
A Portrait of State Preceptor Xibi Baoyuan: Case Study of Identification
Bogdanov K.
Nikolai Nevsky, Ishihama Juntarō, and the Lost “Extended Manual” of Tangut Characters with Tibetan Phonetic Glosses
Zaytsev V., Tai C.
The Tangut Dictionary by E.I. Kychanov and the Study of the Shapes of the Tangut Script
Arakawa S.
Introducing the New Tangut Literature Series (TLS)
Du W.
Quotations from Zhuangzi in Tangut Literature
Hongyin N.
New Translations of Some Tangut Words
Wang P.
The Mixed Homonymic Characters: Procedures for Primary Teaching as Recommended by the Tanguts
Nie H., Sun Y.
On the Design of a “Trebuchet” in the Tangut Manuscript of IOM, RAS
Shintaro A.
Tangut Pillars of Uṣṇīṣavijayā in Baoding Prefecture: The Last Monuments of Xixia Descendants
Nie H.
E.I. Kychanov’s Translation of the “Revised and Newly Approved Code of the Heavenly Prosperity Reign” in the Context of the Development of Modern Translation Studies
Meng X., Tsareva N.
On the Tangut Version of the Abhisamayālaṁkāra Series Preserved at the IOM, RAS
Ma X.
The Preface to the Shiwang Jing: An Early Legend of Revival
Zhang J.
A Unique Tangut Primary Reader Brief Collection by Taizong kept in the IOM RAS
Hongyin N.
Ritual Funeral Text Tang 665 from the Tangut Collection of IOM, RAS
Bogdanov K.
Tangut Documents from Khara-Khoto concerning Loans of Grain (Translated and Edited by Kirill Solonin)
Kychanov E., Solonin K.
Imperial Postscript to the Tangut, Chinese and Tibetan Editions of the dhāraṇī-sūtras in the Collection of the IOM, RAS
Hamanaka S., Sizova A.
The Jin’gangjing zuan 金剛經纂 in Old Uighur with Parallels in Tangut and Chinese
Kōichi K., Zieme P.
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