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卷 11, 编号 1 (2021)



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Original articles


Potapova M., Borovets S., Al-Shukri S.







Urology reports (St. - Petersburg). 2021;11(1):5-13
pages 5-13 views


Khalak M., Molvi M., Lazukin V., Bozhkova E., Streltsova O.



Urology reports (St. - Petersburg). 2021;11(1):15-26
pages 15-26 views


Gorbunov A., Murav’ev A., Sokolovich E., Yablonsky P.





结果。术前11例(57.9%)发现逼尿肌活动过度,合并逼尿肌-括约肌协同失调为2例(10.5%), 8例(42.1%)患者诊断逼尿肌功能减退/收缩力减弱。在术后期间,5例(26.3%)患者观察到积极的动态,其中1例出现尿动力学障碍。1例患者发生逼尿肌新生过度活动伴尿失禁。在另一例中,随着敏感性和灵活性障碍的进展以及收缩性膀胱的发展,神经系统状况恶化。

结论。结核性脊柱炎患者有多种下尿路功能障碍。术后早期,26.3%的患者尿动力学得到改善,在某些情况下,可能会加重现有的疾病,并发展为另一种类型的de novo下尿路神经源性功能障碍。

Urology reports (St. - Petersburg). 2021;11(1):27-32
pages 27-32 views


Shanava G., Soroka I., Mosoyan M.





结果。第一种方法是先缝合膀胱破裂处。然后通过尿道导管将膀胱注满生理盐水。然后通过耻骨采用套管法膀胱造瘘术。第二种方法是在膀胱破裂缝合前,在腹腔镜的控制下采用套管法膀胱造瘘术。在我们提出的第三种方法(专利号为2592023)中,通过腹腔镜端口将容量至少为200 ml的Foley型导管插入腹腔。通过腹腔内破裂,一根来自腹部的导管被插入膀胱。在膀胱内,导管气囊内注入了生理盐水。然后,通过耻骨,用套管针分层穿刺前腹壁、膀胱和导管膨胀的气囊。另一根导管沿套管针插入膀胱。用破裂的球囊取出导管后,缝合腹腔内破裂的膀胱。


Urology reports (St. - Petersburg). 2021;11(1):33-38
pages 33-38 views

Evaluation of the effectiveness of personalized complex therapy in patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia and chronic prostatitis

Barannikov I., Kuzmenko A., Gyaurgiev T., Kuzmenko V.


PURPOSE OF THE STUDY: to evaluate the effectiveness of personalized complex treatment of patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) in combination with chronic prostatitis using a combined physiotherapeutic effect, taking into account the individual chronobiological characteristics of patients.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: We examined 60 patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia and chronic prostatitis who were sent to the TUR of the prostate. Patients were divided into two groups (n = 30). The comparison group (CG) was treated with alpha-blockers and fluoroquinolones for 28 days. In the main group (MG) – personalized complex therapy. The effectiveness of treatment was evaluated at the time of treatment (visit 1), two weeks later (visit 2) and 4 weeks later (visit 3). The severity of lower urinary tract symptoms, prostate volume and residual urine volume, hemodynamic parameters in the gland were evaluated, and a bacterioscopic and bacteriological examination of prostate secretion was performed.

RESULTS: At the end of 4 weeks of therapy, statistically significant differences (p < 0.05) were found in the MG for all the studied parameters. In the bacteriological study of prostate secretions at visit 1 Escherichia coli prevailed in the crops. At visit 2 to the CG bacteria were detected in 11 (36.7%) crops, and in 10 (33.3%) patients in the MG. At visit 3, no microbial growth was detected in both groups based on the results of a bacteriological examination of prostate secretions. Initially, both groups had low hemodynamic parameters in the prostate. After the treatment, a more pronounced dynamics of improvement of blood flow in the gland by visit 2 was noted in the MG than in the GP. By visit 3, statistically significant differences were found in all the studied indicators (p < 0.05).

CONCLUSION: Thus, according to the results, a personalized comprehensive treatment of patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia and chronic prostatitis reduced the severity of lower urinary tract symptoms and manifestations of the inflammatory process in the prostate, improved hemodynamic parameters and increase of efficiency of antibacterial therapy, as evidenced by the results of bacteriological studies.

PURPOSE OF THE STUDY: to evaluate the effectiveness of personalized complex treatment of patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) in combination with chronic prostatitis using a combined physiotherapeutic effect, taking into account the individual chronobiological characteristics of patients.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: We examined 60 patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia and chronic prostatitis who were sent to the TUR of the prostate. Patients were divided into two groups (n = 30). The comparison group (CG) was treated with alpha-blockers and fluoroquinolones for 28 days. In the main group (MG) – personalized complex therapy. The effectiveness of treatment was evaluated at the time of treatment (visit 1), two weeks later (visit 2) and 4 weeks later (visit 3). The severity of lower urinary tract symptoms, prostate volume and residual urine volume, hemodynamic parameters in the gland were evaluated, and a bacterioscopic and bacteriological examination of prostate secretion was performed.

RESULTS: At the end of 4 weeks of therapy, statistically significant differences (p < 0.05) were found in the MG for all the studied parameters. In the bacteriological study of prostate secretions at visit 1 Escherichia coli prevailed in the crops. At visit 2 to the CG bacteria were detected in 11 (36.7%) crops, and in 10 (33.3%) patients in the MG. At visit 3, no microbial growth was detected in both groups based on the results of a bacteriological examination of prostate secretions. Initially, both groups had low hemodynamic parameters in the prostate. After the treatment, a more pronounced dynamics of improvement of blood flow in the gland by visit 2 was noted in the MG than in the GP. By visit 3, statistically significant differences were found in all the studied indicators (p < 0.05).

CONCLUSION: Thus, according to the results, a personalized comprehensive treatment of patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia and chronic prostatitis reduced the severity of lower urinary tract symptoms and manifestations of the inflammatory process in the prostate, improved hemodynamic parameters and increase of efficiency of antibacterial therapy, as evidenced by the results of bacteriological studies.

Urology reports (St. - Petersburg). 2021;11(1):39-48
pages 39-48 views

The effect of the phytocomplex Renotineх® on postoperative period after external shock wave lithotripsy in patients with urolithiasis

Neymark A., Neymark B., Nozdrachev N., Gatkin M., Fursa Y.


INTRODUCTION: Phytopreparations are one of the leading medicines used as preoperative preparation and postoperative management in patients with urolithiasis.

THE AIM of the study was to evaluate the nephroprotective effect of Renotinex® in patients with urolithiasis after extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL).

MATERIALS AND METHODS: The study included 86 patients (43 in the main and the comparison group) with urolithiasis with localization of the stone in the renal pelvis without disturbing the outflow of urine. All patients underwent extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL). After ESWL patients in both groups received spasmodic, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial therapy. Patients of the main group additionally received Renotinex® 2 capsules 3 times a day for 14 days before and 14 days after surgery.

RESULTS: During the observation a more effective discharge of calculus fragments was noted in patients of the main group while taking the phytocomplex Renotinex®, as well as less pronounced damage and faster recovery of the renal parenchyma after ESWL according to the level of enzimuria.

CONCLUSION: The results of the study indicate the feasibility of prescribing the phytocomplex Renotinex® for nephroprotective and lithokinetic therapy in patients after ESWL.

Urology reports (St. - Petersburg). 2021;11(1):49-54
pages 49-54 views

Comparative morphofunctional visualization of the manifestations of chronic bacterial and radiation bladder injuries

Berdichevskyy B., Berdichevsky B., Barashin B., Keln A., Naletov A., Boldyrev A., Gutrova E.


Comparative morphofunctional and histological visualization of bladder wall lesions in 15 patients with chronic bacterial cystitis and in 15 patients with chronic radiation cystitis using positron emission tomography - computed tomography (PET/CT) was performed. The studies have revealed significant differences in the parameters of blood flow and tissue metabolism in patients with these forms of bladder lesions. In patients with chronic bacterial cystitis, an increase in the frequency of urination was accompanied by a decrease in the capacity of the bladder under conditions of a decrease in the velocity of arterial and venous blood flow in its wall as compared with the control. At the same time, at the cellular-molecular level in the bladder wall, no significant metabolic abnormalities, assessed by the SUVmax indicator, were revealed. Chronic radiation cystitis was characterized by a significant increase in the rate of systolic and diastolic blood flow in the bladder wall, its thickening and hypermetabolism of 18F-FDG.

Urology reports (St. - Petersburg). 2021;11(1):55-62
pages 55-62 views

Application of pantohematogen dry for treatment of discirculatory disorders in chronic prostatitis (experimental and clinical study)

Tihonov I., Tityaev I., Kasyanov D., Chekushin R.


PURPOSE: To study in experiment and in clinical conditions the effectiveness of the preparation pantogematogen dry, obtained from the blood of a maral, for the correction of dyscirculatory disorders in the prostate gland.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: The experimental and morphological part of the work was performed on 90 male Wistar rats with local venous congestion in the small pelvis due to ligation of the internal iliac veins. Animals of the main group (n = 30) underwent enteral correction with dry pantohematogen (in a daily dose of 10 mg per 100 g of animal weight) starting from the 7th day after modeling the disease, the course was 14 days. The rats of the 2nd group (n = 30) after modeling of venous stasis were not treated. Group 3 consisted of intact animals. During the clinical phase of the study, 61 patients with chronic congestive prostatitis were treated. All patients received standard therapy, and patients in the treatment group (n = 30) additionally received highly dispersed aerosol transrectal irrigation with an aqueous solution of pantohematogen, daily, for a course of 10 procedures.

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: Morphological examination of the prostate gland of laboratory animals with experimental discirculatory prostatitis and its subsequent enteral correction with panthematogen dry indicated significant differences compared with animals of the 2nd group. A tendency towards restoration of the normal structure of the prostate, its metabolism, regional and organ blood and lymph outflow, improvement of the drainage-detoxification and transport activity of its regional lymph nodes was noted. In the clinical part of the study, the effectiveness of the use of pantogematogen in patients with chronic congestive prostatitis was shown. At the end of the course of treatment in patients of the 1st group, the disappearance of pain (in 72.4% of cases) and dysuric (in 86.2% of cases) syndromes was observed, and in the rest – a decrease in their intensity. According to the TRUS of the prostate in patients of the 1st group, after treatment in 52% of cases, a decrease in the volume of the prostate was noted.

CONCLUSIONS: The results of an experimental clinical study indicate the prospects for the inclusion of pantogematogen in the complex therapy of patients with chronic congestive prostatitis.

Urology reports (St. - Petersburg). 2021;11(1):63-68
pages 63-68 views



Krotova N., Ulitko T., Kuzmin I., Al-Shukri S.



Urology reports (St. - Petersburg). 2021;11(1):69-78
pages 69-78 views

Surgical treatment of patients with strictures of the ureteropelvic junction: historical aspects

Al-Shukri A., Kostyukov S., Kostyukov V.


The review article is devoted to the history of surgical treatment of the ureteropelvic junction obstruction. The data on the main stages of development and improvement of the operative technique are presented, the main methods of restoring the outflow of urine from the kidney with strictures of the ureteropelvic junction are described. The analysis of modern methods of surgical treatment of this category of patients has been carried out.

Urology reports (St. - Petersburg). 2021;11(1):79-86
pages 79-86 views

Case reports

Purulent-septic complications in patient with renal calyx diverticulum

Zamyatnin S., Gonchar I., Tsygankov A.


The calyx diverticulum is a cavity lined with urothelium that communicates through a narrow canal with the renal calyx-pelvis system. Most calyx diverticula are 0.5 to 2.0 cm in diameter and require surgical treatment exclusively for clinical manifestations of associated diseases. The most common complications of this nosology include urolithiasis and recurrent urinary tract infections. This article presents a rare case of a large diverticulum of the middle group of the calyces of the left kidney. The dimensions of the cavity filled with urine were 10 cm, which resulted in recurrent pyelonephritis, paranephritis and urosepsis.

Urology reports (St. - Petersburg). 2021;11(1):87-92
pages 87-92 views
