
Heat transfer in the centrifugal force field for gas turbines elements
Zuev A., Arngold A., Khodenkova E.
The method of the disk friction determining of low mass flow centrifugal pumps
Zuev A., Nazarov V., Arngold A., Petrov I.
The method of the disk friction determining of low mass flow centrifugal pumps
Zuev A., Nazarov V., Arngold A., Petrov I.
Dynamics of the flow in the sections of the elements of the supply path of the turbopump unit of the LRE
Arngol’d A., Zuev A., Tolstopyatov M., Dubynin P.
Relative characteristic thicknesses of the dynamic three-dimensional boundary layer at various laws of velocity distribution
Kishkin A., Zuev A., Melkozerov M., Chernenko E., Konstantinov A.
Hydrodiynamical exploration of side face current of direct lattices
Matvienko A., Cherkasov A., Isaev D.
Bottom flow lines research at flow turning
Kishkin A., Chernenko E., Zuev A., Goroshko V.
Rectilinear uniform gas flow with thermal efficiency in propulsion equipment of aircrafts
Tolstopyatov M., Zuev A., Kishkin A., Zhuikov D., Nazarov V.
Influenceof a current passed through frictional contact on antiwear properties of synthetic aviation oil VNIINP 50-1-4f
Koval'skiy B., Bezborodov Y., Kuz'menko A., Kayzer Y., Kovalskiy B., Bezborodov Y., Kuzmenko A., Kaizer Y.
Theoretical analysis of flow of cascade of low-flow centrifugal pump by viscid fluid stream
Kraeva E.
Kraev M.
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