卷 6, 编号 1 (2020)


Overview of new types of torque force sensors

Raianov T.


In recent years, modern torque measurement systems have become very popular. they are used in road, rail, aviation and ship transport, as well as in the pulp, paper, and metallurgical industries. These metrological systems provide accurate torque measurement in difficult operating conditions as well as in aggressive environments. Thanks to the introduction of microprocessors in these devices, it became possible to increase the speed, it became possible to connect automatic torque tracking systems via a network interface to a single automatic control center and to perform remote control of torque sensors. With the use of modern software increases communication automatic torque measurement systems. Various software models are being developed for automatic torque measurement systems that have the ability to either partially simulate this system or work as an assistant device adapting automatic measurement systems to various uncertainties such as ambient temperature and properties of ferromagnetic materials. Safety of operation of transport systems, load-lifting devices and production facilities is increased.

The purpose of this article is to review and analyze new types of torque sensors well-known manufacturers. The design and composition of modern measuring systems are considered and their advantages and disadvantages are analyzed. The technical description for each of the torque converters is given.

Transportation Systems and Technology. 2020;6(1):5-14
pages 5-14 views

Comparative analysis of international transport systems: infrastructure, ratings, transport corridors

Kvitko K.


The development of world transport depends on globalization and international integration, as well as other sectors of the economy. Therefore, the choice of the trajectory for the intensive development of the transport sector, clustering in transport is possible according to the results of a comparative analysis of transport systems around the world. The purpose of the article is to conduct a comparative analysis of the world-wide transport systems united by territorial criteria to identify similar and distinctive characteristics with the Russian transport system, which will become the prerequisites for the introduction of foreign experience in transport clustering. In the framework of this work, the transport systems of Europe, Asia, North America and Russia are analyzed for the study of infrastructure, the activities of transport and logistics enterprises and the prevalence of international transport corridors. The main results of the analysis were the characteristics of each integrated transport system and the RF system, by specialization and nature of the system (open and closed), the interest of foreign investors in supporting the country's transport industry. The results obtained in the course of work contribute to the development of research by Russian scientists in the field of transport and systematize world statistics on the transport systems of states united by territorial principle, which are elements of the global transport system. The study should be useful for scientists, researchers involved in issues and problems of the development of the transport industry, clustering in transport and transport system management.

Transportation Systems and Technology. 2020;6(1):15-29
pages 15-29 views

Original papers

Optimization method for calculating the geometrical dimensions of the tooth zone of the switched reluctance motor

Kashuba A.


Background: Switched reluctance motor (SRM) is a promising type of electromechanical energy converter. It is used in both motor and generator modes. SRM can be used not only in mechanisms with rotational motion, but also as linear motors, including maglev transport systems.

A lot of publications are devoted to SRM design issues. In development of this direction, further improvement of the SRM design process is proposed using the optimization method of forming the geometrical dimensions of the tooth zone.

Aim: Reducing of electromagnetic torque ripple SRM by optimizing the geometrical dimensions of the tooth zone.

Materials and Methods: To simulate magnetic fields, the FEMM 4.2 program was used. The implementation of the optimization algorithm and the processing of the results of field calculations, was carried out in the MATLAB program. The Monte Carlo optimization methods (they rely on random sampling) was taken as the basis for developing the optimization algorithm, and its improvement was achieved using mathematical methods based on probability theory.

Results: As a result of the optimization calculations, the tooth zone geometry was obtained, which provides a reduction in the pulsation of the SRM electromagnetic torque ripple from 122 % to 40 %.

Conclusion: The studies presented in the paper indicate the effectiveness of using the optimization algorithm in designing SRM, as well as the feasibility of removing restrictions on the shape of the tooth SRM and the use of a curved tooth shape, which is determined in the process of solving the optimization problem by a determined criterion.

Transportation Systems and Technology. 2020;6(1):30-47
pages 30-47 views

To the choice of the MAGLEV system traction linear synchronous motorstator winding scheme

Kim K., Kron I., Veshkin V.


Aim: Analysis of electromagnetic processes in the linear synchronous traction motor of high-speed ground transport (MAGLEV) and the choice of stator winding connection schemejustification.

Methods: An analytical study of theoretical relations.

Results: The study found that a two-layer stator winding connection scheme is more preferable

Conclusion: A system with a single-layer stator winding connection circuit is characterized by loading excitation solenoids with harmful forces, the inefficiency of their protection from the higher harmonics of the stator winding by choosing the geometry of its coil and solenoid, and the formation of additional colliding force during lateral displacement of the underframe. All these unadvisable effects are absent in a two-layer scheme.

Transportation Systems and Technology. 2020;6(1):48-62
pages 48-62 views

Linear Vernier actuator with two movers

Heya A., Hirata K., Niguchi N.


Background: Linear motion devices for industrial machines and robots are expected to realize their high efficiency drive and simple structure. Usually, a feed screw mechanism composed of a rotary motor and a ball-screw or slide-screw is employed. However, it has some problems such as the decrease of the drive efficiency, flexibility against external forces, noise, etc. Various linear actuators and motors have been developed utilizing the feature of a direct drive.

Aim: In this paper, we propose a novel linear actuator which 2 movers can be independently controlled using 3-phase and 6-phase superimposed currents for decreasing the size and weight of the system. The proposed linear actuator is driven by the operating principle of a vernier motor which is expected to achieve a high thrust force density per permanent magnet volume.

Methods: The operating principle and the static thrust force characteristics of the proposed linear actuator are verified by an electromagnetic field analysis using 3-D finite element method, and the back electromotive force characteristics are also analyzed. In addition, the dynamic characteristics under position feedback control are analyzed. The control system uses a vector control using PID controller, and the control input is given by the 3-phase and 6-phase superimposed currents.

Results: The static force characteristics were investigated. From the analyzed results, the force interference between the two movers was small. Moreover, the interference of the back electromotive force of the 3-phase and 6-phase movers were not observed. The movers could be independently driven under position feedback control using 3-phase and 6-phase superimposed currents. The dynamic characteristics analyses showed that the mover well followed a target position. From a step response, the time constant and the response of the position feedback system were investigated.

Conclusion: This paper presents a linear vernier actuator with two movers. The basic structure and operating principle of the actuator were described. Moreover, the static characteristics and the dynamic characteristics under position feedback control were analyzed. It was found that the movers can be independently driven.

Transportation Systems and Technology. 2020;6(1):63-79
pages 63-79 views

Creation of a short-term load forecasting neural network model of electrical engineering complex of section regional electric grid 6-35 kV

Khomutov S., Serebryakov N.


Aim: Is developing of short-term load forecasting math model of the electrical engineering complex of the district regional electric grid 6-35 kV with the use of artificial neural networks.

Methods: The tools of regression analysis and deep machine learning were used in the work.

Results: The neural network model for short-term load forecasting of the electrical engineering complex of section regional electric grid 6-35 kV, which considered factors of time, meteorological conditions, disconnections of individual power transmission lines, the operation mode of electricity consumers with a capacity of over 670 kW, the fact of the availability of central heating and water supply, has been obtained.

Conclusion: The developed neural network math model reduces the problem of short-term load forecasting to the search of matrix free coefficients through training on the available statistical data.

Transportation Systems and Technology. 2020;6(1):80-91
pages 80-91 views

Improvement of the method of determining dangerous voltage in adjacent lines of communication under magnetic influence of a tracing AC system

Terekhin I., Kremlev I., Tarabin I., Abishov E.


Background: Currently, there are obstacles on the railways of the Russian Federation for the widespread introduction of a new method of grounding the contact network supports, namely, there is no theoretical and experimental assessment of the electromagnetic effect of the AC traction network on adjacent communication lines when using the contact network supports as natural grounding conductors.

Aim: Improving the methodology for determining hazardous voltage in adjacent communication lines under the magnetic influence of the AC traction network.

Methods: The article discusses the magnetic effect with two fundamentally different grounding systems for AC contact poles - a traditional grounding system on a traction rail network and a system without grounding a contact network poles on a rail network (using fittings and foundations of contact network poles as natural grounding conductors).

Results: The paper shows the disadvantage of the existing methodology for calculating the dangerous voltage in cable lines under magnetic influence, which has a number of serious assumptions that do not allow an objective picture of the magnetic effect on adjacent lines in the presence of a group ground wire. Based on the existing methodology, an improved mathematical model has been developed that allows one to determine the specified values of the dangerous voltage in adjacent communication lines by taking into account the actual length of the group ground cable during operation of the traction network without grounding the supports on the traction rail network. The obtained values of hazardous influences are compared with standard values in the short circuit mode and forced mode. An assessment of the magnetic effect on adjacent communication lines with a traditional grounding system and a system without grounding the supports of the contact network to the traction rail network is given.

Conclusions: The magnetic effect of the traction power supply system of alternating current using poles as natural grounding conductors is less than when using the grounding system of poles of a contact network on a rail network.

Transportation Systems and Technology. 2020;6(1):92-103
pages 92-103 views

Algorithm for selecting motor and trailer cars in a freight train of motor-car traction according to the energy efficiency criterion

Troitskiy P.


Background: improving the efficiency of freight transport is one of the main challenges facing the world's Railways. One of the most effective solutions is the introduction of distributed motor-car cargo traction. This will significantly increase the operational efficiency of the train's power plant, improve its handling, reduce the amount of destructive impact on the track, increase the capacity of railway lines and the reliability of deliveries of perishable goods.

When considering the allocation algorithm for operating the traction motors (TED) on the composition of a diesel freight trains subject to the conditions of alignment resource all TED motor coaches concluded the possibility of increasing the efficiency of multimotor traction drive modular freight trains using the proposed control algorithms for energy efficiency.

Aim: formalization of the task of selecting motor and trailer cars in a modular electric freight train.

Methods: In article the algorithm of selection of motor and trailer cars on a freight train railcar traction on the criterion of energy efficiency, the benefits of adopting a modular truck trains, are the main prerequisites for the implementation of distributed railcar truck pull. The work is based on the theory of traction calculations for train operation and is aimed at ensuring safe and energy-efficient traffic along the route sections.

Results: The developed algorithm of selection of motor and trailer cars in a unit train freight based on the condition of ensuring the traction and coupling properties of the train on the current upgrades, the development of the total volume of cargo offered for transport and energy efficiency of this type of traction.

When using the proposed algorithms for managing the energy efficiency of a motor-car electric train by selecting motor and trailer cars, adjusting the power, number of traction engines and their distribution by the composition of the traun, energy consumption on the Medvezhya Gora – Noviy Poselok section can be reduced by 20.5 % in the direction there and by 18.9 % in the direction back without changing the traffic schedule. And when compared with a locomotive-hauled train that regulates energy consumption using the same algorithm by 4.49 % and 3.61 %, respectively. Energy consumption on the Krivenkovskaya – Goitkh section can be reduced by 16 % in the direction there and by 82 % in the direction back without changing the traffic schedule. And when compared with a locomotive-hauled train that regulates energy consumption by the same algorithm by 1.61 % and 65.92 %, respectively.

Conclusions: The author proposes an algorithm for selecting motor and trailer cars in a freight train of motor-car traction according to the criterion of energy efficiency with the condition of ensuring traction and coupling properties on the calculated lifts. As well as the algorithm of distribution of working traction engines by the composition of the freight trains, taking into account the requirement of equalizing the resource of their work, preventing overheating and hypothermia of the fuel and energy system, and improving train handling.

Transportation Systems and Technology. 2020;6(1):104-119
pages 104-119 views

Traction linear induction motor of urban MAGLEV transport

Chekhova A., Solomin A.


Background: Currently, great attention is paid to the problem of increasing the efficiency of transport in cities. The use of urban Maglev transport with linear traction motors will improve the transport infrastructure of megacities.

Aim: The use of magnetic-levitation transport with linear induction motors (LIM) is proposed. It is proposed to use traction linear induction motors (LIM) for urban Maglev transport, increasing the safety of a new type of transport.

Materials and Methods: In this work, the design of a linear traction induction motor was proposed, which can increase lateral stabilization forces and safety of traffic by performing the lateral parts of the secondary element of a linear induction motor in the form of short-circuited windings.

Results: Improving efforts of the lateral stabilization improve crew safety.

Transportation Systems and Technology. 2020;6(1):120-128
pages 120-128 views

Transport infrastructure development financing problems and main investment trends in 2020

Zhuravleva N., Kliestik T.


Background: The realisation of large-scale plans of Russian infrastructure development, transport in particular, requires a corresponding methodological guidance for both planning of realisation of these tasks and development of the proper financing instrumentarium.

Aim: The analysis of reasons for incompliance of programme tasks with their financing conditions; formalisation of investment trends in today’s economy and description of their capability to adapt to Russian projects.

Methods: The method of rising from concrete to abstract and vice versa has allowed identification of important regularities of investment trends and their connection with the quality of projects; the systems principle has confirmed dependence of successful realisation of infrastructure projects on reliability of economic development forecasts and adequacy of projects financing and management.

Results: The analysis of ongoing changes of state priorities and programmes, outlined in a large number of documents regulating development of transport infrastructure in Russia, has allowed identification of influence of most significant regularities, which determine effectiveness of these solutions. All available transport infrastructure project financing sources have been systemised, considering investment volume and their status in the market. The statement that it is exactly the loan-based financing sources, concession in the first instance, that can be the most efficient in infrastructure projects realisation, has been confirmed.

Transportation Systems and Technology. 2020;6(1):129-145
pages 129-145 views

The transport company capital assets modernization according to market condition dynamics

Podsorin V., Ovsiannikova E.


Background: The active development of commodity-transport ties makes the issues of the influence of the situation on commodity markets on the directions and structure of freight traffic particularly important. Scientific understanding of the prospects for the development of transport communications in order to increase the efficiency of goods distribution in accordance with the growing requirements of the economy for its speed, reliability and cost allows us to determine economic indicators for the development of transport infrastructure and the need for investment in fixed assets of transport companies.

Aim: Development of methodological tools for assessing the impact of commodity markets on the processes of updating fixed assets of a transport company.

Methods: The methodological basis of the study is the work of domestic and foreign scientists, which examined the formation of a system of economic indicators - indicators of the state of technical means and systems, the problems of the development of railway transport in the context of macroeconomic changes, as well as the features of innovative activity in railway transport. To solve the tasks, the method of system analysis, methods of statistical analysis, methods of technical and economic calculations, etc. were used.

Results: A methodological approach to the determination of economic indicators reflecting the need for investment when updating the fixed assets of a transport company is proposed taking into account the dynamics of the transport market.

Conclusion: The economically feasible renewal of fixed assets of railways not only plays an exceptional role in creating the conditions for the efficient use of their production resources and their development in general, but also helps to create conditions for satisfying solvent demand in the transport market.

Transportation Systems and Technology. 2020;6(1):146-160
pages 146-160 views

Approach of evaluation the effects from implementation the projects of construction new passenger maglev lines

Smirnov S., Smirnova O., Sokolova I.


Background: the aim of public passenger transportation service systems is improvement of the services quality while the competition between different modes of transport for transportation volumes and routes. Complex and objective evaluation of effects caused by construction of a passenger maglev line require the research of approach, which focused on detecting the changes in quality of public transportation services and anthropologic impact on environment.

Aim: research of the approach, which allow to do comparative evaluation of complex of effects, which appear while implementation the maglev transport into the public passenger transportation service system.

Methods: mathematical statistics, sociological researches, comparative analysis, modelling.

Results: for evaluation of effectiveness of different modes of transport for public passenger transportation services researches the approach to calculation the integrated index of consumer appeal of a mode of transport; for evaluation of practical benefits of maglev transport implementation researched the approach to calculation direct and indirect effects, which are the basis of a cumulative effect calculation. In addition, researched the approach for calculation the additional effects, which allow to evaluate the improvement of transportation accessibility, operational effects and ecological effects.

Conclusion: The approach allows to do objective evaluation of benefits of implementation new transportation mode into the system of public passenger transportation service at particular routes, which is the basis of its implementation into the practice.

Transportation Systems and Technology. 2020;6(1):161-173
pages 161-173 views
