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卷 7, 编号 7 (2021)


pages 7-43 views

Obesity, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, and FTO oligonucleotide polymorphism

Geyvandova T., Rogova S.


Aim of the study: to determine the prevalence of FTO gene polymorphism and clinical importance of it in patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) associated with obesity. Material and methods. 114 patients with NAFLD associated with obesity or overweight were examined. The comparison group consisted of 72 healthy individuals with a BMI <25, comparable to the patients by gender and age. Oligonucleotide polymorphism T / A of the FTO gene (rs9939609) was determined using allele-specific PCR (OOO NPF Litekh) followed by electrophoretic detection. Results. In patients with NAFLD associated with overweight and obesity, the FTO (rs9939609) T / A polymorphism was more often than in the healthy population. The AA genotype and the A allele in obesity of the 2 and 3 classes are more often, and the TT genotype is less often than in persons with class 1 obesity and overweight. Unfavorable genotypes of the FTO gene TA and AA were associated with high blood triglycerides. In patients with NAFLD with type 2 diabetes, allele A is more often observed and, less often, the TT genotype. The development of non-alcoholic steatohepatitis often occurs in the presence of the A allele of the FTO gene. Conclusion. The studies carried out indicate the important role of the FTO (rs9939609) T/A gene polymorphism in the pathogenesis of obesity and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.
Therapy. 2021;7(7):44-49
pages 44-49 views

Pathology of the musculoskeletal system in inflammatory bowel diseases

Kozlova I., Kudishina M., Bykova A., Krylova Y.


The frequency of pathology of the musculoskeletal system against the background of inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) reaches 40%. The aim of the study was to assess the frequency, clinical, biochemical, and radiological features of axial (ankylosing spondylitis) and peripheral arthropathy type I, biochemical markers of bone metabolism disorders, and bone mineral density (BMD) parameters in comparison with the phenotype, clinical features, and morphometric characteristics of CD3-immunopositive colonocytes in patients with Crohn's disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis (UC). Material and methods. The study included 157 patients with UC and 37 patients with CD. In patients with ankylosing spondylitis in IBD, a quantitative assessment of the general state of health was performed using the BASDAI questionnaire, the combined ASDAS index of CRP, and the functional activity of patients using the DFI index. Structural changes in the musculoskeletal system were verified by X-ray examination of the sacroiliac joint, spine, and large joints. To assess the biochemical markers of BMD, the levels of tartrate-resistant acid and alkaline phosphatase, and ionized calcium were determined in the blood serum. Instrumental methods included densitometry with the determination of the T-score. The results of morphometric and immunohistochemical studies were taken into account with the assessment of the quantitative density of CD3-positive colonocytes of the epithelium and the own plate of the colon mucosa. Results and conclusion. Pathology of the musculoskeletal system in IBD was diagnosed in 48,6% of patients with CD and in 14% of patients with UC. Bowel disease debuted as arthropathy in 2,5% of patients with UC and in 13,5% of patients with CD. For peripheral arthropathies of type I on the background of IBD, non-erosive changes in the articular surfaces without joint deformity were characteristic. Osteopenic syndrome was detected in 8,2% of patients. In UC, the risk factors for osteopenia were a recurrent course of the disease with a history of 3-5 years; in CD, terminal ileitis with a history of up to 1 year, a recurrent course. In 3,1% of cases, osteopenia is associated with steroid-dependent forms of IBD. Osteopenic syndrome in IBD was also associated with an increase in the quantitative density of CD3-positive colonocytes in the epithelium and in the selfplate of the colon mucosa. In patients with ankylosing spondylitis on the background of CD, the maximum increase in these parameters was observed.
Therapy. 2021;7(7):50-57
pages 50-57 views

Family of selectins in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease

Koroy P., Kravchenko Y., Yagoda A.


Objective: to study relationship of selectins with features of course of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). Material and methods. 208 patients with NAFLD (107 men, 101 women) aged from 18 to 65 years were included in study. In 64,4% of cases disease was characterized by absence of increase in activity of cytolytic enzymes, in 35,6% of patients there was variant with increase in activity of alanine (AlAT) and aspartic (AsAT) aminotransferases. Patients were more likely to have mild (40,8%) and moderate (38,5%) hepatic steatosis. The metabolic syndrome was detected in 59,1% of NAFLD cases. Results. Statistically significant increase of levels of E-, P- and L-selectins in blood was present in NAFLD. In patients with increased activity of aminotransferases concentration of E-selectin in blood was higher than in those with normal levels of AsAT and AlAT. The comorbidity of NAFLD and metabolic syndrome was characterized by decrease in levels of L-selectin in blood. With increasing severity of liver steatosis levels of E-selectin in blood increased, and levels of L-selectin decreased, reaching extreme values in steatosis of 3rd degree. The threshold values of E-selectin >51 ng/ml had moderate accuracy (74,6%) in distinguishing between the norm and NAFLD. Conclusion. Increased levels of selectins in blood is interrelated with variants of course of NAFLD. Association of selectins imbalance with severity of disease indicates clinical and pathogenetic significance of endothelial mediators in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.
Therapy. 2021;7(7):58-63
pages 58-63 views

Predictive value of studying lipopolysaccharide -binding protein in liver cirrhosis

Levitan B., Kasyanova T., Voloshina O., Martynova A.


The aim of the study was to establish the prognostic and diagnostic value of the study of the concentration of lipopolysaccharide - binding protein (LBP) in the blood of patients with liver cirrhosis (LC). Material and methods. The study involved 120 patients with LC of viral, alcoholic and mixed etiology and 30 apparently healthy donors (control group). The studies were carried out during the hospitalization of the patient in the gastroenterological department in the phase of exacerbation of the disease. LBP concentration in blood plasma was determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Results. The median values of LBP concentration in LC with a high degree of reliability (p <0.001) was higher than in the control group. The variability of LBP indices in LC ranged from 10,4 ng/ml to 58,3 ng/ ml. The level of protein in the blood plasma was increased compared with the normal ranges in 88% of patients. The increase in LBP concentration did not have significant differences depending on the etiology of LC. An increase in LBP values was significantly associated with disease activity, severity of portal hypertension (PH) and associated syndromes: ascites, chronic hepatic encephalopathy, degree of esophageal varicose veins, increased Child-Pugh gradation, and LC decompensation. A comparative study of the clinical and laboratory characteristics of the disease was carried out in two subgroups of LC patients with the lowest (LBP <30 ng/ml; n=20) and highest (LBP> 45 ng/ml; n=38) protein concentrations. Differences in the compared subgroups had a high degree of statistical significance (p <0,01). It has been shown that in patients with LC, a significant (threefold and higher, compared with the normal ranges) increase in the blood LBP level is associated with a more severe course of the disease, the appearance of endotoxemia and systemic inflammation syndromes, a high risk of developing decompensation of LC, compared with patients with no more than a twofold increase in LBP concentration. Conclusion. The study of LBP concentration in blood in patients with LC can be used to diagnose syndromes of bacterial overgrowth in the intestine, endotoxemia. The detection of a threefold or more increase in the LBP concentration in the blood characterizes the severity of the pathological process in the liver, the severity of PH and associated syndromes, and allows predicting the development of decompensated LC.
Therapy. 2021;7(7):64-70
pages 64-70 views

Influence of TGF-β1 expression on the development of tubulointerstitial fibrosis in patients with primary chronic glomerulonephritis

Mukhtarova A., Batyushin M., Sinelnik E., Antipova N., Gadaborsheva H.


Objective: to study the role of transforming growth factor-B1 (TGF-β1) in the development of tubulointerstitial fibrosis (TIF) in patients with primary glomerulonephritis. Material and methods. The study included 75 patients (aged 18 to 80 years) with primary chronic glomerulonephritis in the acute phase, who underwent puncture nephrobiopsy if indicated. As a result of the immunohistochemical analysis of the biopsy, it was established: a weak degree of expression of TGF-β1 - in 15 biopsies, moderate - in 44, significant - in 15. Results. When studying the effect of TGF-β1 on the severity of TIF, a directly proportional correlation relationship was established (r - 0.37; p <0.05). Expressed expression of TGF-B1 was noted in the epithelium of the proximal tubule. This effect is probably due to the fact that in the presence of damage, these cells can have a paracrine effect on the surrounding tissues. Conclusion. TGF-B1 is involved in the development of irreversible changes in various parts of the nephron, which makes it possible to consider the studied marker as one of the potential prognostic criteria for the outcome of chronic kidney disease.
Therapy. 2021;7(7):71-76
pages 71-76 views

Insulin-like growth factor IGF-I and bone metabolism in Crohn’s disease

Pavlenko V., Pavlenko A., Kazakova L.


The aim: to study the level of the insulin-like growth factor IGF-I in the peripheral blood, to assess bone mineral density (BMD) in patients with Crohn's disease (CD), and to establish a possible relationship between the studied parameters. Material and methods. We examined 35 patients with different clinical Crohn's disease (CD) activity in the course of treatment. ELISA performed determination of IGF-I in peripheral blood. To assess the state of the bone tissue, we used L2-L4 spine densitometry on X-ray densitometers DPX-NT GE, equipped with the computer analytical program. Results. It was found that the active stage of CD, the levels of IGF-I and bone mineral density (BMD) are reduced. In order to study the possible effect of the peptide growth factor IGF-1 on bone mineral density, we studied the production of this peptide in groups of CD patients with osteopenia and osteoporosis. It turned out that the level of IGF-1 was significantly lower in the group of patients with osteoporosis. Conclusion. The performed regression and correlation analyzes revealed a positive moderate dependence of the BMD index on the IGF-I content in the peripheral blood. Clinical remission of CD within 12 months was accompanied by an increase in IGF-I production and an increase in BMD.
Therapy. 2021;7(7):77-81
pages 77-81 views

Musculoskeletal manifestations and prevalence of orthopedic pathology: clinical and diagnostic significance in case of joint hypermobility syndrome

Saneeva G.


The aim of the study was to estimate the frequency of occurrence and clinical and nosological spectrum of musculoskeletal synovial joint manifestations and dysplastic pathology of the musculoskeletal system in young-age persons with joint hypermobility syndrome (JHMS). Material and methods. Clinical, radiological and X-ray functional studies of the orthopedic status were carried out with the assessment of musculoskeletal dysplastic signs and orthopedic pathology at the moment of examination and in anamnisis of 214 JHMS patients from 18 to 34 years old. Results. The peculiarities of osteoarticular and periarticular manifestations of connective tissue dysplasia in JHMS were fixed and studied. Multiple, polyfocal and combined skeletal dysplasias in the phenotype of hypermobile patients were detailized. The frequency of occurrence and nosological characteristics of postural disorders, chest and spine deformations, qualitative and formative vertebrae abnormities, orthopedic pathology of the feet and hip joints were determined. Conclusion. The prevalence and wide clinical spectrum of skeletal dysplasias and orthopedic pathology in hypermobile syndrome determines the need for specialized diagnostic measures and active treatment and prophylactic strategies use all together with rational kinesiological and physiotherapeutic aids and orthotics.
Therapy. 2021;7(7):82-87
pages 82-87 views

General patterns and regional features of epidemiology and the course of ulcerative colitis in the Rostov region

Tkachev A., Belovolova R., Mkrtchyan L., Mazovka K.


Aim. The increase in the incidence of ulcerative colitis (UC) increases the need for a deeper study of the peculiarities of this pathology, particular, in the Rostov region, such as the clinical and morphological characteristics of UC, the possibility of remission on the background of various therapy regimens, recurrence of the disease and its complications. Material and methods. A prospective study was performed. 70 patients with UC were included. Clinical and laboratory instrumental studies were carried out, and the effectiveness of various drug therapy regimens was analyzed. Results. It has been established that UC in the Rostov region mainly affects people of working age, in 1/5 of patients a relapse of the disease occurs against the background of the absence of antirelapse therapy. When evaluating laboratory data, an increase in CRP, ESR, anemic syndrome and leukocytosis is noted. The effectiveness of aminosalicylates therapy was 78%, prednisolone and azathioprine 78%, infliximab in combination with azathioprine 80%. Conclusion. The study revealed the dissociation of clinical, morphological and histological remission of UC in the Rostov region, as well as the high efficiency of different therapeutic approaches in compliant UC patients.
Therapy. 2021;7(7):88-94
pages 88-94 views

Estimation of the efficacy and safety of using the system of remote monitoring of patients after myocardial infarction

Pereverzeva K., Yakushin S.


The aim is to create and estimate the possibility of use, efficacy and safety of system for remote monitoring of health condition of patients after myocardial infarction (MI). Material and methods. Patients admitted to the hospital for myocardial infarction in the period from 09/01/2018 to 05/01/2019 and survived 12 months after it (n=221) were the subject of the study. They were divided into two groups - experimental and control. The experimental group was provided with a link to a Google questionnaire, which patients had to use when episodes of chest pain and/ or shortness of breath appeared. After the performed «pseudorandomization» in the groups, 122 patients were included in the study - 61 person in each group. Results. From June 2020 to June 2021, adverse events occurred in 18,6% of the studied patients: 7,2% died, 1,8% had MI and coronary artery revascularization (CA) for it, 2 patients (0,9%) had a cerebral stroke, 9,5% underwent coronary artery revascularization due to coronary heart disease progression. After «pseudorandomization» of the groups of patients using and not using the remote control system, statistically significant differences were observed only in the frequency of early CA revascularization: it was performed in 16,4% and 4,9% of cases, respectively (p=0,04). Conclusion. The results of current work show us, that the use of the developed and tested system of remote monitoring of the condition of patients who have undergone myocardial infarction, in comparison with routine monitoring of such patients on an outpatient basis, provides similar rates of mortality, the incidence of nonfatal MI and cerebral strokes, hospitalizations for progressive angina pectoris, CA revascularization and promotes the earlier use of invasive tactics in the management of patients with acute coronary syndrome without ST-segment elevation.
Therapy. 2021;7(7):95-102
pages 95-102 views

Irritable bowel syndrome in combination with functional dyspepsia: features of the course and prognosis of outcomes

Shorina D., Osadchuk M., Lazareva A., Vasilieva I.


Functional diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are the most common pathology of the gastrointestinal tract, and the combination of several functional diseases determines the special significance of this problem. The article examines the modern understanding of the combined functional pathology of the digestive tract, emphasizes the commonality of the pathogenetic mechanisms of functional disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, polymorphism of clinical manifestations and the peculiarity of the tactics of managing patients with this pathology, based on the latest national and foreign clinical guidelines.
Therapy. 2021;7(7):104-111
pages 104-111 views

Thrombotic complications in patients with liver cirrosis: current state of the problem

Osadchuk A., Osadchuk M., Zolotovskaya I.


The purpose of this review was to provide an update on the epidemiology, risk factors, and treatment of thrombotic complications in patients with cirrhosis. It has been shown that liver cirrhosis significantly increases the risk of various thrombotic complications and cardiomyopathy associated with the development of atrial fibrillation. On the other hand, thrombosis of the visceral veins: portal vein thrombosis, splenic and superior mesenteric veins cause CP decompensation. There is evidence that the use of anticoagulant therapy in patients with atrial fibrillation and liver cirrhosis increases the overall mortality of such patients, compared with those who do not receive such therapy. All this leads to significant difficulties in the treatment of patients. Currently, it is proved that anticoagulant therapy in patients with thrombosis of internal organs against the background of liver cirrhosis should be carried out for at least 6 months, and in case of relapses, for life. At the same time, the choice of anticoagulant therapy among patients with liver cirrhosis is not always unambiguous, which requires further investigation of the existing problem.
Therapy. 2021;7(7):112-117
pages 112-117 views

Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and atherosclerosis: common mechanisms of development and progression

Kuznetsova A., Genkel V., Dolgushina A., Shaposhnik I., Olevskaya E., Selyanina A., Khusainova G.


Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is an urgent medical and social problem, representing the most widespread liver disease. Different mechanisms of joint progression of liver fibrosis and atherosclerosis, which determine the development of cardiovascular accidents and adverse liver-related outcomes, have now been identified. Patients with NAFLD with initially significant liver fibrosis or its progression according to the data of dynamic monitoring should be considered as patients with increased cardiovascular risk. The development and optimization of dynamic monitoring protocols by an interdisciplinary team of specialists is of critical importance for this category of patients.
Therapy. 2021;7(7):118-125
pages 118-125 views

Interstitial lung diseases, progressive phenotype: urgent problems of early diagnosis and early initiation of antifibrotic therapy

Kostina N., Starodubtseva I., Sharapova Y., Malyavin A.


Long-term study of the features of the clinical course of interstitial lung diseases (ILD) of various etiologies made it possible to identify a progressive fibrosing phenotype, which contributes to a rapid deterioration of the ventilation function of the lungs and, as a consequence, a decrease in the quality of life. Diagnosis of a progressive fibrotic process is based on a comprehensive analysis of respiratory clinical symptoms, a decrease in forced vital capacity (FVC) and fibrotic changes in the lungs by high-resolution computed tomography. Early detection of the disease and referral of a patient with ILD to a reference center followed by the appointment of antifibrotic therapy is the only currently proven way to improve the survival of patients with ILD.
Therapy. 2021;7(7):126-130
pages 126-130 views

Models of risk determination of cancer-associated thromboses

Tarasova L., Dimitrieva O., Dolgov I., Elmurzayeva A.


Thromboembolic diseases occupy a leading position in the structure of general mortality of the population, and in patients with malignant neoplasms they significantly increase the risk of adverse events. Current article presents the main models for predicting thromboembolic complications in patients with cancer. As follows from the represented data, in a number of cases of pulmonary embolism patients it is possible to prevent the development of a life-threatening complication at the stage of hypercoagulable syndrome. When assessing the risk of thromboembolic complications in patients with malignant neoplasms, a convenient and highly sensitive scale for assessing the risk of thromboembolic complications is required.
Therapy. 2021;7(7):132-137
pages 132-137 views

Systemic form of panniculitis with damage of internal organs

Yagoda A., Belotserkovskaya M., Gladkikh N., Ushakova O.


Weber-Kryschen panniculitis is one of the heterogeneous inflammatory diseases associated with the defeat of subcutaneous adipose tissue, adipose tissue of internal organs, with systemic manifestations. The article presents a clinical case of panniculitis occurring with high activity: fever, splenomegaly, polyarthralgia, anemia, damage to subcutaneous adipose tissue, adipose tissue of the retroperitoneal region and omentum (mesenteric panniculitis complicated by ascites), and damage to the heart valves, mainly mitral (non-infectious endocarditis, thrombendocarditis) with the formation of its insufficiency.
Therapy. 2021;7(7):138-143
pages 138-143 views

Melatonin metabolism in health and disease of the gastrointestinal tract (literature review)

Musaeva L., Esedov E., Abasova A., Mammaev S.


The purpose of the article was to summarize modern data concerning physiological effects of melatonin in general and its influence at the gastrointestinal tract, in particular, on the basis of domestic and foreign scientific articles published over the past 7 years. The role of this hormone in the pathogenesis and prognostication of chronic gastritis and peptic ulcer course is highlighted, the results and perspectives of using medicines on it's base in case of functional and organic pathology of the digestive system are outlined. The authors make a conclusion, that, despite a large number of thematic works, the problem of identifying the causes and methods of correcting abovementioned gastrointestinal diseases has not been finally resolved and requires further studies. In addition, the annually increasing number of complications in patients with gastrointestinal tract pathology and the development of antibiotic resistance associated with anti-Helicobacter therapy pose new challenges for improving approaches for elimination of symptoms and prevention of recurrence of peptic ulcer and chronic gastritis. These approaches, among other things, include the use of melatonin in complex therapy, and require further targeted study.
Therapy. 2021;7(7):144-151
pages 144-151 views

Infective endocarditis in HIV-infected patients

Ponomareva E., Rebrov A.


The analysis of literature data characterizing the prevalence, etiology, clinical course, localization of valvular injury, complications, diagnosis, treatment, prognosis and outcomes of infective endocarditis (IE) in various stages of HIV infection are presented. Aspects of tactics of management of patients with IE on the background of HIV infection, including those in the AIDS stage, are discussed: the features of drug therapy, indications for cardiac surgery. Further research is needed on various aspects of IE in the setting of HIV infection in order to improve diagnosis and prognosis. Effective interdisciplinary interaction of specialists (cardiologists, cardiac surgeons, infectious disease specialists) makes it possible to achieve in many cases the cure of valvular infection, reduction of viral load and restoration of cellular immunity, ensuring in the future a satisfactory quality of life for patients with infective endocarditis against the background of HIV infection.
Therapy. 2021;7(7):152-158
pages 152-158 views

Drug-induced hyperuricemia/gout. Part 2: certain medicines, the use of which is associated with an increased risk of developing of these diseases

Pereverzev A., Ostroumova O.


An increase of uric acid (UA) concentration in the blood serum is an important risk factor of cardiovascular pathology, as well as kidney disease. This article presents the results of the analysis and systematization of literature data on drugs of various classes (anti-tuberculosis, cytotoxic drugs, salicylates, etc.), which are associated with the risks of drug-induced hyperuricemia (HU) and gout. Diuretics is a common group of antihypertensive drugs and one of the leading causes of secondary hyperuricemia. The incidence of HU and gout varies between different classes of diuretics and is more commonly associated with loop diuretics than thiazide or thiazide-like diuretics. Among all diuretics, indapamide is associate with fewer cases of serum UA increase in comparison with other diuretics. Among all indapamide formulations available on the market, outstands Indap 2,5 mg tablet, which can be divided into 4 parts and thus provide the possibility to individually adjust the dose and improve the safety of treatment
Therapy. 2021;7(7):159-169
pages 159-169 views

Digest events in SEPTEMBER 2021

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Therapy. 2021;7(7):170-177
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To the 90th anniversary of professor A.V. Tuev

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Therapy. 2021;7(7):178-179
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