
The Specifics of Diamonds of Eclogitic and Peridotitic Paragenesis: Petrological Applications
Spetsius Z., Bogush I.
Piriboles — Bioboles — Biopyriboles: Transitional Structural Types for Pyroxenes, Amphiboles, and Micas
Rastsvetaeva R.
Earth’s Evolution: from the Beginning to the Origin of the Noosphere
Kuzmin M., Yarmolyuk V., Goryachev N., Didenko A.
Silicate Surprises: the Discovery of Two New Minerals with a Layered Structure
Rastsvetaeva R., Gridchina V.
Born by Volcano: New Mineral Khrenovite
Rastsvetaeva R.
Fukalite and Its Cement Friends
Rastsvetaeva R.
Honorary Title “Mineral of the Year”
Pushcharovsky D.
Labuntsovites: New Data on Taxonomy and Mineral Species
Rastsvetaeva R.
Palysepioles: about a New Mineral of the Palygorskite—Sepiolite Family
Rastsvetaeva R.
Why Is It So Green? Discovery of slyudyankaite, a new mineral of the sodalite Group
Rastsvetaeva R.
Triclinic Afwillite and Other Finite Calcium Silicate Hydrates
Rastsvetaeva R.
From R-eudialytes to P-eudialytes
Rastsvetaeva R.
Whose Tube Is Wider? Mineralogical Fairy Tale
Rastsvetaeva R.
Two Minerals — Two Fates: the History of Haitaite Discovery and the Discrediting of Eleonorite
Rastsvetaeva R.
Scientific School of Ernest Rutherford
Shcherbakov R.
Heavyweights in the World of Minerals: Rossovskyite, Ixiolite, and Other Tantalum.Niobates
Rastsvetaeva R.
How to Build a House without Its Leaving. Mineralogical fairy tale
Rastsvetaeva R.
Ferroindialite and Its Unique Symmetry: the Structure of Beryl Group Minerals
Rastsvetaeva R.
Mixites and petersites: New Data on the Structure of Agardite-(Ce)
Rastsvetaeva R., Aksenov S.
Sodalites Are Also Different: the Discovery of Two New Minerals of the Sodalite Group
Rastsvetaeva R.
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