卷 2, 编号 1 (2016)


Socio-economic aspects of innovation projects in the transport

Belozerov V.


Some general aspects of design of magnetic levitation transport are considered. It is noted that during creation of transport on a magnetic suspension the main questions are: traffic safety, social and economic effect which will be reached from introduction of this type of transport, availability and mobility of the population, environmental friendliness, etc.

A new type of transport can be effectively used in long-distance and suburban area of large cities to provide transportation from the center to the airports, sea, river and bus stations and transport hubs. It can be used for the cargo transportation.

Creation of magnetic levitation transport promotes achievement of economic interests of the state and regions, gives rise to the development of promising areas of science and attract young scientists, researchers, development of new technologies, production processes, creation of new workplaces, etc.

Material is intended for scientists, experts of transport, graduate students and students of higher educational institutions.

Transportation Systems and Technology. 2016;2(1):5-15
pages 5-15 views

Status and research progress of the linear rail transit system in China

Li W., Li D., Zhang X., Cao J.


The linear rail transit system (LRTS) has the advantages such as high performance, low construction cost, easy maintenance, friendly with the environment, the researchers all over the world therefore has focused their interests on the LRTS. Despite its late start, China is marking a rapid progress on the study of the linear rail transit system. The LRTS in China can be divided into two types: maglev train system and the linear metro system. This article will revolve around the two aspects above to address the develop status and the newly research progress of the LRST in China. Meanwhile, the article also presents the research progress of the high-temperature superconducting (HTS) linear motors used for LRTS.

Transportation Systems and Technology. 2016;2(1):16-41
pages 16-41 views

Classification of high-speed transport systems

Solomin V., Noskov V., Solomin A., Pustovetov M., Flegontov N.


This article proposes the variant of classification of high-speed ground transport systems, taking into account the availability of such existing and future with wheel drive and a magnetic levitation. Authors offer promising designs in electric vehicles with linear induction motors are considered. Paying attention to a variety of inductors structures and secondary elements of linear induction motors for transport purposes. Secondary element of traction linear induction motor is mounted on a carriage and can be in the form of conductive bus-section and a resistance, which is equally across its length and width. The secondary element may be made of an electrically conductive bus-section and a resistance which uneven across its width. In this case, at the edges of the tire has a smaller cross section or edge portions may be made of a material with lower electric conductivity and provide increased transverse self-stabilization efforts suspended in a magnetic field vehicle and safety of its movement. In the case of a short-circuited secondary winding element with adjustable resistance can be increased efforts at the start of the vehicle and reduce speed when approaching the next station. The principle of transverse stabilization of the vehicle may be based on the use of a pair of oppositely traveling magnetic fields.

Transportation Systems and Technology. 2016;2(1):42-51
pages 42-51 views

Original papers

Longitudinal vibrations in electrodynamics suspension system

Voevodskii C., Strepetov V.


A system of electrodynamics suspension (EDS) in which the primary source of the field (electromagnet) is moving in a straight line parallel to the surface of the track and his speed makes small oscillations around a mean value is considered. The approximation of an infinitely wide track is allowed, the primary source of the electromagnetic field acts as a so-called periodic source. This problem is a special case of the general problem of the rate of the transients in the EDS, caused by uneven movement. Named speed determines the amount of time constants that make sense, and in contrast to the simplest case of a one-dimensional linear oscillator system EDS characterizes not by a single time constant, but by infinite set of values.

The method of calculation of levitation and braking forces acting in this oscillatory motion on carriage electromagnet is worked out and simple explicit formulas to calculate these forces are got.

On the basis of the calculation of time constants the rate of the transients in the EDS, caused by uneven movement is assessed. The calculations of levitation and braking forces according to the developed technique are made. The results obtained allow to delimit the applicability of the so-called quasi-static approach which consists in that the irregularly moving of electromagnet replaced by concurrent, i.e., the same electromagnet, similarly disposed and uniformly moving with a speed coinciding with the instantaneous value of the actual longitudinal speed of the electromagnet. In the quasi-static approximation, fluctuations of levitation and braking forces are in phase with oscillations of speed and amplitude of the forces oscillations do not depends on the frequency of the speed oscillation. The calculations show that in reality there is phase shift between the forces oscillations and speed oscillations depending on the frequency. Amplitudes of levitation and braking forces oscillations also depend on the oscillation frequency, and for each speed value a resonance frequency exists at which they reach the maximum value.

Transportation Systems and Technology. 2016;2(1):52-64
pages 52-64 views

Approaches to the creation of the new vehicle of «Monojet»

Milovanova E., Milovanov A., Milovanov A.


The vehicle is offered the body of which is made to create during the movement an aerodynamic elevating force, and is supplied with mechanical means of communication with a motionless carrying track. The distinguished feature of this vehicle is that it uses current conducting track being on high-speed sections of the track as a unit of transport system suspended to the vehicle in the function of cable-current conductor.    

The aim of the works creation on the basis of monorail, suspended cable-way and airtransport of essentially new type of transport combining their best properties and strengthening them:

- reliability, weatherproof, opportunity of complete automation of management of process of transportations and cargo handling works;

- high carrying capacity, speed and range of action without increasing capacity of bearing(carrying) ways;

- meeting the high requirements on the part of ecology and profitability in an expenditure of energy carriers, because of application of various means from the electric power up to energy of natural gas;

 - flexibility of formation of structure of transport.

The new vehicle, uses a monorail as track; its body can be made to create in it the elevating force on a principle of aerostatics and in addition it is supplied with constructive elements, to create aerodynamic elevating force during the movement. Thus the track can be made as a combination of powerful  sections for an acceleration and facilitated mid-flight sites. The monorail of a transit can be supplied with current conductor, feeding power installation, and on mid-flight sections of a way it can be made, as a cable-current conductor. The power(force) installation can be made as a combination of engines of electrical draft with engines of jet draft or draft of the air screw, to change the position of a vector of draft in planes from horizontal up to vertical.

The name of an offered type of transport is logically justified: "MONOJET" - is the  vehicle carrying out movement in space close to flight, on a unique trajectory given by a rail of the track.

Transportation Systems and Technology. 2016;2(1):65-88
pages 65-88 views

On the use of taxonomy in the field of information technology

Neizvestny S.


In many areas of scientific knowledge, the application of the taxonomy showed high efficiency in systematization and regularization of the initial data, processing, analysis and conclusions on the basis of which the construction of new knowledge. However, in the field of information technology (IT) system using the taxonomy, except for some fragmentary cases, weren’t observed. In this paper is drawn attention to scientific and methodological possibilities of the taxonomy in IT, describes the main approaches in applying the taxonomy in information technology, provides an example of a road map for the application of the taxonomy in information technology major companies, and also describes the role and functions of taxonomy in the corporate system of project management, given taxonomy metrics and indicators of the project portfolio.

It is shown that the taxonomy as one of the main tools of self-regulation, synergy enterprises is an important tool for improving productivity and quality of business processes, development of institutional capacity. Author emphasizes the fundamental role of taxonomy in the process of goal setting and systematization of objective fulfillment of projects.

Transportation Systems and Technology. 2016;2(1):89-111
pages 89-111 views

Design, construction and operation of roads with use of a magnetic levitation. With what to begin?

Talashkin G., Kraskovskiy V., Smirnov V., Potapova I.


The Article is devoted to the issues of road design with the appeal of rolling stock to magnetic levitation. Lack in Russia of necessary regulatory base for a construction of roads with use of a magnetic suspension is noted, the main problematic issues connected with design, construction and operation of all infrastructure and, first of all,its basic elements providing technological process of transportation of passengers or containers are listed. The main directions and tasks of creation of this regulatory base are given. The short analysis of foreign experience of design and construction of roads with use of magnetic levitation technology is submitted. The direction of domestic design of lines in this area are considered, attention is paid to the work in progress on all of these issues.Specified the significance of the work on the design of rolling stock for magnetic levitation movement, in particular, the need to create a special, more light in comparison with conventional platform, chassis, and revising the traditional schemes of the support and fixing of containers due to loads imposed by high-speed train "Maglev".

Noted the need to develop special technical conditions and rules, which together constitute the legal framework required for infrastructure design.

The attention is paid to justification of the choice of the road with magnetic levitation technology among other possible options. The general sequence of design and building of "pilot" object and a test site for carrying out experimental works is formulated. The key moments which can be taken as a basis for development of algorithm of actions in this direction are listed. The question of a design of the test site on which it would be possible to solve all objectives is considered.

Transportation Systems and Technology. 2016;2(1):112-125
pages 112-125 views

Experimental studies of charge of non-superconductive magnetic energy storage

Nikitin V., Sereda G., Sereda E., Sereda A.


One of the urgent tasks of railway transport development connected with the problem of power saving according to “The strategic directions of scientific and technical development of OAO RZD for the period of up to 2015” is a wide use of power-intensive energy storages in the main technological processes of power consumption and energy generation.

Owing to the progress in the field of manufacturing high temperature superconductors of the second generation, the use of superconducting magnetic energy storages (SMES) is the most promising.

A feature of induction coils, which are inductive energy storage as receivers and sources, according to the laws of commutation is inability to change current quickly through induction. This makes difficult to connect superconducting magnet directly to energy sources and receivers of traditional performance. This means that SMES require special charging circuits.

The most viable is to charge coil via intermediate capacitor (capacitance storage (CS)). In this case, coil charge will be on phased basis, taking character of pulse pump of energy. The advantages of this modification are that energy source released from handling large, slowly varying currents, resulting in possibility to flexibly adjust magnitude and duration of coil charge depending on the required charging mode.

To verify that the scheme of charging inductive energy storage via intermediate capacitor non-superconductive magnetic energy storage which, unlike superconductive has a finite resistance, has been used.

The authors confirmed working capacity of charging scheme for inductive energy storage via intermediate capacitor on phased basis.

It is noted that maximum current value during charge of CS increases with capacitance value of the intermediate storage and with decreasing series included with CS inductance.

Transportation Systems and Technology. 2016;2(1):126-135
pages 126-135 views

Functional safety electrified railways

Apollonskiy S.


The study of functional safety includes identification of specific hazards that may cause serious consequences (e.g., human sacrifices), and establishing for each of them maximum frequency of occurrence. Reveals equipment, failure of which may contribute to the occurrence of such situations. Such equipment is usually referred to as "security-related". Examples include process of control systems, process shutdown systems, equipment alarm systems, centralization and blocking on the railway, controls the movement of the vehicle, medical equipment, etc. In other words, any equipment (software or not), failure of which may affect the occurrence of an emergency, should be regarded as "security-related".

It should be noted that at present the world's leading corporations seek not just to provide EMC electrical systems that they produce, and make them functional safety.

Functional safety is called security, which is associated with inadvertently cause failure in the performance of certain functions of the system. The reasons for failure may be defective programs, data, hardware, environmental effects and unintentionally incorrect of staff actions.

Functional safety should be distinguished from the information security (generally deliberate action on the system); from electrical safety (protection of people from electrical shock) and from the explosion and fire (to prevent ignition of flammable gases and dust).

Functional safety is also characterized by very close to the concept of reliability in that it takes into account not only the frequency of failures of the system but also the likelihood of a dangerous situation during a failure. The term "functional" with respect to the safety means automation security, which is dependent on the correct functioning of the system, i.e. the correct implementation of the system of its functions. In contrast, describes a failure rate of reliability regardless of the destination system and consequences caused by failures. However, reliability is used in the quantitative description of functional safety.

The issues of functional safety and regulatory technical regulation in the field of electromagnetic compatibility technical equipment in electrified railways are considered.

Transportation Systems and Technology. 2016;2(1):136-153
pages 136-153 views

Risks of innovation project implementation transport and logistic s system on maglev transportation technology

Sokolova Y.


Currently, innovation is a central factor in the growth of production and productivity, the level of which in turn determines the competitiveness of a specific manufacturer, or industry of the country as a whole in the struggle for economic leadership. With the advancement in technology and the permanent intensification of information flows as the central driving force of economic growth and development of innovations are considered knowledge. Innovative model of economic growth requires a capacity not only to produce new knowledge, but also to implement them effectively in production, created using technologies and types of equipment.

Developed by scientists of the Petersburg State Transport University of Emperor Alexander I (PSTU) maglev transportation technology combine the advantages of conventional techniques can be successfully implemented in the implementation of the project to create an innovative transport and logistics system (TLS), intended for cargo container traffic. The project requires a detailed cost calculation, assessing the competitiveness of transport and logistics system, as well as financial planning in order to reduce the risk of cash shortages and unforeseen expenses. It is necessary to consider the internal and external risks affecting the project at all stages of its implementation and promotion.

Identify risks and their causes will determine the degree of sustainability of the project to changes in internal and external environment under the influence of adverse factors (inflation, competition, lack of funding and qualified staff, etc.).

Transportation Systems and Technology. 2016;2(1):154-164
pages 154-164 views
