卷 4, 编号 1 (2023)

Culture & Text

Dialogue with the Reader in the Novel One Billion Years to the End of the World by the Strugatsky Brothers

Lisovitskaya V.


Arkady and Boris Strugatsky’s novel «One Billion Years to the End of the World» has certain features in terms of subject organization. The article is devoted to the analysis of the authors’ strategy for building a dialogue with the reader in the novel. Arguments are made to prove that the primary subject of speech is a personified narrator disguising as impersonal; the form of diary entries is designed to establish a trusting relationship with the reader, while the main strategy used by the authors of the novel is understanding.

Sphere of culture. 2023;4(1):25-32
pages 25-32 views

Сulture & Arts

Romeo and Juliet by S. Prokofiev and l. Lavrovsky as a Sample of Choreodrama on the Stage of the G.Ts. Tsydynzhapov Buryat State Academic Opera and Ballet Theater

Bagadaeva A.


One of the leading directions of the Soviet ballet was the choreodrama, also called drama ballet. Its specifics and peculiarity consisted in the reflection of socialist realism by means of dramatic pantomime and truthfulness of everyday life. The article is devoted to the famous specimen of the choreodrama – S. Prokofiev’s “Romeo and Juliet” ballet staged in 1940 by choreographer L. Lavrovsky. In 2022, the performance was transferred to the ballet stage of Buryatia, becoming an example of the preservation of intangible cultural value in the field of theatrical and ballet art.

Sphere of culture. 2023;4(1):35-42
pages 35-42 views

The Problems of Preservation of the “St. Anastasia Chapel with Murals” (1990 – 1911) in the Modern Landscape of Pskov: Historical and Town Planning Aspect

Kononova P.


The formation of the monument of the “St. Anastasia Chapel with murals” of the federal significance erected in Pskov in 1910-1911 took place in the ХVIII – ХХth centuries. The study provides arguments that prove the possibility to relocate this object of cultural heritage within the territory which is symbolically and functionally connected with it. As the result of the study of historical and cultural context as well as the prevailing town-planning practice provisions have been formulated to specify cases which allow relocation of the monument without changing the characteristics that determine its uniqueness and social significance.

Sphere of culture. 2023;4(1):43-51
pages 43-51 views

Scientific Periodization of Composer A.K. Glazunov’s Сreative Work

Li S.


The periodization of the creative activity of the Russian composer Alexander Konstantinovich Glazunov (1856 – 1936) remains a subject of discussion among musicologists. The present study, which is general in nature, clarifies individual episodes of the musician’s professional biography, the peculiarities of the transformation of the style of his works under the influence of various factors. The author of the article attempts to rethink the periodization of A.K. Glazunov’s musical creativity, taking into account the nonlinear nature of academism evolution and manifestations of innovation.

Sphere of culture. 2023;4(1):52-58
pages 52-58 views

Culture & Ethnicity

Living Mask and Character-Figure as Phenomena of Plastic Visualization and the Fundamental Principles of Plastic Language of Thinking (as Exemplified by the Ethnic Group of Mordvins)

Dogorova N., Voronina N.


Dynamic properties of ethnic plastic thinking are rooted not only in the internal development of art, but also depend on the mental and cultural mobility of a particular ethnic group. The author explores particular plastic themes and language perspectives of ethnic folklore, as well as plot forms and motifs of the mythological creativity of the Mordvins. The purpose of the article is to develop modern art criticism discourse of plastic and ethnoplastic understanding of thinking through the analysis of architectonic variants of the structures of ritual imagery, the semantic basis of the architectonic artistic connection and the primary elements of archetypal abilities.

Sphere of culture. 2023;4(1):13-22
pages 13-22 views

Culture & Digitalizo

Virtual Cemeteries as a Phenomenon of Digital Memory Studies

Yarychev N.


Digital memory studies are one of the current areas of modern memorial research. The article is devoted to understanding the essence of the main virtual memorial phenomena that make up the subject area of this area: web memorials, a memorial cluster of social networks, virtual cemeteries. The article pays special attention to the specifics of the perception of virtual cemeteries by modern Chechens as representatives of a conservative type of memorial culture.

Sphere of culture. 2023;4(1):87-93
pages 87-93 views

The Development of the Russian Film Industry in the Era of Digital Media Exemplified by A. Fedorchenko’s Film Big Snakes of Ulli-Kale

Liao Y.


The relevance of this research lies in understanding of Russian cinema as a rapidly developing cultural industry with the influence of digital media on these processes. A clear example of this process is A. Fedorchenko’s creative work, including his last major work, Big Snakes of Ulli-Kale. According to the author of the article, digital media, providing new opportunities for creative self-realization, contribute to the director’s traditional desire for the most complete control over the means of artistic expressiveness of film production.

Sphere of culture. 2023;4(1):94-101
pages 94-101 views

Book Culture

Professional Orientation of Library and Information Specialists of The Republic of Tatarstan (Research on the Basis of the Central Library of Kazan)

Maslova Y., Mansurova A.


The article presents the results of a survey conducted on the basis of the Kazan Central Bank in 2022. The study showed that not only the theoretical knowledge acquired at the university and in the course of work, but also the organizational culture, psychological, moral climate of the library staff are of determining significance for the formation of professional orientation and personal development of library specialists. Thus, the importance of professional orientation and relevant competencies for a successful career and the achievement of professional goals are confirmed.

Sphere of culture. 2023;4(1):61-68
pages 61-68 views

A Focus in Which the Interests and Requests of the Peasantry Intersect: Village Reading Rooms of the Crimean ASSR in the 1920s

Pirozhkova T.


Village reading rooms, being an element of the library system of the 1920s, served as the main political educational institution in the village. The article deals with the functioning of institutions of this type on the territory of the Crimean ASSR. Based on archival sources and publications in the local periodical press, a comprehensive analysis of the activities of the reading rooms network in the region during the designated period (the dynamics of their number, financial situation, material and personnel support, forms of work with the population, etc.) was undertaken. The results presented in the study complement the ideas about the history of librarianship, cultural and national policy in the Crimean ASSR of the 1920s and contribute to better understanding of the history of librarianship in Russia.

Sphere of culture. 2023;4(1):69-83
pages 69-83 views

Documentary heritage & bibliography

Publisher Z.I. Grzhebin in Letters to Scientist, Socialist, Writer V.S. Voitinsky

Anisimov А.


The Paris period of the life and activity of the expatriate book publisher Z.I. Grzhebin (1925-1927) is extremely insufficiently studied. A collection of nine letters to V.S. Voitinsky and his wife, discovered at the International Institute of Social History (Amsterdam, the Netherlands), makes it possible to clarify a number of episodes that remained outside the framework of the domestic historiography of the issue. Biographical information on the social, political and scientific activities of V.S. Voitinsky in Russia and abroad is given. The text of some Z.I. Grzhebin’s letters, previously unknown to specialists, as well as the agreement on the credit debt of his Berlin publishing house, which actually put an end to the fate of his company, is introduced into scientific circulation.

Sphere of culture. 2023;4(1):105-118
pages 105-118 views


Semantic Horizons of the Poetics of the Visible in a Literary Text

Golubkov S.


The article considers a monograph by Professor Galina Kozubovskaya “Russian Literature and the Poetics of the Visible” (2021), devoted to the diverse artistic functions of verbal painting in Russian poetry and prose of the XIXth century. The article describes analytical tools and scientific logic, with the help of which the literary critic scrupulously and successfully explores the phenomenon of the visible. It is shown how different techniques of landscape verbal painting, costume poetics, food motifs help, on the one hand, to detect the tenacious observation of the masters of the word, their ability to build an “image plan” in the text, and, on the other hand, to focus the reader’s attention on the creative reconstruction of the archetypes of mythological consciousness and traces of literary tradition flickering in the text.

Sphere of culture. 2023;4(1):133-140
pages 133-140 views


Aesthetics of Samarkand in Ilgiz Fazulzyanov’s Jewelry Art: Heritage as an Area of Creativity

Ionesov V., Fazulzyanov I.


The editorial board of the journal presents a conversation of Vladimir Ionesov (Doctor of Culturology, Professor, Samara State Institute of Culture) with Ilgiz Fazulzyanov, a well-known Russian artist and jeweler. The issues of aesthetic transformation of national traditions in modern applied art are discussed on the example of the jewelry collection «Samarkand». The article reveals the peculiarities of artistic design in jewelry art, the aesthetics of the historical heritage of Samarkand, and the interaction of the past and the present in the dialogue of cultures and time as well as semantic, stylistic and value attitudes in the creative design of modern jewelry art objects. National artistic traditions are considered as a source of high inspiration, a generator of new cultural practices and actual creative work.

Sphere of culture. 2023;4(1):121-130
pages 121-130 views