卷 24, 编号 3 (2022)


The new educational reality

Gryaznov S.


Virtual, augmented, mixed and augmented reality are examples of immersive technologies. Over the past few years, 'immersiveness' in education has been recognized as a powerful and effective tool to support learning - virtual reality has moved from gaming to professional learning applications. Today it plays an important role in the educational process, providing a useful and fun way to get information. This work is devoted to an overview of trends, opportunities and problems associated with virtual reality in education. New educational perspectives of the latest applications are highlighted on the example of several educational areas. In addition, the author presents methods for creating scenarios and suggests approaches to testing and testing students' knowledge. Conclusions are drawn about the future direction of virtual reality and its potential to improve the learning process. Using a virtual reality headset with special software, students must follow certain rules without going beyond the algorithm. Also, some teachers may over-rely on technological developments, resulting in a lack of interaction between teacher and student. In the educational environment, it is possible to replace all traditional solutions with modern digital ones, but it should be remembered that only a balance between modern solutions and human interaction between teacher and student - mentoring will be effective.

Izvestiya of the Samara Russian Academy of Sciences scientific center. Social, humanitarian, medicobiological sciences. 2022;24(3):3-9
pages 3-9 views

Impact of a healthy lifestyle for physical training of employees of the criminal executive system

Kaznacheev V.


The relevance of the topic of the presented study lies in the fact that the problem of a healthy lifestyle in the modern world is quite popular. In terms of this problem, the penitentiary system is no exception, since in order to achieve the most effective results of the performance of employees, the lifestyle they lead plays an important role. The surveys showed that the vast majority of employees of the above system do not adhere to proper nutrition, do not engage in physical training, which is especially important from a certain age, and 80% of them are smokers. The author concludes that the physical training of penitentiary staff is directly influenced by such factors as nutrition, smoking and maintaining physical fitness at a high level. A system of measures is needed that includes such rules for a balanced diet, strengthening physical condition through regular physical activity, and they should consist of both general developmental workouts that involve the largest number of muscles, and certain types of training aimed at increasing the level of self-defense, for example, study and improvement of combat techniques of struggle; giving up bad habits such as smoking and excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages. If a set of events with specialists invited to work on healthy lifestyles in each specific institution will work like clockwork, then the level of physical fitness of employees will remain at a high level, which is extremely important when working with convicts.

Izvestiya of the Samara Russian Academy of Sciences scientific center. Social, humanitarian, medicobiological sciences. 2022;24(3):10-13
pages 10-13 views

About modern teaching of mathematics at a technical university

Kuznetsov V., Ryabinova E.


The subject of the article is the formation of fundamental mathematical knowledge among future technical specialists. The object of the article: a mathematical performance management system aimed at evidence-based and fundamental knowledge. The purpose of the work is to substantiate the immanence of intellectual development and the fundamental nature of the education of future technical specialists, their importance in the educational process. Methodology of the work: search for a set of theoretical and methodological approaches, on the basis of which the principles of continuity, evidence and fundamentality are determined by future specialists of technical areas of training. The results of the work indicate an increase in the level of development of intellectual consciousness among future technical specialists. The field of application of the results is practical pedagogical activity, which forms the practical and applied significance of the subject. It is advisable to form a systematic, consistent and critical thinking with the help of a personalized pedagogical technology that has a reflexive educational function. An important aspect of mathematical training is the principles of interdisciplinarity and continuity. Conclusion: the formation of systematic, consistent, critical thinking of future technical specialists contributes to the generation of an educational result in the process of training highly qualified engineers.

Izvestiya of the Samara Russian Academy of Sciences scientific center. Social, humanitarian, medicobiological sciences. 2022;24(3):14-18
pages 14-18 views

Problems of self-organization of independent work of technical university students in the conditions of digitalization educational environment

Mikhelkevich V., Chekanushkina E., Kardashevsky A.


The subject of the article: the willingness of students to comply with sanitary and hygienic norms and rules aimed at maintaining health, working capacity during long-term continuous educational activities. The object of the article: self-organized/self-managed independent work of students of a technical university in an educational environment. The purpose of the work: to identify the attitude of students to mandatory and conscious compliance with sanitary and hygienic norms and rules in the process of performing strenuous long-term self-organized independent educational and cognitive activity. Methodology of the work: analysis of the fundamental theoretical and methodological provisions of modern pedagogical science in the field of management and self-organization of independent work of students, aimed at developing interdisciplinary valiological modules, in order for students to master technical areas of preparation of sanitary and hygienic norms and rules, compliance with them when performing long-term continuous educational and cognitive activity. The results of the work indicate the need for students to form an engineering profile of readiness for conscious and full compliance with sanitary and hygienic norms and rules in the implementation of educational and cognitive self-organized independent activity already in the first year. The field of application of the results is practical pedagogical activity aimed at the formation of readiness for compliance by students of a technical university with sanitary and hygienic norms and rules in the process of continuous long-term educational and cognitive self-organized independent activity. It is advisable to develop valeological modules of basic disciplines in technical areas of training based on the principles of interdisciplinarity, health care, reflexivity, regulation and feedback, effective organization of intellectual labor. Conclusion: the formation of the readiness of future technical specialists in compliance with sanitary and epidemiological norms and rules in the process of continuous long-term mental work contributes to increasing the level of valeological culture, maintaining health, productive efficiency, and preventing the development of various diseases.

Izvestiya of the Samara Russian Academy of Sciences scientific center. Social, humanitarian, medicobiological sciences. 2022;24(3):19-25
pages 19-25 views

Developing general resistance to improve pistol shooting skills

Sedov D.


Currently, the issues of physical training of the population are actively discussed even at the highest level. The fact is that physical training has a positive effect on the psycho-emotional state of individuals, especially if the activity of such individuals is constantly associated with stress, negative external influences. The latter include employees and cadets of law enforcement agencies, who in the course of their daily activities face not only physical activity, but also stress. An important direction in the training of cadets and law enforcement officers is fire training, including pistol shooting, the improvement of skills in which will be discussed in this article. So, when performing statistical exercises with firearms, when aiming, there is tension in the chest, and as a result, a decrease in lung volume, the priority of shallow breathing. In addition, when aiming with a pistol, the posture worsens the posture, developing a stoop. From the foregoing, it follows that for effective firepower training, cadets and law enforcement officers must be prepared for high physical exertion. In other words, they must train their endurance. In order to develop general endurance, special techniques have been developed that will be discussed in this article. So, in this article, the author analyzes the development of general endurance in order to improve pistol shooting skills. Emphasis is placed on the influence of physical fitness and endurance on pistol shooting skills.

Izvestiya of the Samara Russian Academy of Sciences scientific center. Social, humanitarian, medicobiological sciences. 2022;24(3):26-30
pages 26-30 views

Organization of individual training trajectories of future technical specialists in the educational space of the university

Chekanushkina E., Ryabinova E.


The subject of the article: the formation of individual learning trajectories in the preparation of technical specialists. The object of the article: a management system for the individualization of personal development with the maximum use of various resources. The purpose of the work: substantiation of the importance and construction of individual educational trajectories in the professional training of future specialists. Methodology of the work: the search for a combination of theoretical and methodological approaches, on the basis of which the significance and method of constructing individual educational trajectories by future specialists of technical areas of training are substantiated. The results of the work indicate an increase in the level of awareness and responsible choice of the target orientation of one's professional and educational potential in accordance with recognized values. The field of application of the results is practical pedagogical activity, forming the experience of designing individual educational trajectories by students. Conclusion: the organization of work with students on the design of an educational route in accordance with their research interests makes it possible to increase awareness of goal-setting in the chosen direction, personal responsibility for the result and the ability to motivate oneself to self-design their own educational, scientific and organizational activities.

Izvestiya of the Samara Russian Academy of Sciences scientific center. Social, humanitarian, medicobiological sciences. 2022;24(3):31-39
pages 31-39 views


Interaction of light and shadow as a projection in the process of creating a shadow performance, a photo and a film

Vucenovic A.


For many centuries, the name of one of the types of theater that exists in different forms has been recorded under the name "shadow theater". By this name, we mean many different principles of interaction between light and an object that create shadows. Since projection involves the use of light to achieve "light scenes" as well as the use of light as a tool for creating shadows, it is fair to call such a theater "theater of light and shadows." If we use the name “puppet theater”, since the puppet is the main performer in the performance, then in this case both light and shadows equally participate in their performing roles in the “light and shadow theater”. Light without shadow would not be light, and conversely, a shadow without light would not be a shadow. Their uses have evolved over time. Technological progress has also opened up great opportunities for the play of light and shadow. But the principle and essence of the function of the relationship between light and shadow did not change. Light, just like shadow, played a certain role on the screen within the framework of the plot presented in the play. Unfortunately, in theater studies there is still no professional theatrical terminology that allows you to communicate easily and understandably to all participants in the creation of such a performance. Right, professional terminology for working in the shadow theater technique is currently absent. The establishment of such a terminological system would help, first of all, to more easily define and distinguish between the varieties of shadows and light used, and also to raise this type of theater to a higher professional level.

Izvestiya of the Samara Russian Academy of Sciences scientific center. Social, humanitarian, medicobiological sciences. 2022;24(3):40-51
pages 40-51 views

Apophaticism of pain in S.A. Yesenin’s poem “Black man” (liminal states in Russian culture)

Dudareva M.


The object of the article is apophaticism as a phenomenon of artistic culture. The subject is apophaticism of the phenomenon of pain, which is perceived from metaphysical positions in the Russian philosophical thought. The material for the article is represented by S.A. Yesenin’s poem “Black Man” and his early poems. The ethos of life and death in the poet’s art is subject to hermeneutic reconstruction. Much attention is given to the Russian folklore tradition in the poet’s works, which is expressed both explicitly and implicitly. One can find liminal, i.e. borderline states in the Russian folklore, in folkloric accounts, in fairy tales in which the hero stays. These states are associated with temporal death and going through the initiation path. The research methodology represents a holistic ontohermeneutical analysis aimed at highlighting the folklore paradigm in S.A. Yesenin’s poetic style. Much attention is paid to the oneiric space in his figurative system, as well as to the phenomenon of “black” colour which is ambivalent in the world culture. The research results lie in revealing the cultural potential of the poem “Black Man” for further study of the apophatic aspect of the phenomenon of pain as well as apophaticism as a specific feature of the Russian culture associated with the phenomenon of pain and death. The results can also be used in courses on Russian literature, culturology and philosophy.

Izvestiya of the Samara Russian Academy of Sciences scientific center. Social, humanitarian, medicobiological sciences. 2022;24(3):52-60
pages 52-60 views

Search for the theoretical foundations of designing children's media library

Kuznetsova A., Zhdanova I., Nenasheva A.


The article deals with the issue of the prospective development of a new type of buildings - children's media libraries, which are a structural unit of a typological group of public buildings. This type of building has emerged from the globalized leisure needs of children of different age groups. Against the background of the post-stagnation development of the library network, through the implementation of various state programs, the principles of continuity of the classical library function are implemented and media technologies are included in leisure activities. At the junction of the confluence of these two areas, there is the emergence of children's media libraries, whose development is actively carried out in foreign countries and begins to emerge on the territory of the Russian Federation. The study below is devoted to the search for the theoretical foundations of the architectural design of this type of building. Without constructing a theoretical vector for the development of a functionally adaptive scenario, the architectural typology of children's media libraries will not have a thorough study in terms of functional, spatial and technological development. The article is divided into three blocks: an analytical comparison of the most characteristic examples of modern design of media libraries, a retrospective analysis of regulatory documents governing construction, which made it possible to systematize the development of libraries by types of buildings, and then a theoretical model of media libraries based on advanced architectural and pedagogical technologies is proposed.

Izvestiya of the Samara Russian Academy of Sciences scientific center. Social, humanitarian, medicobiological sciences. 2022;24(3):61-70
pages 61-70 views

Expressionist strategy in the work of E. Canetti

Radaeva E.


In this article, the author aims, firstly, to prove that of all the modernist schools, the Austrian writer, Nobel laureate Elias Canetti most of all gravitated towards expressionism, and secondly, to identify the trajectory of the development of the expressionist worldview and method in Canetti's works of different years. In the course of the study, the author comes to the following conclusions: in the expressionist strategy of the creativity of the Nobel laureate of the twentieth century. there was an upward movement. A priori, there was no place for a turn to a realistic method of mastering reality (this does not happen with E. Canetti's fellow tribesman - Leo Perutz, who at the end of his creative path plunged into mysticism). E. Canetti, on the other hand, followed the path of abstraction. To some extent, all works are characterized by schematization of images, carnivalism, cyclic chronotope (“loop chronotope”), apocalyptic worldview and world modeling. In the plays of E. Canetti, we can find features of the “drama of the proclamation” and the drama of the transformation.” The object of the study was three plays: "The Wedding" (1932), "The Comedy of Vanity" (1934), "Limited" (1964), the novel "Blinding" (1935), the book "Mass and Power" (1962). In part, an explanation of the nature of Kanetti's worldview can be found in the memoirs “With a torch in my ear. History of Life 1921-1931 (1980).

Izvestiya of the Samara Russian Academy of Sciences scientific center. Social, humanitarian, medicobiological sciences. 2022;24(3):71-83
pages 71-83 views

Towards the issue of evolution of art in the 20th and 21st centuries: culturological analysis

Simonova S., Atalyan G.


Art, its role, ways of creation, translation and perception have undergone significant changes in the course of the last century. In general, one can talk of aestheticisation of culture, which could not but have a certain impact on art. The departure from “classical art” began already in the epoch of modernism. The “digital turn” has contributed to new hypostasis of art in culture. The virtual medium has introduced new, unprecedented opportunities both in technical and spiritual aspects. Artworks have become more accessible to the general public, with a possibility of user intervention in creative process and the use of artificial intelligence therein. The phenomenon of cyber art has emerged, requiring profound culturological analysis. The use of digital technologies in creation of artworks actualises the issue of constraints of artificial intelligence potential in creative process as well as the problem of ethical and aesthetic content of works created by neural network with the use of algorithms and other digital technologies. In this regard, the notion of mosaic culture is important – as consisting of disparate elements, lacking consistency and integrity of perception and cognition. The mosaic culture refers one to the concept of “rhizome,” reflecting as well the consumer-oriented aspect of the mass culture. Therefore, this entails a danger of replacing the unique nature by mainstream values, and, moreover, of transformation or even loss of the original ontological and axiological sense of the artwork.

Izvestiya of the Samara Russian Academy of Sciences scientific center. Social, humanitarian, medicobiological sciences. 2022;24(3):84-92
pages 84-92 views

Realistic and conditional space painting in the context of an artistic image

Stolyarova E., Berezin A., Zhernokleva O.


The purpose of the article is to analyze, identify the general and particular in the organization of the compositional space of painting for the most accurate display of the artistic image in the visual arts. The analysis of the main types of space in the composition is given; a fundamental division into realistic and conditional space is proposed in solving the artistic image of fine art; the concept of an artistic image is defined and the main means of conveying its expressiveness in composition are identified. The article discusses the basic concepts, techniques and principles of organizing space on the picture plane in the visual arts. It is determined that the compositional features of the organization of three-dimensional space are due to the use of linear, inverse, perceptual, spherical and light-air perspectives of building both its individual elements and the entire structure of the composition of a work of art. The role of space in the creation of an artistic image within the framework of realistic and conditional painting is analyzed. The authors of the article came to the conclusion that the principles and methods of working on realistic and conditional composition have both common and particular. The general techniques for creating a compositional space include the basic laws of composition, such as the organization of the center, balance, rhythm, movement, statics, nuance and identity, as well as the stetho-air perspective. The use of the laws of various types of perspective differs (for a realistic solution of an artistic image and space of a composition, linear, perceptual perspectives are used; for a conditional solution of a composition, reverse, spherical perspectives and axonometric methods of constructing a form in space are used). The ways of working with color and shape also differ.

Izvestiya of the Samara Russian Academy of Sciences scientific center. Social, humanitarian, medicobiological sciences. 2022;24(3):93-99
pages 93-99 views

Traditional chinese Qingming holiday: unity of man and nature

Zhao F.


Modern world processes lead to the fact that different cultures are becoming more and more involved in each other's cultural areas. Changes in one cultural field affect the cultural field of another. Today, cooperation between Russia and China is at one of the highest points of development, the initiatives of the two countries in the field of cultural studies give impetus to the development of research relations between the two countries. In this regard, domestic science needed a deeper study of the cultural traditions of the Chinese people. Traditional holidays are an integral part of Chinese society. Festive traditions contain a rich national coloring, rich cultural content, express national emotions and humanistic values, reflect the mentality and culture of the Chinese people. The festive culture of the Chinese reveals an inextricable link with the traditional calendar sequential course of life, in connection with this, its originality and originality are more clearly manifested. The Qingming holiday in China is considered one of the main spring holidays, it not only embodies the cyclic nature of natural life and human life, but also reflects the principle of harmonizing human activity with natural phenomena. The fundamental idea of ​​Chinese civilization - the idea of ​​the inseparable unity of man and nature - is especially fully and convincingly manifested in the history and tradition of the Qingming holiday. In the article, the author considers holiday traditions, the origin of which is rooted in the distant past. At the same time, the connection between the past and the present, their fluidity and interchangeability are clearly felt. The article confirms the idea that the Qingming holiday is a multi-aspect phenomenon in which the concept of "the unity of man and nature" and the ideologies of various historical epochs are synthesized and simultaneously coexist. Conducting a historical analysis, the author emphasizes the need to merge history and the present, notes the paradoxical nature of the combination in one holiday of seemingly incomparable things: the commemoration of the dead and the joy of a new life. It is in understanding the deep essence of the holiday that the harmony of the present moment of being lies. Honoring one's ancestors, caring for one's roots, strengthening and uniting forces within the family and clan - all this distinguishes the true, according to the author, unity of the people.

Izvestiya of the Samara Russian Academy of Sciences scientific center. Social, humanitarian, medicobiological sciences. 2022;24(3):100-106
pages 100-106 views

G. Ivanov`s poem «I do not ask for love, i do not sing about spring ...» in the context of historical poetics: interpretation experience

Abramovskih E., Pasashkova S., Smolenskaya M.


The article was written as part of participation of students of the Faculty of Philology of the Samara State Social and Pedagogical University in the II regional methodological theoretical seminar «Theoretical studies»: «Historical poetics», which took place in November 2020 [1]. The interpretation of the poem by Georgy Ivanov is given from the standpoint of works on historical poetics and mythopoetics by A.N. Veselovsky, O.M. Freidenberg, E.M. Meletinsky, S.N. Broitman, Yu.M. Lotman. The authors consider that the thinking of the lyric subject of the poem by Georgy Ivanov is distinguished by neosyncretism, which is implemented in the motives of death and rebirth associated with the natural cycle. The understanding of the fusion of wedding and funeral rites, the antinomy of the real world and the other world, which establish a close connection between them, speaks of «neosyncretism» in the poem. The cumulation which leads to the fact that all sensations received through various channels of perception are collected into one common sense-knowledge is shown in the arrangement of artistic images. This is where the desire to find a common in everything, essential similarity, arising from the experience of unity (syncretism) of the entire surrounding world and all its manifestations that affect a person, who should also be its inseparable part, comes from. The article shows that such unity is also manifested in the subjective sphere: the lyrical «I» and the lyrical «you» are not separated from each other and are not opposed. Their unity is manifested in the metaphysical plane: they are united by the «snowy paradise». It is a paradise because love makes the lyric subject happy, but this paradise is «snowy» because lovers cannot be together. The paper examines in detail the key images of the text in connection with folk culture; the specificity of the genre of the song is noted from the point of view of historical poetics.

Izvestiya of the Samara Russian Academy of Sciences scientific center. Social, humanitarian, medicobiological sciences. 2022;24(3):107-114
pages 107-114 views

The structure and meaning of Pushkin’s dramatic essay «Cherez nedelyu budu v Parizhe nepremenno...» («I will certainly be in Paris next week..»)

Zaslavsky O., Pimonov V.


Object of the article: Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin's dramatic essay “Cherez nedelyu budu v Parizhe nepremenno…” ("I will certainly be in Paris in a week...") (1834-35). Subject of the article: structure and meaning of Pushkin's text. Purpose of research: uncovering the hidden meaning of the essay. Research methods: methods of literary research, method of structural-semantic analysis. Results: The authors argue that a hidden motif of false rape allegation hints at a possible death of the hero. That motif is implied by the final scene of the story and separately is encoded by the anagram found in the name of the hero. Foreshadowing of Dorvil’s possible death is also conveyed through the motif of winking; similar use of the winking motif keeps recurring in Pushkin’s other works, in particular, in “Poltava”, “The Captain's Daughter” and “The Queen of Spades”. Field of application: literary criticism, teaching Russian literature of the 19th century. Conclusions: the theme of revenge and motif of duel between the lover and the heroine's husband prefigure the probable outcome of the story. Pushkin's essay belongs to a special type of literary texts that include 1) interrupted narration, 2) hidden meaning (implying the need for a virtual reconstruction of the background),3) possibility of reconstructing both the background and the outcome of the story that is left "behind the scenes".

Izvestiya of the Samara Russian Academy of Sciences scientific center. Social, humanitarian, medicobiological sciences. 2022;24(3):115-120
pages 115-120 views