Pharmacy Formulas

A periodical scientific publication, the journal " Formulas of Pharmacy "(hereinafter-the publication), for publishing the main scientific results of dissertations for the degree of candidate of Sciences, for the degree of doctor of Sciences; presents high-quality, peer-reviewed research and interactive clinical content.

Our journal is focused on clinical pharmacologists, specialists of expert organizations, workers centers preclinical and clinical trials of medicinal products; employees of regulatory and Supervisory organizations and institutions in the field of pharmaceutical industry and Russian Ministry of health; researchers, medical and pharmaceutical workers of the organisations and institutions of the Ministry of health; experts of the scientific organizations of RAS and other researchers in the field of environmental security.

The topics of published materials are limited to two branches of science - medical and biological - and they correspond to groups of scientific specialties (03.02.00 General biology, 14.03.00 Biomedical sciences, 14.04.00 Pharmaceutical sciences) in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated October 23, 2017 No. 1027 "On the approval of the nomenclature of scientific specialties for which science degrees are awarded" and by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of December 12, 2016 No. 1586 (revised March 27, 2018) "On the approval of the rules for forming the list of peer-reviewed scientific publications."

The publication complies with modern rules and requirements of domestic and foreign legislation for peer-reviewed scientific publications.

Journal strategy

When preparing each issue, members of the editorial Board intend to take into account modern requirements for the order of qualified review, information openness and bibliometric indicators in assessing the publication activity of authors, along with other factors of the journal.

To this end, the editorial team uses rigorous: editorial, expert, and statistical review processes to evaluate manuscripts for scientific accuracy, novelty, and importance; policies and practices that ensure that authors disclose all relevant financial associations and that such associations do not in any way affect the content published by the journal.

When developing the strategy and layout of the publication, we studied and analyzed the professional materials available to us from information resources of publishers and owners of bibliographic and abstract databases-leaders of international citation systems for relevant branches of science and groups of scientific specialties.

In the course of this work, three groups of scientific specialties were identified, which, in our opinion, made it possible to create a publication's rubricator and determine its name: "Pharmacy Formulas". At the same time, we took into account the definition of pharmacy as the entire life cycle of medicines, including the creation, preclinical and clinical research, production technology, organization of pharmaceutical business, as well as issues of control and analytical research, food and environmental safety. In turn, the word "formulas" means directions, trends, trends in the development of scientific and practical areas that make up pharmacy.

We believe that through our efforts, the journal will keep healthcare and pharmaceutical industry professionals at the forefront of medical and pharmaceutical knowledge, help them deepen their understanding of new areas of interest, and provide valuable insights into scientific and practical medical and pharmaceutical activities.

Authors and readers

To present the results of high-quality scientific research to the reader, we are ready to be responsible for preparing the manuscript to meet the requirements of the journal, quality review of manuscripts , preparing the article for publication, providing opportunities and scientific communications of the founders of the publication to promote the article.

The journal's website meets all the requirements of the international bibliographic database. Full electronic document flow for authors, reviewers, scientific and literary editors is carried out on our own platform.

To promote the article, authors will be able to use the personal website of the publication; assignment of the DOI identifier of the author's manuscript immediately after uploading to the site; unique author ID ORCID; professional social networks Google Scholar, ResearchGate; repositories; open electronic archives; bibliography management system; social media; registration of the scientist as a reviewer; assistance in preparing the use of media (materials for press releases, interviews).

The publishing house of the journal has direct channels for transmitting information to the RSCI and international databases: Scopus, Web of Science, PubMed, CNKI.

When developing all the tasks facing the members of the editorial Board and editorial Board of the journal "Formulas of Pharmacy", we share a common goal: to promote and actively participate in scientific communications on the declared groups of scientific specialties in the biomedical field and pharmacy, from the idea to the release of medicines to the consumer market and management of their waste and metabolites.

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卷 6, 编号 2 (2024)

Pharmaceutical Sciences

Aspects of microbiological monitoring of the production environment in pharmaceutical and biotechnological manufacturing
Bogdanova O., Chernykh T., Bukovskaya J.

This research is devoted to the pressing issue of improving the microbiological monitoring of the production environment and quality control of products in the pharmaceutical and biotechnological industries. It is emphasized that these industries are currently among the most profitable sectors of the Russian economy, but their manufactured products are subject to particularly high quality requirements. The modern operating conditions of these enterprises give rise to certain problems that require a standardized approach to their solution. In this regard, the task of improving the microbiological monitoring of the production environment, as well as quality control of products, becomes particularly relevant in order to optimize production processes and increase the level of safety of the manufactured goods. The paper proposes an approach to the identification and analysis of critical points of production, depending on the sources of potential microbial contamination. For each of the identified critical points, an analysis of potential problems has been carried out, the solution of which will make it possible to increase the effectiveness of the microbiological control system.

Pharmacy Formulas. 2024;6(2):10-17
pages 10-17 views

Biomedical Sciences

The state of oncological care in Russia: liver cancer (C22). Age-specific characteristics of observed and relative one-year and five-year survival rates of patients (clinical-population study). Part 2
Merabishvili V., Bagnenko S., Balakhnin P., Busko E.

Survival rate calculations for liver cancer patients at the federal level in the Russian Federation are only conducted in the North-Western Federal District and a few other individual administrative territories. In the first part of our study, we presented a detailed analysis of the prevalence of liver cancer, noting that the levels of standardized incidence and mortality rates in Russia and the North-Western Federal District are virtually identical, allowing us to consider the results of our study as nationally representative. The conducted research confirmed the seriousness of the issue of liver cancer among the population. However, certain advancements in patient treatment were recorded, with a significant increase in survival rates, primarily for one-year survival. For example, in the North-Western Federal District, one-year survival increased from 13.6% in 2000 to 23.1% in 2022, representing a 69.8% increase. At the same time, five-year survival rates remained largely unchanged. Increases in survival rates were observed in most age groups. A significant deficiency in the initial patient record-keeping was identified - insufficiently accurate determination of the stage of liver cancer. One-year survival rates for male and female liver cancer patients (22.7% and 22.1%) were nearly equal, as were the survival rates for liver cancer patients residing in urban and rural areas. Therefore, further improvement in the outcomes of treatment for this complex patient group can only be achieved through the implementation of regional and federal screening and epidemiological surveillance programs among populations at high and extremely high risk of developing hepatocellular carcinoma.

Pharmacy Formulas. 2024;6(2):18-32
pages 18-32 views

Biological sciences

Chitin/chitosan: bioresources, applications field, production technologies
Perelygin V., Nekrasova T., Zharikov M., Werner A., Zmitrovich I.

The present review is devoted to such biotechnologically interesting polymers as chitin and chitosan, which form the cuticle of arthropods and the core of fungal cell wall. Chitosan is a linear polysaccharide containing D-glucosamine and N-acetyl-D-glucosamine residues, which has valuable biological properties. It is a product of deacetylation of chitin. Possessing pronounced muco-adhesive properties and controlled release ability, the chitosan is widely used in delivery of various therapeutic agents, such as anticancer drugs, antibiotics, proteins, nucleic acids, etc. Chitosan nanoparticles, micro- and nanocapsules, as well as hydrogels, can be developed for targeted delivery of drugs to specific organs and tissues. Initially, the attention of biotechnologists was focused on animal chitin, and basic methods for extracting and purifying this biopolymer took shape at this stage. Despite the complexity of the organization of the arthropod cuticle, the chitin in it is not covalently bound to other linear biopolymers and is organized into nanofibrils that form a fairly homogeneous matrix, therefore it is easier to extract than from the mycelium mass of fungi, where this biopolymer is tightly packed into microfibrils bound to the glucan matrix. The main stages of chitin extraction and its further modification into chitosan are deproteinization, demineralization, deacetylation, and the main methods of chitosan purification are filtration, dialysis and reprecipitation. After isolation, chitosan should be dried. To extract chitin from the fungi, the above classical chemical methods are often combined with the methods of “green chemistry” and industrial microbiology. The profitability of the production of chitin/chitosan from crustaceans and edible mushrooms is approximately at the same level. The cost of mushroom products can be reduced by using agricultural or forestry waste as nutrient substrates. This makes the use of fungi as sources of chitin/chitosan in forest regions rather promising.

Pharmacy Formulas. 2024;6(2):34-50
pages 34-50 views

Actual problems: discussion tribune

Approaches to the compilation of a list of pharmaceuticals and their metabolites subject to state regulation
Shpachuk A., Vilisova M., Sklyarova N.

The main sources of entry of pharmaceutical drugs and their active metabolites into drinking water are the pharmaceutical products consumed by the population, which are discharged through the sewage system, the effluents from pharmaceutical and medical organizations, as well as the by-products of agriculture, which ultimately form wastewater that passes through insufficiently effective treatment systems. The study is devoted to the development of approaches to the formation of a list of pharmaceutical products and their metabolites subject to state regulation. The importance of strengthening control over the use of such substances and conducting additional assessments of their negative impact on the environment is emphasized. In the course of the work, a comparative analysis of the active components in the top 20 best-selling pharmaceutical products on the Russian market was carried out using Russian and international literature sources. Regulatory legal acts regulating the classification of antibiotics and hormones by the degree of danger have been studied. Based on this, a preliminary list of medicinal substances that can potentially have a negative impact on the environment has been formed, mainly in accordance with the requirements of SanPiN 1.2.3685-21. The results of the study can be used for further assessments of the harmful effects of these substances and the development of measures for their regulation.

Pharmacy Formulas. 2024;6(2):56-66
pages 56-66 views
The last system by Cavalier-Smith
Zmitrovich I., Perelygin V., Zharikov M.

At the end of 2022, after the death of T. Cavalier-Smith, his fundamental synthesis under the title “Ciliary transition zone evolution and the root of the eukaryote tree: implications for opisthokont origin and classification of kingdoms Protozoa, Plantae, and Fungi” was published on the “Protoplasma” pages. This work highlights the organization of the transition zone of the eukaryotic flagellum and provides a new author’s system for this domain. Since the analysis of this heuristically important paper was not included in any memorial essay dedicated to Cavalier-Smith published in 2021–2022, this writing is dedicated to attempt of such an analysis. In addition, a glossary is provided containing specific terms introduced by Cavalier-Smith, which will help to better navigate the theoretical heritage of this scientist.

Pharmacy Formulas. 2024;6(2):68-77
pages 68-77 views


To the 95th anniversary of the birth of Professor Susanna Alexandrovna Minina (1929–2018)
Kaukhova I., Marchenko A., Pivovarova N.

This essay is dedicated to Professor Susanna Alexandrovna Minina, Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences – an outstanding scholar, gifted educator, and remarkable individual. Professor Minina’s career was inextricably linked with the St. Petersburg State Chemical-Pharmaceutical University. The essay includes her reminiscences about studying and working at the Leningrad Chemical-Pharmaceutical Institute from 1948 to 1968. It was here that Professor Minina was a student, later becoming a faculty member, and eventually heading the Department of Drug and Phytopreparation Technology from 1968 to 1994. She is the author of over 350 scientific publications, 31 author’s certificates, and 5 patents, as well as 36 methodological works. Susanna Alexandrovna Minina made a significant contribution to training scientific personnel. Under her supervision, 40 candidates successfully defended their dissertations, and she served as a scientific consultant for two doctoral dissertations. Her students and followers pursue successful professional careers not only in Russia but also abroad. Professor Minina’s primary research focused on developing phytopreparation technologies and creating dosage forms based on synthetic and natural substances. The results of her research have been implemented in industrial regulations for drug production, currently utilized in the pharmaceutical industry. Susanna Alexandrovna Minina’s scientific and pedagogical achievements have been recognized with governmental awards, including the “Excellent Worker in Healthcare” and “Excellent Worker in Medical and Microbiological Industry of the USSR” distinctions. She was also awarded a diploma and a gold honorary medal from the Academy of Natural Sciences “For Practical Contribution to Strengthening the Nation’s Health.” We express our sincere gratitude to Alexander Borisovich Zaputryaev, Susanna Alexandrovna’s son, for his assistance in compiling archival materials provided from the family archive.

Pharmacy Formulas. 2024;6(2):79-89
pages 79-89 views
“A brilliant teacher and popularizer”: Professor Pavel Nikolaevich Kashkin (1902–1991)
Narkevich I., Vorobeva S., Perelygin V., Pleshakov I., Сhernych T.

The essay, based on archival materials, reveals the key milestones in the biography, scientific, pedagogical, and public activities of the outstanding scientist, professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences, and candidate of Biological Sciences, P. N. Kashkin, who headed the Department of Microbiology at the Leningrad Chemical-Pharmaceutical Institute. He was not only the founder but also one of the initiators of the reorganization of the Chemical-Pharmaceutical Faculty of the 1st Leningrad Medical Institute in the period 1936–1937, and the establishment of the Leningrad Chemical-Pharmaceutical Institute as an independent higher education institution. P. N. Kashkin was the author of numerous discoveries and a mentor who nurtured and inspired a whole generation of scientists. He initiated and organized the world’s first engineering-microbiological faculty at the Leningrad Chemical-Pharmaceutical Institute, where he served as dean. His main task was to train highly qualified specialists for the emerging antibiotics industry, including antifungal drugs. P. N. Kashkin was a pioneer in the epidemiology of mycoses in our country. Professor P. N. Kashkin’s name became known among mycologists thanks to his work on organizing the fight against fungal skin diseases. The name of the founder of domestic microbiology, P. N. Kashkin, has been given to the St. Petersburg Institute of Medical Mycology, and in 2005, a monument to this remarkable scientist was erected on the institute’s premises.

Pharmacy Formulas. 2024;6(2):90-98
pages 90-98 views
