely used images of home in the world cinema. Different film styles, genres, trends create a patchwork of various and more often than not antipodal representations. But at the same time there are certain universal characteristics of images of home on the screen, determinated by the specific film language and literature traditions.
Vestnik VGIK I Journal of Film Arts and Film Studies. 2012;4(2-3):86-94
pages 86-94 views


The Role of Memory in the Perception of the Screen Image

Poznin V.


The article investigates one of the aspects of psychology of art, namely, the role of different types of human memory — sensory, long-time, short-time — in the forming of an artistic image in the perception of an audiovisual entity. The audience’s perception of such specific cinematic methods as pan shot and dolly shot, as well as different types of parallel, associative and distance montage rests on the peculiarities of our short-time and long-time memory. On the other hand, the complex polyphonic combination of various visual chronotopes in modern films is based on the imitation of memory typical for our dreams.
Vestnik VGIK I Journal of Film Arts and Film Studies. 2012;4(2-3):96-105
pages 96-105 views

The Actor’s Perception of the Partner’s Speech

Avtushenko I.


The article explores the process of auditory perception as part of scenic communication. The ability to hear plays an important role in theatric action as it generates true intercommunication. When the partners on stage really listen and hear each other, their speech becomes vivid and intimate. How can one achieve the novelty of impression? It is done by means of introducing new shades of intonation and pace connected with the partner’s immediate feelings. The ability to understand the partner’s inner life and expressing the emotional intonation of the actor’s speech is determined by the possession of the emotional ear which can and must be developed at Speech Technique classes.
Vestnik VGIK I Journal of Film Arts and Film Studies. 2012;4(2-3):106-116
pages 106-116 views

The War in Yury German’s Novel «Operation «Happy New Year!» and Alexey German’s Film «Trial on the Road»

Sibirtseva Y.


The article analyses Alexey German’s film «Trial on the Road» as the screen adaptation of Yury German’s novel «Operation 'Happy New Year!’» It examines the specific features of translating literature into film language. According to the author of the article, due to these features the theme of the war is developed in the film in a somewhat different way than it is done in the book.
Vestnik VGIK I Journal of Film Arts and Film Studies. 2012;4(2-3):117-130
pages 117-130 views

Cliplike Montage and Illusory World

Utilova N.


The present publication is a fragment of a survey devoted to the emergence and development of the music video montage which enhances the sense perception of screen images plunging the spectator into the world of illusion. The search for the origins of this montage form are of not only academic interest, but reveal certain practical possibilities of using music video montage in various audiovisual genres outside TV.
Vestnik VGIK I Journal of Film Arts and Film Studies. 2012;4(2-3):131-146
pages 131-146 views


The Role of Memory in the Perception of the Screen Image

Nikitina I.


The article deals with the methodological significance of defining the examined phenomenon, particularly, art. It is shown that the procedure is complex and ambiguous. The author analyses the principal types of the definition of art — empirical, metaphysical and institutional — and argues that the final definition of the notion «art» has not been found yet.
Vestnik VGIK I Journal of Film Arts and Film Studies. 2012;4(2-3):148-156
pages 148-156 views

Classic and Hellenistic Greece

Pondopulo G.


The article is devoted to the role of the classic heritage in the formation of the culture of the Early Modern Period. Opening the series of articles «On the Crossroads of European Culture», the present publication investigates the influence made by the Classic Greek cultural archetype and Hellenistic tradition on the formation of modern philosophy of culture. Their impact was ambivalent because of the fact that the archetype (Logos) was based on reason and the interest for the logical constructing of cosmic models while the cultural tradition was grounded on the interest of studying nature as the basis of universal and human existence and the search for the best way to a happy life independent of the will of gods. And that gave an anthropological shade to the whole culturological process.
Vestnik VGIK I Journal of Film Arts and Film Studies. 2012;4(2-3):157-164
pages 157-164 views

Who Is the Subject, and Who Is the Actor of Culture?

Neretin O.


The article considers the problem of the subject of culture, differentiating between the notions «subject of culture», «auteur of culture» and «cultural elite» which reflect specific characteristics of the bearer and the creator of the cultural activity. The distinction between the notions assumes theoretical and practical significance for culture administration.
Vestnik VGIK I Journal of Film Arts and Film Studies. 2012;4(2-3):165-173
pages 165-173 views

Artistic and symbolic meaning of Alexander Sokurov’s tetralogy (philosophical and aesthetic study)

Bychkov V.


The article includes one of the possible philosophical and aesthetical interpretations of the basic metaphysical meaning of A. Sokurov’s tetralogy. Expressed by entirely artistic means, the Moloch of power, being irrational chthonic force, governs not only its earthly bearers (leaders), but the very «Prince of the world» changing lately as useless for the new irrational bearers of the Faust-like satirical epoch of our anthropogenic civilization.
Vestnik VGIK I Journal of Film Arts and Film Studies. 2012;4(2-3):174-183
pages 174-183 views

Problems of Animation Film Visual Anthropology

Krivulya N.


The article studies animation as a sociocultural practice, a screen art and a research method within the trends of the contemporary visual anthropology. The author surveys the fundamental anthropology animation methods while working with ethnographical, folklore and culture material and the usage of reconstructive animation within the practice of social and visual anthropology.
Vestnik VGIK I Journal of Film Arts and Film Studies. 2012;4(2-3):184-201
pages 184-201 views


Madrid, province, Barcelona. Geography as a Phenomenological Object of Cinema

Reizen O.


Geographical object as locations of the films, analyzed in the article, are tackled not as places of interest. The author studies the reasons of this or that choice, the presentation methods of different cities and streets as reflections of the political, economic and cultural situation in the country. Geographical objects are of great importance in displaying the general atmosphere of life in Spain, and thus, the research of the very narrative object enables the author to come to a number of conclusions connected both with the history of Spain and the history of Spanish cinema.
Vestnik VGIK I Journal of Film Arts and Film Studies. 2012;4(2-3):204-219
pages 204-219 views

«Terra Incognita» Cinema

Zvegintseva I.


The article treats of New Zealand film history that due to a number of reasons remains little known for a wide audience.
Vestnik VGIK I Journal of Film Arts and Film Studies. 2012;4(2-3):220-229
pages 220-229 views


Cinema and Advertising: Enemies or Allies?

Zvegintseva I.


The article considers the ways of cinema and advertising business interaction. Special attention is given to the use of Product Placement technology(placement of a certain trade mark, goods or services in a work of art: film, TV film, series or TV program, literature, play etc) in present-day cinema.
Vestnik VGIK I Journal of Film Arts and Film Studies. 2012;4(2-3):262-271
pages 262-271 views


Television Civilization and Image of Reality

Utilova N.


The article considers television up-to-date tendencies in the age of globalization. The emergence of digital technologies not only changes the process of TV multi-genre production making but has an impact on the whole of audiovisual culture and trustworthiness of the mirrored reality.
Vestnik VGIK I Journal of Film Arts and Film Studies. 2012;4(2-3):274-285
pages 274-285 views


Art between Scylla and Charybdis Panel Discussion: «Paradoxes of Modern Artistic Culture»

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This image-bearing name was given to the sitting of the Discussion club «Paradoxes of Modern Art Culture» arranged by the Chair of aesthetics, culture history and theory of VGIK together with a group of postnonclassic aesthetics of the Institute of Philosophy of Russian Academy. It was devoted to discussing a fundamental work by V.Bichkov, N.Mankovskaya, V.Ivanov «Trialogue. Living Aesthetics and Modern Philosophy of Art»(Moscow, Progress-Tradition, 2012, 840 pages, illustr.) All the participants unanimously agreed that «Trialogue» could justly be named an encyclopedia of modern artistic culture.
Vestnik VGIK I Journal of Film Arts and Film Studies. 2012;4(2-3):232-247
pages 232-247 views

What Is an Ideal Script? Panel Discussion within the Framework of the Conference »Hero in Modern Writing»

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The conference «Hero in Modern Writing « was held in VGIK with the panel discussion «What is an ideal script» as its key event. With the aim of training young scriptwriters the participants discussed the matter of creating a quality film and TV script and analyzed the problem of an ideal script criteria.
Vestnik VGIK I Journal of Film Arts and Film Studies. 2012;4(2-3):248-260
pages 248-260 views


Television: Process and Phenomenon

Shumakov S.


The article considers the basic trends of modern Russian television and its links with the global processes of media communications. Special place is given to the form and genre structure of TV programs with singling out their dialogic character and television basic link with the present-day audience’s peculiarities of screen arts perception.
Vestnik VGIK I Journal of Film Arts and Film Studies. 2012;4(2-3):288-294
pages 288-294 views


The Origins of Surrealism. Absolutizing the Unconscious

Adashevskaya Z.


The article analyses three films that marked cinema’s mastering of the leading artistic trend at the turn of the 20-ies-30-ies ,that of Surrealism. Comparing films «Un Chien andalou»(1929) and «L'Age d’Or»(1930) by Salvador Dali and Luis Bunuel with the film «Le sang dun poète» by Jean Cocteau (1931) the author follows the transformations the main postulates of Andre Breton, the founder of Surrealism, underwent.
Vestnik VGIK I Journal of Film Arts and Film Studies. 2012;4(2-3):296-305
pages 296-305 views
