卷 25, 编号 6 (2023)


Individual educational route in higher pedagogical school: transition to a new paradigm

Busygin A., Levina S., Glukhov G.


The article presents a general description of the post-non-classical picture of the world, analyzes the basic principles of the synergetic paradigm, scientific and psychological-pedagogical literature on the implementation of the conceptual foundations of the new scientific paradigm in the educational process of higher education. Based on the experience of teaching the discipline “Natural Science Picture of the World” at the Samara State Social Pedagogical University, a new approach is proposed in the natural science education of students of a higher pedagogical school. The main attention is paid to the issue of creating and introducing into the pedagogical process individual educational routes in the natural sciences education of humanities students. The authors proposed an original model of an individual educational route, described the constituent components of the model (target, organizational-pedagogical, activity-based, content-based, diagnostic), and analyzed the conditions for the implementation of this technology. We concluded that it is necessary to search for new approaches in natural science education in the context of the transition to a new paradigm, and about the effectiveness of the technology of an individual educational route in the professional training of a future teacher. During the research, methods such as analysis of scientific and pedagogical literature, historical and pedagogical analysis, conversation and pedagogical observation, individual diagnostics, modeling, comparison, generalization, analysis of reflective situations, testing, and questioning were used. The results of pedagogical research can be used in the educational process of a higher pedagogical school.

Izvestiya of the Samara Russian Academy of Sciences scientific center. Social, humanitarian, medicobiological sciences. 2023;25(6):5-13
pages 5-13 views

Translation of “The Mask” by Robert W. Chambers into russian: foreign language practical course

Zhuravlev A.


This paper analyzes the translation of the short story called “The Mask” by Robert W. Chambers into Russian (two variants of translation are considered). The paper provides the analyses of various aspects that determine the quality of translation, particularly the ability to work with terminology, proper approach to translation of non-equivalent lexis, sensible application of lexical and grammatical transformations. The comparative analysis of the two translations of the story revealed a number of differences between them. In each of these cases the advantages and disadvantages of a particular variant of translation are considered to figure out which one of them is more adequate to the context of the story. The results of the research are used to draw a conclusion about professional knowledge and skills a translator needs to make a good translation of a literary work. The paper also points out the importance of written translation (as well as the analysis of a translation made by someone else) as some kind of students’ individual work that helps them master the foreign language they learn.

Izvestiya of the Samara Russian Academy of Sciences scientific center. Social, humanitarian, medicobiological sciences. 2023;25(6):14-19
pages 14-19 views

About the experience of mentoring during the training practice of students at the enterprise

Klentak A., Grechnikov F., Klentak L.


The article clarifies the concepts of "mentor" and "mentoring", indicates their relevance and sufficient novelty of use. It is shown that these concepts undergo changes over time. As an example of mentoring of trainees, the educational practice conducted at the Institute of Engines and Power Plants of Samara University, where the head of the practice acts as a mentor, is considered. The importance of the role of mentors in the training of personnel for students during the educational practice during their studies at the university was noted. As an example, an excursion to the heavy engineering enterprise of JSC Tyazhmash, conducted as part of a training practice in an experimental group (EG), is considered. In the control group (KG), the training practice is conducted without an excursion to the enterprise. In the process of conducting an excursion within the framework of practice, the superficial interest in the EG in the chosen specialty develops into a deep and creative one. The article also notes that qualified and patriotic personnel should be trained in the process of studying at the university. As follows from student reports on practice, interest in the chosen specialty has grown. The students received a lesson in patriotic education, and this will undoubtedly strengthen their pride both in the country as a whole and in their small homeland - the Kuibyshev (now Samara) region.

Izvestiya of the Samara Russian Academy of Sciences scientific center. Social, humanitarian, medicobiological sciences. 2023;25(6):20-28
pages 20-28 views

The role of self-determination and self-realization of students' personality in the system of digital professional education

Kolyvanova L., Chekanushkina E., Beilina N.


The relevance of self-determination and self-realization of the personality of students in the system of digital vocational education lies in the fact that these aspects have a significant impact on the effectiveness and quality of education in the digital environment. Successful mastering of the professional skills and knowledge necessary for a future career requires students not only to have technical skills, but also to be ready for personal growth and development. Conscious self-determination and work on self-realization help students to better understand their goals, motivations, interests and personal qualities, as well as develop confidence and leadership skills. As a result, students will be able to successfully adapt to work and achieve success in their professional activities. The article discusses the role of self-determination and self-realization of the personality of students in the system of digital vocational education. The authors of the study analyze the influence of personal factors on the effectiveness of the learning process in the digital environment, and also highlight the key aspects that contribute to the development of students' personal qualities. Particular attention is paid to the role of teachers in the formation of self-determination and self-realization of the personality of students, as well as the possibilities of digital technologies in this process. The results of the study allow us to conclude that it is necessary to include work with personal aspects in digital professional education programs and the use of innovative teaching methods for the development of a student's personality in a digital environment.

Izvestiya of the Samara Russian Academy of Sciences scientific center. Social, humanitarian, medicobiological sciences. 2023;25(6):29-36
pages 29-36 views

Problems of translating journalistic texts: experience of teaching non-linguistic specialties to students

Kuzmina A., Kuregyan A., Pertsevaya E.


Translation is an effective tool for interaction between representatives of different cultures. Translation from English into Russian is traditionally considered simpler than translation from Russian into English. However, in the process of written translation as part of practical classes and reporting assignments for translation (workshops and practices), students of non-linguistic universities studying in various areas, make a lot of mistakes. This article is devoted to the analysis of the most common mistakes. The authors of the article give a classification of mistakes made by the students when using different electronic translation programs and applications. It helps to determine which sphere of meaning of the translation is affected by specific mistakes. Each group is distinguished on the basis of the most frequent occurrence during practical classes devoted to the translation of texts from English into Russian. It is also emphasized that the misinterpretation and use of individual words lead to translation distortion of the whole sentences and paragraphs, which, in turn, change the meaning of the whole passage or text. In the process of teaching the practical aspect of translation to students of non-linguistic majors, we noted some features associated with the use of programs that allow full-text translation of any source. It is proved that the predominant majority of such problems is due to the active use of full-text translation services, and not dictionaries. Examples of tasks for practicing translation in order to overcome such mistakes are described.

Izvestiya of the Samara Russian Academy of Sciences scientific center. Social, humanitarian, medicobiological sciences. 2023;25(6):37-44
pages 37-44 views

The use of game technology in the formation of the technical university students’ ability to professional self-organization and self-education

Trindyk T.


The article analyzes scientific sources and diagnostic experiment results in order to substantiate the relevance of the problem of forming the readiness of technical university students’ for professional self-organization and self-education, and proves the expediency of interpreting such readiness as an educational result formulated in the form of competence. The relationship between the concepts of ability and competence based on their structural similarity is presented. The substantiation of the use of game technologies in teaching higher mathematics to students of a technical university in order to form their ability to professional self-organization and self-education is given. Examples of business games aimed at developing the desire to master mathematical knowledge and methods of action necessary for professional activity, independent search for information, mastering professional competencies, qualities such as flexibility, rationality, quick thinking, as well as students' awareness of the role of scientific organization of educational work in improving its effectiveness; mastering the simplest methods of scientific organization of work in the process of educational research and self-education are offered. The content possibilities of traditional technical university disciplines such as "Higher Mathematics", "Linear Algebra", "Mathematical Analysis" for the development of business and intellectual games are argued. Game scenarios are made in the concept of activity and competence-oriented scientific approaches.

Izvestiya of the Samara Russian Academy of Sciences scientific center. Social, humanitarian, medicobiological sciences. 2023;25(6):52-61
pages 52-61 views

Professional interpersonal communicative competencies of railway technical school students as a basis for training construction team leaders

Fedorova M., Ovchinnikova L.


The paper considers the research methods as well as the results of expert studies to assess individual components of the set of professional interpersonal communicative competencies of railway technical school students trained to work as team leaders in building and repairing railway tracks. The authors stress the significance and high social value of the set of professional interpersonal communicative competencies, which are vitally important to successfully perform team leaders’ technical and managerial duties. Statistical analysis of expert data allowed the authors to select three scientifically based components of the set of professional interpersonal communicative competencies necessary in the work of railway construction team leaders: their ability to work in a group, effectively and efficiently managing production activities; their ability to maintain business and empathic relationships with partners and subordinates; proficiency in the use of different types of speech communication (monologues, dialogues, discussions, debates, etc.). The article scientifically substantiates the set of professional interpersonal communicative competencies used as a goal-setting in the competence-modular technology aimed at forming professional interpersonal communicative competencies of railway technical school students.

Izvestiya of the Samara Russian Academy of Sciences scientific center. Social, humanitarian, medicobiological sciences. 2023;25(6):62-68
pages 62-68 views

The author's method of E.A. Kibrik teaching (in the memoirs of disciples)

Sirotina I., Chichvarina O.


Among the greatest masters of Soviet graphics, not only the work of E.A. Kibrik, but also his pedagogical activity occupy a special place. His unique technique is of continuing interest. Subject: E.A. Kibrik actually created his own school of graphic art. Hundreds of versatile painters and graphic artists have passed it. Many of them have become honored and national artists of Russia. Discussion: The scientific significance of the presented results is due to the large number of memories about Kibrik, they are shared by people with whom he worked, whom he taught. The master was at the center of artistic and social life, came into contact with many important people of that era, which was reflected in the memories of him. The memoirs of the students reveal the distinctive features of the creative method of the master with his individual approach to everyone, his pedagogical principles and high human qualities, an objective picture of the life of Soviet society at that time. Methodology: The identification of the uniqueness of Kibrik's methodology was carried out within the framework of art criticism and cultural approaches using historical, cultural, biographical and system analysis methods. Conclusion: The author's method of Kibrik is a vivid example of experimental pedagogy, which consists in the synthesis of academic teaching with the reproduction of the creative method of illustrating the master.

Izvestiya of the Samara Russian Academy of Sciences scientific center. Social, humanitarian, medicobiological sciences. 2023;25(6):45-51
pages 45-51 views


Media culture and modern challenges in the paradigm of network communication

Bozhedarov D.


At the turn of the XX-XI centuries, humanity received a unique opportunity for network communication. Having a powerful self-organizing potential, it offered unlimited horizons for the production and broadcasting of operational information, which became available to the maximum number of participants-communicants connected to the network. At the same time, inclusion in the information network in modern society is considered a sign of status, success, presentability. It is obvious that this potential is capable of not only informing, but also involving the audience in active activity in the shortest possible time. The claim for additional activities opens the account of socio-cultural challenges. Network communication becomes a kind of "algorithm factory" of not always prosocial action outside the network environment. Having absorbed all the advanced expressive means of TV and methods of their formation, network communication has acquired a huge resource for influencing the consciousness of the audience. Aesthetic challenges about due to the contradictory nature of media access in the conditions of network media communication. The aesthetic metamorphoses are also influenced by the systemic constant signs and socio-cultural models of network media communication behavior that we have discovered. In the light of their functionality, a large-scale influence on the chronotope of network media communication is noted. Which in turn leads to an aesthetic imbalance of its ontological essence.

Izvestiya of the Samara Russian Academy of Sciences scientific center. Social, humanitarian, medicobiological sciences. 2023;25(6):69-74
pages 69-74 views

O. Mandelstam's voice in V. Dudarev's works: national image of death

Dudareva M., Buraia M.


The object of the article is the national image of death in Russian verbal artistic culture. The subject of the research is the thanatological text in Russian poetry. The material for the article is two poems - “Why is the soul so melodious” by O.E. Mandelstam and “There are quiet valleys in Russia…” by V.F. Dudarev. At the center of hermeneutic and cultural-philosophical analysis is the interaction of two types of reality, phenomenal and noumenal, rational and spontaneous in art. Much attention is paid to the image of death in these two poems and the images of wind, groves, and flowers associated with it. The research methodology is reduced to a holistic ontohermeneutic analysis of poetic texts by O.E. Mandelstam and V.F. Dudarev, aimed at highlighting the cultural potential of the problem of perception of the phenomenon of death in the Russian national image of the world, which allows penetrating the poetic word from ontological and apophatic positions, as well as revealing the significance of the literary traditions of the Silver Age in the work of a modern poet; typological and historical-literary methods of text research are applied. The results of the work may be of interest to philologists who include literature in the space of a large dialogue of cultures, and can also be used in teaching courses in cultural studies and Russian philosophy.

Izvestiya of the Samara Russian Academy of Sciences scientific center. Social, humanitarian, medicobiological sciences. 2023;25(6):97-103
pages 97-103 views

Culturological features of gastronomy in the 20-30s. in the USSR and some foreign countries: a comparative aspect

Ermolaev V.


In the article, the author conducts a comparative analysis of the situation with nutrition and the state of gastronomic culture in the USSR and some foreign countries (mainly in the USA, as the ancestor of the world crisis of 1929). The chronological framework is defined by the period of the 1920s-1930s. The author explores to a greater extent the famine in the USSR, since it is one of the most controversial issues in science, especially in history, since the question is still being raised: was it the genocide of the Ukrainian people or a universal problem of the peoples of the USSR. However, the article does not pursue the purpose of research and preparation of an answer to this question, therefore, the paper presents the opinions of scientists on how nutrition was carried out during that period, both the Ukrainian people and other SSR. I would especially like to note the participation of the state in the formation of such a situation, since the forcible rejection of market relations and the "construction" of communism, in our opinion and the opinion of other scientists, led to total hunger in some areas of the Union, and to a lack of nutrition in others. Therefore, as the author concludes, during this period, the gastronomic culture can be called a culture of hunger – all the actions of the population were aimed at survival, a number of representatives returned to taboo ways of eating (cannibalism), there were certain rules in the actions and analysis of their behavior (seemingly primitive). The situation was different in foreign countries. As the analysis showed, the famine in Europe and the United States was caused by other reasons – the economic crisis. At the same time, the leaders of foreign states tried to adjust the nutrition of the population by organizing a centralized body. A similar situation developed in the USSR, only the All-Union Society of National Nutrition was called not to correct, but to control the consumption of food by the population. As for the state of gastronomic culture in foreign countries, the author believes that its orientation was indicated by the need to survive in conditions of austerity and lack of livelihood. But at the same time, the culture associated with nutrition still existed – middle–class people, marginals, the military - all these categories ate in their own way, there was differentiation, unlike the population in the USSR.

Izvestiya of the Samara Russian Academy of Sciences scientific center. Social, humanitarian, medicobiological sciences. 2023;25(6):87-96
pages 87-96 views

"Children's scenes" by Robert Schumann: borders, images, movements

Dyatlov D.


The article is devoted to Robert Schumann's piano cycle "Children's Scenes". Unlike other cyclical works of the composer, there is no bright contrast, virtuoso beginning, duality of images in it. At the same time, the expressiveness of the musical "characters" presented in brief sketch plays is extremely characteristic and vitally reliable. "Children's Scenes" is a program composition. This is reflected in the title of the cycle and in the titles of the plays. The tempo and character designations given at the beginning of each piece, as well as performance instructions (leagues, strokes, accentuation marks) guide the interpreter's imagination. The analysis of texture, harmony, forms of movement, interactions of rhythm and meter allow us to reveal the details of each musical "portrait". Observing oppositions – quiet and noisy, slow and fast, joyful and mournful, serious and playful, playful and dreamy, adult and child – reveals the poetics of boundaries that form the entire cycle. The boundaries that frame each piece require a certain strong-willed overcoming both during the transition from one piece to another, and throughout the sound of music. The author and the "world of childhood" revealed by music are always separated. Also, the performer, overcoming the boundary of the sounding image, remains a bystander. The poetics of boundaries allows you to enter the imaginative world of "Children's Scenes", to see the edges separating one image from another, to find the right tone of sound, to realize the special author's reflection in each turn of the intonation plot.

Izvestiya of the Samara Russian Academy of Sciences scientific center. Social, humanitarian, medicobiological sciences. 2023;25(6):75-86
pages 75-86 views

Paradoxes of Varlam Shalamov

Nekrasova I.


The article focuses on such ambiguous manifestations of Shalamov's attitude to life as the denial of the value of communication with several people, fidelity to one as an ideal figure. On the other hand, there is a sincere acceptance of people close to him in spirit, a desire to help and support them. Shalamov was disappointed in people, in the human race in general. But at the same time, he went on a demonstration in defense of A. Sinyavsky and Y. Daniel, wrote detailed and interested letters about Doctor Zhivago to B. Pasternak and about One Day ... to A. Solzhenitsyn. A notable worldview oxymoron, which is addressed in this study, is the problem of faith, the religiosity of the writer. The antagonism of the real camp world prompted V. Shalamov in creating an artistic model to use the contrast technique at different levels of plot and poetics.

Izvestiya of the Samara Russian Academy of Sciences scientific center. Social, humanitarian, medicobiological sciences. 2023;25(6):111-117
pages 111-117 views

Russian classical literature and problems of methodology: boundaries of understanding

Karpenko G., Shevchenko E.


The article examines the peculiarities of understanding Russian classical literature depending on the primary basic epistemological and value settings, on the initial orientation of consciousness towards binary or trinitarian comprehension. The binary approach is characterized by a description of the world according to the principle of ontological dichotomy, splitting it into two parts: into “friends and foes”, into “good and evil”, etc. Understanding of Russian classics, based on the principles of binary (structuralism), gives rise to a simplified artistic picture of the world, expressed in oppositions, antinomies, oppositions and enshrined in the categories “I and Other”. The absolutization of this approach in the social sphere results in alternative domination, the dominance of one pole over the other. In the light of this approach, the world cannot be conceived as more complex than a unilinear whole. The transition to a viable epistemological paradigm and, consequently, to a new strategy of life and worldbuilding is associated with the trinitarian approach developed during the formation of great cultures, in this case, the Russian classics. This approach is characterized by an understanding of the world, reflected in Russian literature, as a hierarchically structured and sacralized whole, within which the tension and opposition of oppositions is removed.

Izvestiya of the Samara Russian Academy of Sciences scientific center. Social, humanitarian, medicobiological sciences. 2023;25(6):104-110
pages 104-110 views

Functions of a window in the prose of S. Krzhizhanovsky

Trubetskova E.


The article is devoted to the analysis of the image of a window and its functions in the prose works of S. Krzhizhanovsky. The relevance of the study is driven by the important role of this image in modeling the artistic space of the text, in the development of the plot and in creating the character of the hero, in revealing the philosophical and aesthetic problems that determine the uniqueness of the writer’s works. The article demonstrates that the window becomes for the hero not only an “insurmountable boundary” that does not allow him to leave the “minus” space saturated with trouble, as V.N. Toporov wrote about. Cases where the use of this image performs the function of expanding space and creating ecphrasis are considered. It is shown that the success of overcoming the window boundary is due to the genre features of Krzhizhanovsky’s works and the type of hero, which is different in the writer’s short stories and essays. It is demonstrated that Krzhizhanovsky’s window not only models space, but also expands artistic time (“Memories of the Future”). The article also analyzes examples of metaphorization of an image and explores its world-modeling function, which shapes the character and personality of the character and generates the plot of the work. The image of a window in Krzhizhanovsky is considered in the context of intertextual connections with literature of the 19th-20th centuries.

Izvestiya of the Samara Russian Academy of Sciences scientific center. Social, humanitarian, medicobiological sciences. 2023;25(6):118-124
pages 118-124 views

On the representation of the visual in russian literature (problem of artistic and scientific reception)

Shevchenko E.


The article is devoted to one of the current problems of the theory of intermediality - the representation of the visual in Russian literature. The study examines ways in which literary studies and other humanities can overcome the well-known narrow view of the verbal sign and its capabilities, describes scientific events devoted to the problems of visualization of literature, as well as the scientific apparatus developed over the past two decades. Among the most significant techniques of visual poetics are ekphrasis and intradiegesis. The most significant aspects of the visual in various artistic practices are explored: the visual picture of the world (M. Heidegger) and subject-object relations in the process of its contemplation/observation, the concepts of vision/sight/eye and glance, which allow us to distinguish between these phenomena and determine their specificity; various modes and figures of vision are considered, such as the observer, the spy. The modality of the visible, relevant for the modern era, can be traced through the extensive material of works of Russian literature, reflected in the works of domestic and foreign literary scholars, as well as Slavists. The emphasis is on spiritual vision and apophatic ekphrasis. It is predicted that there will be a further increase in interest in the problems of the visual, and an expansion of the scope of research due to the emergence of new technologies and ways of seeing.

Izvestiya of the Samara Russian Academy of Sciences scientific center. Social, humanitarian, medicobiological sciences. 2023;25(6):125-131
pages 125-131 views


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