卷 3, 编号 2 (2023)


Psychoemotional status and arterial hypertension in children: search for correlation and clinical application

Pavlinova E., Lippert V., Dakuko A.


Arterial hypertension is a common problem in pediatrics that requires close attention from pediatricians and pediatric cardiologists. Scientific discoveries describing molecular-genetic interactions in disease progression unfortunately do not always help practitioners and patients to achieve full control of the disease. The anatomo-physiologic features of childhood have forced researchers to search for new reference points that can help clinicians select effective therapies. In recent years, clinicians and psychologists have noted a steady increase in anxiety disorders in childhood and adolescence. Approximately 32% of adolescents have symptoms of anxiety that are mostly ignored and not corrected. In the future, such patients have a significantly increased risk of developing not only psychiatric abnormalities, but also cardiovascular diseases. Assessment of the patient's psychoemotional status may become an important factor in the selection of complex treatment, which will provide a personalized approach to the therapy of arterial hypertension in a child and prevent the development of its long-term consequences.

Scientific Bulletin of the Omsk State Medical University. 2023;3(2):2-9
pages 2-9 views

The role of the gut microbiota in the development of coronary artery atherosclerosis

Safiulina T., Morova N., Bicbavova G.


Cardiovascular diseases are one of the most common causes of death in the Russian Federation and worldwide. Consistently high statistical values, despite known risk factors, encourage us to look for new aspects of the etiology, pathogenesis and course of this group of diseases. The group of coronary heart disease requires special attention, most of the nosologies of which are diseases associated with atherosclerotic lesions of the coronary arteries. Despite the well-established concept of the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis associated with the “response to endothelial damage”, there is more and more data on the participation of gut microbiota metabolites in the occurrence and progression of this process, which has formed into the theory of “atherogenic microbiome”. The main bacterial factors influencing the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis are considered to be such metabolites as trimethylamine-N-oxide, lipopolysaccharide, short-chain fatty acids, and deoxyribonucleic acid. They take part in changes in lipid metabolism and immunological reactivity of the macroorganism, induce low-grade inflammation, which leads to the progression of atherosclerotic lesions of arteries, including coronary arteries. The purpose of this review is to analyze the literature on the role of the gut microbiota in the pathogenesis of coronary artery atherosclerosis, its effect on lipid metabolism, the relationship between changes in the microbiome and the development of atherosclerotic vascular lesions, and features of the “atherogenic microbiome”. Literature search was carried out in PubMed and Google Scholar systems among full-text articles published in Russian and English until January 2023 for the keywords: atherosclerosis, gut microbiota, cardiovascular diseases.

Scientific Bulletin of the Omsk State Medical University. 2023;3(2):10-20
pages 10-20 views

Formation of universal competencies of undergraduate and graduate students - participants of the olympiad "School of leadership in healthcare"

Anpilova N., Getman N., Kotenko E., Leonov I., Pasechnik O., Burashnikova I.


This article considers the problem of realization of the Olympiad movement in higher education institution. The main subject of discussion in the article is the use of Olympiads in medical school as the most effective way to form universal competencies of undergraduate and graduate students. The aim of this paper was to describe the preparation and conduct of the Olympiad "School of Leadership in Health Care" by the Departments of Public Health and Public Health and Pedagogy and Psychology, aimed at the formation and quality control of universal competencies, such as: the ability to carry out a critical analysis of problem situations; the ability to manage the project at all stages of its life cycle; the ability to organize and manage the work of the team, developing a team strategy to achieve the goal; According to the data of psychological and pedagogical studies of the Olympiad movement in medical universities, the authors note that the relevance of the application of the Olympiad lies in the opportunity for undergraduates and graduate students not only to improve their knowledge in a particular specialty, but also to develop the ability to communicate and teamwork, to obtain practical skills and abilities. In addition, participation in the student Olympiad provides students with a number of advantages: portfolio replenishment, additional points when entering residency or postgraduate studies in a specialty. Our study is based on the competence and activity approaches. We use theoretical methods: analysis of scientific and pedagogical literature, systematization, generalization; empirical methods: diagnostic (observation, survey); prognostic (expert evaluation). In accordance with the goal of our study, the authors determined that participation in the Olympiad movement allows undergraduate and graduate students to learn to interact with each other, which contributes to the formation of universal competencies within the competence-based approach; competence-based technologies in medical school contribute to the development and consolidation of leadership skills necessary for future health care organizers to make effective decisions; improving the training of specialists with higher education.

Scientific Bulletin of the Omsk State Medical University. 2023;3(2):21-29
pages 21-29 views

Improving the effectiveness of legal regulation of targeted training of medical workers as a way to solve the problem of shortage of medical personnel

Ivanova N., Burashnikova I.


The shortage of medical workers is the most serious challenge of modern healthcare. The article considers the issues of improving the legislation as one of the ways to solve the problem of insufficient supply of doctors.

Scientific Bulletin of the Omsk State Medical University. 2023;3(2):30-33
pages 30-33 views

Analysis of the activity of inpatient social service institution and assessment of indicators affecting the quality of life of residents

Padolko A.


Actuality: sooner or later every person sooner or later thinks about whether he or she can count on someone's help and support, improving the quality of life in old age or in connection with changes in health. In the modern world, great attention is paid to the elderly, people with disabilities and their social services.

Purpose: characterization and analysis of the activity of the institution "Dragunsky boarding school", recommendations for improving the performance indicators.

Materials and methods: A descriptive epidemiologic research, the study of the main activity indicators on financing and dynamics of residents was carried out. The regulatory framework was analyzed.

Conclusion: Social service is carried out on the principles of equal, free access of citizens to social services. Great importance of the work of increasing the efficiency of the institution has a micro-level - direct activities focused on each recipient of social services, with an individual approach.

Scientific Bulletin of the Omsk State Medical University. 2023;3(2):34-42
pages 34-42 views

Analysis of medical and social rehabilitation measures in the conditions of inpatient social service institution and ways to improve rehabilitation

Markitovich N.


Actuality: Disabled people with mental disorders belong to the most socially disadapted groups of the population. In the general structure of disability by classes of disease, mental illnesses occupy the third rank place and account for 10%. In terms of the duration of disability, mental illnesses occupy the first place. Almost 95% of disabled persons recognized as incapable of work due to mental illness and mental retardation remain on pension for life.

Purpose: Improvement of rehabilitation of disabled people due to mental illnesses and conditions of rehabilitation realization in the ASUSO "Dragunsky DI".

Materials and methods: The medical and social rehabilitation measures of social recipients with mental illnesses in ACUSO "Dragunsky DI" were analyzed.

Conclusion: The results of rehabilitation activities carried out in the boarding house by means of various innovative social technologies testify to their effectiveness in the framework of organizing work with clients with mental disabilities.

Scientific Bulletin of the Omsk State Medical University. 2023;3(2):43-48
pages 43-48 views

Organization of complex geriatric care for the elderly population in social service institutions

Kirsanov A., Sabaev A.


The article presents the medical and demographic characteristics of Tavrichesky municipal district of Omsk region. The prevalence of the main geriatric syndromes among the elderly and senile people living in the social service institution is estimated. The necessity of development of standard operating procedures to improve the quality of medical and social assistance to elderly patients is substantiated.

Scientific Bulletin of the Omsk State Medical University. 2023;3(2):49-50
pages 49-50 views

Organization of medical rehabilitation of patients with new coronavirus infection in the conditions of the sanatorium "Prokopyevsky"

Shishkin A., Pasechnik O.


The article presents the characteristic of medical rehabilitation measures carried out in the conditions of a sanatorium-resort institution for patients with postcovicular syndrome.

Scientific Bulletin of the Omsk State Medical University. 2023;3(2):51-53
pages 51-53 views

Modern tuberculosis prevention and control programs at the regional level

Musainova D., Pasechnik O.


The article presents an assessment of the effectiveness of measures to prevent the spread of tuberculosis in the Omsk region, where modern approaches and directions of the national strategy of tuberculosis elimination are realized. The qualitative and quantitative changes in the cohorts of first-detected cases of tuberculosis for the analyzed period of 2015 - 2021 are noted. Actual directions of tuberculosis prevention for the Omsk region are revealed.

Scientific Bulletin of the Omsk State Medical University. 2023;3(2):53-55
pages 53-55 views

Analysis and assessment of accessibility of dental care to the adult population of Omsk city

Rybyakova V., Goleva O.


The article presents the analysis and evaluation of the accessibility of dental care to the adult population of Omsk, which showed an insignificant influence of socio-demographic characteristics on the evaluation of medical care. The criteria favorably influencing the general assessment of the accessibility of dental care are revealed.

Scientific Bulletin of the Omsk State Medical University. 2023;3(2):55-58
pages 55-58 views

Designing leisure activities as a method of prevention of antisocial behavior of people staying in boarding homes

Amelchenko M.


The article reveals the problem of social deviations in elderly people living in institutions of stationary social serviceLeisure activities can act as a resource for solving the problem and a method of realization of general, primary, secondary and tertiary prevention of such social deviations as alcoholism, drug addiction and tobacco smoking among clients of residential homes for permanent residence of elderly citizens.

Scientific Bulletin of the Omsk State Medical University. 2023;3(2):58-62
pages 58-62 views

Organization of sanatorium-resort treatment of patients with diseases of the nervous system

Knasper S., Goleva O.


The article presents the study of possibilities of sanatorium-resort treatment of nervous diseases on the example of sanatorium-resort institutions of Omsk region.

Scientific Bulletin of the Omsk State Medical University. 2023;3(2):63-64
pages 63-64 views

Popularization of the idea of healthy lifestyle in mass media and social media

Shipilova E., Burashnikova I.


In the article the author raises the issue of popularization of healthy lifestyle with the help of mass media and social media. The relevance and social significance of the problems are substantiated, and also some results of own sociological research devoted to population awareness of healthy lifestyle are given.

Scientific Bulletin of the Omsk State Medical University. 2023;3(2):64-67
pages 64-67 views

The relevance of HIV infection

Virchenko O., Tasova Z.


In the modern world for almost forty years there is a global threat, with which mankind faced at the end of XX century and continues to take the leading position - it is the spread of human immunodeficiency virus (hereinafter - HIV). HIV infection is an infectious anthroponotic chronic disease with contact transmission, caused by the human immunodeficiency virus, slowly progressing and characterized by damage to the immune system with the development of fatal acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS).

Scientific Bulletin of the Omsk State Medical University. 2023;3(2):67-69
pages 67-69 views

Medico-social aspects of mortality of the population of Omsk region

Shteinborm I., Pasechnik O.


The article presents the estimation of epidemiologic manifestations of population mortality in the territory of Omsk region. The dynamics of life expectancy at birth, general and special indicators of mortality, age structure of the dead, territorial distribution of indicators is characterized, the contribution of various causes to the total mortality rate of the population is described.

Scientific Bulletin of the Omsk State Medical University. 2023;3(2):70-72
pages 70-72 views