
Experience of clinical application of the vapigel prebiotic in combined two-stage therapy of bacterial vaginosis in reproductive-aged women
Belyakina I., Galkina I., Shobolov D., Shtykunova E., Arantseva D.
Hysteroscopy for infertile women: experience of using anti-adhesion barriers
Kozachenko I., Adamyan L.
Comparative analysis of estrogen metabolites when using different forms of estrogen-containing medications in a cryo-protocol for preparation with gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonists
Kvashnina E., Tutakov M., Tomina E., Shilova N.
Comparative assessment of the efficacy of micronized progesterone medications in the IVF programs
Mayasina E., Buev Y., Askerov R., Yamalyeva N., Kichigina E., Kornilova A., Salimov D.
Possibilities of alternative pharmacological approaches to monotherapy for bacterial vaginosis in reproductive-aged patients
Lebedenko E., Gaida O., Mikhailenko Y., Anufrieva V., Rymashevsky M., Sablina N., Bespalaya A.
Results of using a combined method of cervical preparation for childbirth
Brega Y., Sakharova G., Pekarev O.
Efficacy and safety of ultra-low dose vaginal estriol in the therapy of genitourinary syndrome ofmenopause: a phase III multicenter randomized controlled trial
Dikke G., Gurskaya T., Prokofieva S., Stolnikova I., Andreeva A., Repina N., Yagovkina N., Teplykh S., Fedorova E.
Therapy for recurrent bacterial vaginosis: Clinical and microbiological aspects
Letyaeva O.
Non-developing pregnancy in the history of a married couple: risk factors and rehabilitation
Posiseeva L.
Pharmacokinetic properties and safety assessment of the generic vaginal gel progesterone preparation: results of an open-label, randomized, crossover bioequivalence study
Tapilskaya N., Gzgzyan A., Kogan I., Pisarev V., Merkulov M., Korneeva I.
Effect of hormone replacement therapy with estradiol in frozen embryo transfer on estrogen metabolism in women with various polymorphisms of catechol-O-methyltransferase gene
Kvashnina E., Tutakov M., Vakhlova O., Tomina E., Shilova N.
Estrogen therapy: from science to practical solutions
Bondarenko K., Dobrokhotova Y., Nasyrova N., Shadrova P.
Review of current guidelines for the management of women with vaginal discharge
Pustotina O., Ostromensky V.
Clinical and pharmacological analysis of most commonly used drugs for the pharmacotherapy of fibrocystic breast disease
Shikh E., Makhova A., Smetnik A.
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