Parliamentarism as a political institute of public administration


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The article examines the issues of parliamentarism, which is a special system of public administration, structurally and functionally based on the principles of separation of powers, the rule of law with the leading role of parliament in order to implement the constitutional consolidation of the sovereignty of the people. At the same time, the principle of separation of powers occupies a central place in matters of public administration. The purpose of the theory of separation of powers is to create an effective mechanism for the functioning of state bodies, to create security of citizens from arbitrariness and abuse of power, to ensure political freedoms. The purpose of the study is to analyze research materials and legal regulation of the parliament as the bearer of state power. It should be noted that the role and importance of the parliament in the constitutional mechanism for the implementation of state power, based on the theory of popular sovereignty of the majority of modern states, is reflected in the legislative basis for the functioning of these higher representative collegial bodies. The development of the legislative framework leads to the formation of parliamentary law. Thus, parliamentarism today is a complex structure of legislative power, a multifunctional subsystem and an integral part of an extensive political system. At the same time, the essence of parliamentarism, following changes in its historical functions and structure, was often expressed by isolating and emphasizing any of its individual elements. Based on the study, the author comes to the conclusion that it is quite obvious that branched, well-organized and effectively functioning representative structures, both at the federal and regional levels, are necessary for Russia today, when we have embarked on the path of building a rule-of-law state, creating a civilized and a democratic society. It is the parliament that acts as a collector and spokesman for the interests of groups and structures that form civil society, melting these interests into state will. Effective public administration in a market economy not only does not exclude, but, on the contrary, presupposes the development and improvement of parliamentarism. Only under this condition can one count on the formation at the federal and regional levels of a powerful legislative base, adequate to the new historical conditions. It goes without saying that without such a base, further reforms in the economic, financial, social, political and other areas are unthinkable. The source of such a base is parliament.

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Aksana Popova

Volga State University of Water Transport

Cand. Sci. (Polit.); Head administrative management Nizhniy Novgorod, Russian Federation


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