卷 6, 编号 4 (2020)


Linear asynchronous traction drive in urban rail and maglev transport systems

Nikitin V., Strepetov V.


The development of transport infrastructure of large cities with high population density and development should be carried out on the basis of innovative technical solutions, that allow to simplify the conditions of laying of tracks, reduce the cost of construction, reduce noise, provide comfort to passengers and reduce the cost of operating rolling stock. One such solution, the effectiveness of which is confirmed by foreign experience, is the use of linear asynchronous traction drive (LATD) in urban rail and maglev transport systems. This, in particular, allows to increase the allowable value of slope paths to 60–65 ‰, reduce the vertical dimensions of rolling stock to 3.15 m, reduce the diameter of the tunnel by 25–30 %. The release of the wheel pair from the function of the implementation of traction effort makes it possible to apply on the wagons the articulated semi-frames of trolleys, that ensures better rolling stock in curves, and as a result - less wear of wheels and rails and less noise.

This article analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of LATD compared to the traction drive of traditional execution, considers variants of constructive performance of linear induction motors (LIM), processes of electromechanical energy conversion in LIM, the option of building a LATD control system is presented. The article examines the flat LIM, which have found use in the transport systems of major cities in Asia and America. The processes of energy conversion in LIM are distinguished by the presence of a longitudinal edge effect, which determines the distortion of the resulting magnetic field, which is manifested in the reduction of induction and the displacement of the peak of the induction distribution curve to the escaping edge of the inductor. This effect is particularly manifested in high-speed LIMs with high quality. When the linearity of the magnetic environment is allowed, the resulting electromagnetic force of the LIM can be considered as the sum of electromagnetic forces created by the main field, as well as the direct and reverse fields of the longitudinal edge effect. The edge effects reduce efficiency and power ratio of LIM. The article discusses ways to compensate for the edge effects, as well as an overview of the world experience of the use of LATD in rail and maglev transport systems.

The advantages of LATD and the world experience of its use suggest that for urban transport systems at speeds of up to 100-120 km/h this drive can be a real competition to traditional urban rail systems.

Transportation Systems and Technology. 2020;6(4):5-24
pages 5-24 views

Assessment of operational reliability indicators of pit rope-operated excavators

Moskvichev V., Kovalev M.


The results of the study of operation reliability indicators of rope-operated excavators for 2017–2019 in the conditions of the Kolyvansky coal mine of Siberian Anthracite JSC are presented. The analysis of changes in reliability indicators of the main groups of equipment is performed. The conclusion is made about the current level of reliability for the main groups of excavator equipment and the components of the equipment that require increasing operational reliability are identified. The rating of reliability among rope-operated excavators used in the conditions of the Kolyvansky coal mine has been compiled. Recommendations have been developed to maintain and improve the reliability of the main groups of equipment and they components for rope-operated excavators in operating conditions at the Kolyvansky coal mine.

Transportation Systems and Technology. 2020;6(4):25-44
pages 25-44 views

Construction of culverts by pushing the finished links into the embankment

Averchenko G., Pavlenko A., Zorina E., Naborschikova D.


The object of research in this article is culverts, namely the technology of their construction. This topic is relevant in connection with the development of road construction, which in turn requires high-quality drainage, carried out in most cases by culverts.

The purpose of the study is to select and justify the most rational method of construction of culverts on roads and Railways. The article analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of the method of pushing finished links into the embankment. Various variants of pipes used in this method are considered, and the most suitable material and shape are selected. The features of operation of newly constructed culverts in the first year of their service are highlighted.

The result of the study is a proven advantage of the method of pushing finished links into the embankment, namely, using round-shaped pipes made of the most suitable material for performing these works-corrugated iron.

Transportation Systems and Technology. 2020;6(4):45-60
pages 45-60 views

Features of the formation of logistics centers in Germany and Italy

Todua V., Belnitsky D.


The paper discusses the features of building a pan-European transport and logistics system on the example of the formation of logistics centers in Germany and Italy. It describes the main goals of creating and operating logistics centers, features of geographical location, the role of the state and the private sector at the stages of planning, implementation and operation, sources of funding, and discusses issues of legal regulation of logistics centers. The authors of the article suggest one of the possible directions for the development of logistics centers, which Russia can adhere to, based on the experience of European countries with positive results in the formation of a network of logistics centers.

Transportation Systems and Technology. 2020;6(4):61-72
pages 61-72 views

Original papers

Technological regulation of the construction of the roadbed

Lychkovskiy A.


Technological regulation of the construction of the roadbed becomes an integral part of the construction process. Continuous monitoring of soil characteristics at the construction stage is very important for all types of soil, especially for watered areas of soil and areas with high-temperature permafrost.

Aim: Formation of a technical and technological system that operates on the principles of direct and feedback between the characteristics of geotechnical structures and the parameters of construction equipment for the most efficient and high-quality production of works.

Methods: Technological regulation of the humidity of the roadbed by means of technical influence at the stage of frost moisture accumulation.

Conclusion: to monitor the condition of the roadbed during the construction of Railways, it is advisable to use an opto-fiber cable as a sensor that can record many characteristics of the ground continuously along the entire length of the route.

Transportation Systems and Technology. 2020;6(4):73-87
pages 73-87 views

Modeling and prediction of indicators of dynamics of diseases of residents of regions coronavirus COVID-19

Gerasimenko P.


Background: To carry out mathematical modeling of key indicators of the spread of the coronavirus epidemic and, with their help, evaluate the forecast of the dynamics of its completion time.

Aim: Due to a substantial request for the practice of making informed decisions to isolate the population in the face of the uncertainty of the increased risks of infection.

Methods: The regression analysis was used as a method that uses the best parameter estimation of mathematical models, providing high quality dynamics of key indicators of the spread of the epidemic. To build the models, statistical data were used, which are generated by monitoring by coordinating councils to combat the spread of COVID-19 in the regions of the Russian Federation.

Results: The proposed methodological apparatus allowed, based on the monitoring data of the coordinating council to combat the spread of St. Petersburg coronavirus, to carry out modeling and prediction of the course of the disease in the region.

Conclusion: The proposed approach makes it possible to justifiably recommend management decisions to the administration and health authorities to create normal economic and social living conditions for residents of Russian regions, their employment, including training, during the spread of coronavirus.

Recommendations: Continue to improve the apparatus for modeling and forecasting key distribution indicators of COVID-19.

Transportation Systems and Technology. 2020;6(4):88-97
pages 88-97 views

Increasing the investment attractiveness of transport organizations engaged in intermodal container transport during the pandemic crisis

Chechenova L.


Background: The coming period of the world economy's recovery from the first stage of the pandemic crisis will seriously change the situation in the cargo and passenger segment. According to the current situation, the global market is marked by a violation of the usual links between producers and consumers, an imbalance in transport flows associated with changes in demand. At the same time, during the crisis, container cargo transportation by rail is the main tool, since a significant amount of anti-epidemic protection equipment from China was transported by trains. It is clear that in the near future, the market dynamics depends primarily on further developments and measures of state support for industries and businesses.

Aim: assessment of factors of the crisis economy, as well as analysis and evaluation of investment attractiveness of transport organizations engaged in intermodal container cargo transportation on the example of the largest operator in Russia.

Methods: to achieve this goal, standard research methods were used: theoretical, experimental; complex methods of analysis and evaluation of business processes, methods of qualitative and quantitative data analysis.

Results: systematize factors that significantly changes the model of the transportation business; analyze the loss of earnings as the result of a crisis situation on the market; given the method of evaluating the investment attractiveness of the largest Russian container operator on the basis of complex use of accounting approach and rating method of evaluation; introduced an analytical map of improvement of investment attractiveness with reasonable measures in the form of blocks for formulation of the plans of the organization, the business model of container transport, road map and forecasting results.

Transportation Systems and Technology. 2020;6(4):98-112
pages 98-112 views

Development of theoretical approaches to pricing in freight rail in the XX–the beginning of XXI centuries

Egorov Y.


Background: large-scale plans for the development of Russia's transport infrastructure, including the railroad, require revision and improvement of the modern tariff system; the latter is unthinkable without improving the existing theoretical approaches to pricing in freight rail transport.    

Aim: development of classification criteria for the evolution of theoretical approaches to pricing in freight rail transport in the XX–early XXI centuries on the basis of the most significant works on this topic; modelling the matching of the current stage of development of these theoretical approaches to modern scientific approaches of determining the economic category "price".             

Methods: comparative, analysis, synthesis, system approach.

Results: we developed a chronological classification of theoretical approaches to pricing in freight rail transport in the XX–early XXI centuries. (with the identification of the correspondence of the stages of development of the theory to the periods of development of railway transport), a classification of the current stage of development of these approaches in the main directions of development, and the model of the matching of the elements of the classification of the current stage of development of these approaches to modern scientific approaches to determining the economic category "price".

Conclusion: the developed classifications and the matching model can be used in the future to improve the existing theoretical approaches to pricing in freight rail transport, to develop fundamentally new similar approaches and methods of their application in pricing in practice.

Transportation Systems and Technology. 2020;6(4):113-126
pages 113-126 views

The formation mechanism of external effects of improving transport accessibility caused by high-speed rail devepolment

Romanov A., Lyakina M.


Background: One of the current trends of modern transport systems development process is innovative technologies application aimed to rational use of resources, which is confirmed by the development of high-speed rail supposing to reduce travel time costs. The world practice of high-speed railway projects implementation verifies variety of transport availability influences on social and economic sphere that allows to consider HSR not only as the transport innovation defining competitiveness of railway transport, but also as the economic stimulation tool for territory development.

Aim: to substantiate the formation mechanism of external effects from high-speed rail transport projects implementation.

Methods: the study was conducted by means of scientific methods such as the systematic method, comparative analysis, analogy, generalization and abstraction, synthesis, induction.

Results: the formation mechanism of external effects from the transport accessibility improving caused by HSR projects implementation was specified, which allows considering HSR projects as a tool for economic development. The dual nature of the relationship between the high-speed rail efficiency, which ensure the external effects formation, and integration transport processes that affect transport accessibility was revealed.

Transportation Systems and Technology. 2020;6(4):127-142
pages 127-142 views

Forecast demand for use magnetic levitation transport

Fedorova M.


Background: The analysis carried out and the forecasted development prospects of the Vsevolozhsk municipal district show the high socio-economic importance of this territory for St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region. This territory is intensively developing, new residential zones are being formed on it, enterprises are opening, new jobs are being created, and recreational zones are being organized. Active housing construction in the municipalities "City of Vsevolozhsk" and "Zanevskoye rural settlement" is accompanied by a significant increase in the population. According to the forecast, in 2041 the population of the municipal formation "City of Vsevolozhsk" will exceed 100 thousand people, of the "Zanevsky rural settlement" - 180 thousand people. The population of the municipalities of St. Petersburg included in the gravitational zone of the maglev transport line in the direction "Vsevolozhsk - St. Petersburg", in 2041 will increase by 1.4 times compared to 2015, amounting to 520 thousand people. The listed tendencies indicate that in the future the intensity of traffic flows will grow and the demand for the use of maglev passenger transport will increase.

Aim: Putting into operation lines of magneto-transport vehicles in places of concentration of growing passenger flows, which will help to reduce travel time, meet freight requirements, improve the quality and increase travel safety when driving along dedicated lanes.

Method: We have described the existing transport service system in Vsevolozhsk. The survey of passenger traffic on bus routes operating between Vsevolozhsk and St. Petersburg was carried out by two methods during the periods of morning and evening peaks, as well as during the inter-peak period: visual method and tabular method. The article gives a characteristic of the uneven distribution of passenger traffic at the Ladozhskaya metro station and the socio-economic characteristics of the pedestrian accessibility zone of stopping points, identifies the maximum passenger traffic and the need for rolling stock.

Results: As the basis for the development of the transport system of urban agglomerations, it is proposed to use magnetolithic transport. For its operation, a special high-speed infrastructure and a new rolling stock are needed. In other words, there is a need for the development and economic evaluation of projects for the construction and operation of magnetolithic transport lines in the formation and implementation of transport strategies of modern urban agglomerations.

Transportation Systems and Technology. 2020;6(4):143-160
pages 143-160 views

Measuring the acoustic signals parameters of the defect simulator of power transformers

Cheremisin V., Kuznetsov A., Volchanina M., Gorlov A.


Background: The article describes a device for simulating defects for use with acoustic control systems for high-voltage transformers.


Aim: experimental research of a mobile device for imitation of power transformer defects; determine the parameters of impulses simulating various insulation defects

Methods: development of technical means for imitation of insulation defects; experimental research; determination of parameters of signals simulating defects.

Results: a block diagram of a device for imitating defects is shown; experimental studies of the device for imitating defects were carried out; the power of pulses simulating various defects in the insulation of high-voltage transformers was calculated.

Conclusion: The proposed device generates high-voltage pulses that simulate various defects in the insulation of high-voltage transformers. The parameters of acoustic signals are given.

Transportation Systems and Technology. 2020;6(4):161-171
pages 161-171 views
