The Liberal Project of the Republican Nation in the Horizon of the New European “Management Paradigm”

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The purpose of the article is to analyze the “story of the history of the emergence of European nations” as a historical narrative; the variability of “told stories” presented in the form of scientific sociological discourses reveals significant “ambiguities” (E. Balibar) in the representation of the nation, which provides material (objects) for subject thematization in scientific research. The task is to identify and determine the conditions for the possibility of a consistent representation of the nation and the principle of its structure. The article concludes that the representation of the nation as a “new European phenomenon” is due to the ascent of the “activity paradigm” (J. Agamben), in which “function” and “being” reach “indistinguishability” in reality; in the “managerial paradigm” (M. Foucault), the social place of the nation first appears in two interrelated discourses: wars (the nation as the “political form of the people” is the subject of the revolution) and the population (the nation as a “social community” and as a category of scientific sociological discourse). The significance of the normativity of the construction of scientific discourses of the nation in the horizon of liberalism is determined. The first article analyzes the narrative history of the emergence of the first European nation by L. Grinfeld; establishes the reasons why the “republican” “English national identity” is considered exemplary and should be evaluated as the only suitable model for nation-building; reveals the principle of removing the “ambiguity” between the representation of the nation as a “political community” and a “social community” in the horizon of liberal the “republican nation” project.

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About the authors

Konstantin G. Maltsev

Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G. Shukhov

Dr. Sci. (Philos.), Professor; Professor at the Department of Theory and Methodology of Science Belgorod, Russian Federation

Artem L. Alaverdyan

Belgorog Technical School of Industry and Services

Cand. Sci. (Philos.) Belgorod, Russian Federation


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