
Actual problems of investigation of crimes related to «financial pyramids»
Galetsky V., Anuchina O.
On the Specifics of the Concept and Purposes of Interrogation as an Investigative Action
Vilskaya N., Malakhova V.
Current problems of fraud investigation in the Russian Federation
Shkhagapsoev Z., Tutukov A.
Innovative forensic habitoscopy in the context of digitalization as a source of new evidentiary opportunities in the fight against crime (cybercrime)
Lozinsky O.
Topical Issues of the Lawyer's Participation in the Preliminary Investigation
Shkhagapsoev Z.
Forensic Characterization of Murders for the Investigation of Crimes
Akkaeva H.
About Some Features of the Criminalistic Characteristics of Crimes Committed Using Cryptocurrency
Vilskayaа N., Malakhova V.
Features of Investigation and Disclosure of Crimes Related to Embezzlement in the Field of Railway Transport
Rusakov A., Frolov P.
Gaps in Criminal Law Related to Ensuring the Powers of Officials of Preliminary Investigation Bodies
Stefanova E.
Remote Fraud: Problems of Prevention, Investigation and Law Enforcement
Cherednichenko E.
Some Issues of the Use of Special Knowledge in the Investigation of Crimes Related to Household Gas Explosions (On the Example of Mongolia)
Chinbat A.
Judicial Investigation, its Purpose, Essence and Content, Features and Problematic Issues of its Implementation in Practice
Lozinsky O., Merkulov M., Tsai B.
The activities of the investigator in planning the investigation environmental crimes and ways to optimize it
Vasilyeva M.
Typical Methods of Illegal Logging (Based on Materials from the Russian Federation and Mongolia)
Amarsaikhan M.
On the need to improve the methodology for investigating fraud in the healthcare sector
Shlyapnikov Y.
Integration of digital technologies into preliminary investigations: problems, forecasts
Shkhagapsoyev Z.
Features of the Content of the Final Stage of the Investigation of Bribery
Shurukhnov N.
Improving the tactical support of video recording of investigative actions: research results
Glushkov M.
On some Aspects of Using Psychophysiological Research in the Investigation of Crimes
Shkhagapsoyev Z.
Circumstances to be proved in cases, related to criminal violations of health and safety regulations
Sirakanyan A.
Information Bases of Fraud Investigation in the Field of Healthcare
Shlyapnikov Y.
Method for identification and recognition of a forget from a digital form (images) production of documents using a plotter
Allaberganov A.
Tax Reconstruction as a Method of Overcoming the Accusatory Bias in the Investigation of Tax Crimes
Ilin D.
On Investigation of Crimes Committed by Police Officers
Shkhagapsoev Z., Akkaeva H.
On the perspectives of digital technologies using in criminology
Shogenov T., Burayeva L.
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