卷 4, 编号 3 (2022)


From number to person: the time of the anthropological turn?

Miskevich V.


The article deals with the actual problems of modern socio-cultural dynamics. The tendencies of the development of society in the situation of zwishenism and dissipation of the classical system of values are analyzed. The idea of the need for a new anthropological project is substantiated. The importance of rethinking the traditional universals of culture is emphasized. The illegality of the reductionist identification of the concepts of «mind» and «intellect» is shown. A number of pressing problems of modern education are formulated and analyzed. The tendency of the desynchronization of education with the needs of the labor market is revealed. The unreasonableness of excessive reliance on digital practices and distance learning in the pedagogical process is proved. The considerations on the subject of traditional questions of pedagogy «who, what and how to teach today» are presented.

Vestnik of Samara State Technical University. Series Philosophy. 2022;4(3):5-22
pages 5-22 views

Human being in a world without alternatives: active or passive anthropocentrism

Khamidov A.


The article discusses the need for Man to develop such a way of being in the World that would exclude the possibility of worldview and practical, anthropocentrism. It is noted that the Western way of being was initially anthropocentric. At the same time, anthropocentrism here appears in two modes — as active and as passive. It is emphasized that the eastern way of being is ontologically acceptable, but it does not orient Man to be a co-worker of cosmogenesis. It is concluded that the desired way of being a person in the World can be grown from the synthesis of what is represented in the eastern and western ways of human being.

Vestnik of Samara State Technical University. Series Philosophy. 2022;4(3):23-40
pages 23-40 views

Russian revolution of 1917 as interpreted by Ivan Ilyin and the eurasianists: two vectors of russian conservative journalism in the 1920s and 1930s

Demin I.


The article provides a comparative analysis of two interpretations of the Russian Revolution presented in the journalistic works of Ivan Ilyin and the Eurasianists. Both Ilyin and the Eurasianists saw the spiritual origins and prerequisites of the revolution in the mindset of the Russian pre-revolutionary society, primarily the Russian intelligentsia. Sharing a common attitude towards the value primacy of national identity, Ilyin and the Eurasianists radically differed in their assessments of the essence and prospects of Russian Bolshevism. This discrepancy is explained by the inconsistency of fundamental historical presumptions. Eurasianists considered the Soviet State a continuation of the centuries-old history of Russia-Eurasia. In turn, Ilyin saw in the Russian Revolution a catastrophic break in historical continuity.

Vestnik of Samara State Technical University. Series Philosophy. 2022;4(3):41-47
pages 41-47 views

Values of the svyatogorsk cultural tradition

Tyugashev E.


Based on the axiological analysis of the works of Neil Sorsky and Innokenty Komelsky, the values of the Svyatogorsk (Athos) cultural tradition in Russia are highlighted. Its specific values are self-preservation, new beginning, middle way, sociable life, inner work.

Vestnik of Samara State Technical University. Series Philosophy. 2022;4(3):48-54
pages 48-54 views

Program of transdisciplinary dialogue in modern science: paradigm foundations

Mojeiko M.


The paradigmatic foundations of the program of transdisciplinary dialogue in modern science have been considered: such as — the formation of a new type of determinism, the transition from the analyst of being to the analyst of formation, the rejection of rigid nomothetics and the traditional interpretation of the subject-object opposition. The tendencies of overcoming interdisciplinary boundaries in modern science are have been analyzed, leading to the convergence of the natural and human sciences, including the adaptation of a number of methodological principles of the humanities by natural science.

Vestnik of Samara State Technical University. Series Philosophy. 2022;4(3):55-66
pages 55-66 views

Interdisciplinary interaction and the phenomenon of false analogy in the context of social reality

Tverdynin N.


The phenomenon of false analogy in its various aspects, including formation, meaning and perception, both in various fields of science and culture, and in everyday consciousness is considered in this article. It is shown that the false analogy, being a constant companion of the process of cognition, has its own peculiarities in humanitarian, natural-scientific and technical-technological knowledge.

Vestnik of Samara State Technical University. Series Philosophy. 2022;4(3):67-74
pages 67-74 views

Information warfare of the modern world

Bankovskaya Y.


The essence of information warfare is revealed in the paper, the specifics of its deployment in the modern world is explored. Information is a symbolic capital used by subjects to manipulate the actions of many subjects and form public opinion. Information warfare is becoming a non-contact, global and comprehensive way of influencing social reality. The identification of the peculiarities of the manifestation of this phenomenon is a necessary condition for the settlement of contradictions.

Vestnik of Samara State Technical University. Series Philosophy. 2022;4(3):75-80
pages 75-80 views

The problem of faith and trust in philosophical ideas Martin Buber and Lev Shestov

Bakshutova E.


The article discusses the problem of two «images of faith» in two aspects: the image of faith as a similarity to a way of life, as a way of thinking, and the image of faith as an experience of the representation of a higher reality. The author appeals to the works of L.I. Shestov and M. Buber, who had a similar «blood» origin, embodied the existential tradition in philosophy, L.I. Shestov remained in history as a Russian philosopher, M. Buber — as a Jewish, while they both left their national, moved into a wider cultural field, enriching it. Both of them in their philosophical quests correlate with both Judaism and Christianity — the religious origins of the two ways of thinking in culture. And the phenomenon of «minimal faith» that has formed in modern times opens up the opportunity for a person to return to the religious experience «before», «after» and «outside» religions, in direct interaction with the Creator.

Vestnik of Samara State Technical University. Series Philosophy. 2022;4(3):81-88
pages 81-88 views

Endophysics of the «point» as an object of study of the science of the future

Fedyaev A.


It is proved that the introduction of the postnonclassical concept of “point” into scientific circulation will allow a deeper understanding of the essence of Genesis, change science and civilization as a whole. It was revealed that the “point” is, of course, an infinite fractal of the universe and space. It has been established that the external connections of the “point” form the physical cosmos, and the internal ones form the extraphysical reality. An interpretation of the geometric concepts of the structural elements of space is given (the «complex point» Kantor’s axiom, 1872). A new version of the concept of «friedmons» is presented. New ideas about «space» and «time», the form and structure of the universe have been developed. The mechanism of entry of mankind into the world of four dimensions is revealed.

Vestnik of Samara State Technical University. Series Philosophy. 2022;4(3):89-96
pages 89-96 views

Review of the book of Kurashov Vladimir ignatievich «Knowledge of nature in interactions of scientific knowledge». Moscow: «KDU», 2021

Nurullin R.


The review is devoted to the book of the famous Kazan philosopher of science V.I. Kurashov. Cognition of nature in the interaction of scientific knowledge / V.I. Kurashov: Moscow: «KDU», «University book», 2021. 354 p. DOI: 10.31453/kdu.ru.91304.0146. As noted in the review, the work is devoted to the problems of cognition of nature in the system of modern ideas of natural science. The author of the monograph tries to take a fresh look at the interpretation of the phenomena of knowledge about nature in their systemic interconnectedness.

Vestnik of Samara State Technical University. Series Philosophy. 2022;4(3):97-103
pages 97-103 views