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No 8 (2022)


Fetal growth retardation in the context of fetal programming

Soldatova E.E., Kan N.E., Tyutyunnik V.L., Volochaeva M.V.


Current literature data on the role of fetal programming in fetal growth retardation are analyzed. The paper considers the mechanisms and scientific hypotheses of fetal programming, which lead to the formation of a predisposition in children to metabolic, endocrine, and cardiovascular diseases just in adulthood. It discusses the role of the growth hormone-insulin-like growth factor axis in fetal programming and its relationship between fetal growth retardation and obesity, diabetes mellitus, and hypertension. The paper describes a pregnant woman’s exposure to various adverse environmental factors and their influence on the expression of the genes responsible for the synthesis of the hormones that regulate energy metabolism. A special role is assigned to epigenetic mechanisms. The latter manifest themselves as responses to certain negative prenatal factors, form the basis for fetal programming, determine not only the final weight and growth rates for the newborn, but also form the latter’s predisposition to various diseases. Conclusion: Emerging information about the role of fetal programming in the development of certain diseases in adult life may become an important driving force in an attempt to stop the incidence rate of this pathology.
Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2022;(8):5-10
pages 5-10 views

Current approaches to diagnosing and managing female poor responders to ovarian stimulation with gonadotropins in assisted reproductive technology programs

Perminova S.G., Belova I.S., Mityurina E.V., Savostina G.V.


Female poor responders to ovarian stimulation (OS) make up a large cohort among all infertile women seeking assisted reproductive technology (ART) programs (9-24%). The Bologna criteria do not fully reflect the diverse group of female poor responders to OS. The novel POSEIDON classification stratifies a large heterogeneous cohort of female poor responders into 4 groups according to the age of patients, the levels of antral follicle and anti-Mtillerian hormone, and the prognosis of pregnancy. The paper gives possible mechanisms for the pathogenesis of a poor response to OS. Particular attention is paid to patients with normal ovarian reserve and an unpredictable poor response to OS (1, 2 POSEIDON), which is associated with the lower ovarian sensitivity to gonadotropin stimulation due to the presence of polymorphisms in the genes of gonadotropins and their receptors. The authors discuss whether it is expedient to use new clinical and laboratory poor response predictors (FORT, FOI, and OSI). The use of an ART calculator is shown to be appropriate for predicting the number of oocytes required to obtain at least one euploid blastocyst. The paper presents different approaches to optimizing treatment in female poor responders, depending on whether they belong to a particular POSEIDON group. It considers adjuvant therapy methods aimed at obtaining a larger number of oocytes and increasing the effectiveness of ART programs. Conclusion: Using the POSEIDON criteria in clinical practice, clarifying the prognostic value of the new diagnostic criteria (FORT, FOI, and OSI) for a poor ovarian response to gonadotropin stimulation, and assessing the feasibility of testing for polymorphisms in the genes of gonadotropins and their receptors in unpredictable poor responders to OS can be a help in better assessing a large heterogeneous group of poor responders to OS and elaborating personalized approaches to OS in the IVF program, which requires further investigations.
Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2022;(8):12-21
pages 12-21 views

Gut and genital microbiota in endometriosis

Chernukha G.E., Pronina V.A., Priputnevich T.V.


Endometriosis is a hormone-dependent disease associated with the development of chronic inflammation. The prevalence of this disease does not tend to decrease. The absence of a unif ied generally accepted theory on the origin of endometriosis is the basis for continuing investigations aimed at searching for possible mechanisms for the development of the disease in order to improve the principles of diagnosis and therapy of this pathological process. One of the theories of endometriosis is the hypothesis of bacterial infection, in which the bacterial endotoxin lipopolysaccharide is supposed to be a triggering factor for the onset and progression of endometriosis. Current data indicate that changes in the composition of gut microbiota and/or different stages of the female reproductive tract can be used prognostically as a tool for diagnosing the disease, whereas a number of microorganisms can be marker for assessing its form and prevalence. This review considers the present-day ideas on the relationship between the gut and genital microbiotas and endometriosis, on possible mechanisms and diagnostic approaches to this pathological condition. Conclusion: To study the composition of the microbiota seems to be a fairly new and very promising area from both scientific and practical point of view.
Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2022;(8):22-29
pages 22-29 views

Impact of menopausal hormone therapy on the development and progression of cervical and endometrial cancers

Yakushevskaya O.V., Babaeva N.A., Yureneva S.V., Ashrafyan L.A.


Antitumor therapy for malignant diseases of the reproductive system is often accompanied by the development of induced menopause. Studying the possibility of safely prescribing menopausal hormone therapy (MHT) in this group of patients is an urgent task, since most patients have to deal with the consequences of estrogen deficiency states after antitumor therapy for many years. The review analyzes the available information on the rate of progression/recurrence of the neoplastic process in cervical cancer/endometrial cancer (CC/EC) survivors during MHT. Articles were sought in accordance with the recommendations of the PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) presented in PubMed and SCOPUS. The use of MHT was evaluated in two ways: 1) as a risk factor for CC/EC in women without a history of this pathology and 2) as a risk factor for CC/EC recurrence/progression. Analyzing the available publications revealed no reliable evidence for the negative effect of MHT on the outcomes of CC/EC. To prescribe MHT after favorable completion of antitumor therapy in patients with a history of squamous cell CC has long been a routine practice. With hormone-dependent CC/EC in young women with induced menopause, the possibility of using MHT should be resolved in favor of the existing advantages (in reducing the risk of age-associated pathology and in improving the quality of life) and assessing the corresponding risks. Conclusion: The possibility of prescribing MHT to patients with a history of cancer should be discussed within the framework of a council of physicians, such as a gynecological oncologist, a chemotherapist, and an obstetrician/ gynecologist. Further prospective and randomized studies are needed to fully evaluate the impact of MHT on oncological outcomes in CC/EC survivors.
Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2022;(8):30-35
pages 30-35 views

Magnetic resonance imaging in the initial staging of cervical cancer: updating the 2021 ESUR guidelines

Solopova A.E., Ukraintsev N.I., Rubtsova N.A.


The paper presents the European Society for Urogenital Radiology (ESUR) guidelines for the radiodiagnosis of cervical cancer (CC) and current concepts in its primary staging, by taking into account the main characteristics of the tumor and the possibilities of treating CC. Objective of this review - to systematize relevant scientific data on the possibilities and prospects for developing medical imaging techniques in CC. The ESUR guidelines standardize and promote the higher efficiency of using radiodiagnostic techniques for CC. The updated ESUR guidelines consider into account all the changes given in the FIGO classification in accordance of the 2009/2018 revisions and the 8th edition of the Timor-Node-Metastasis (TNM) staging system. In accordance with the updated FIGO system, the paper shows a significant role and place of MRI in CC before, during, and after antitumor treatment. Clinical assessment of the neoplasm is the basis of the FIGO classification as before. Modern instrumental diagnosis makes it possible to increase the objectivity of estimating the prevalence of the tumor process in the preoperative stage. This enables radiodiagnostic techniques to be used as an additional tool in clinical staging. The ESUR clarifies the criteria for primary staging and for planning anticancer therapy. The paper considers clinical cases with an emphasis on MRI staging criteria, evaluation of the efficiency of treatment and prognosis, diagnosis of recurrent CC. The review highlights the possibilities for the development of medical imaging, which are aimed at using hybrid methods for imaging and radiomics in the staging of advanced CC. Conclusion: The current scientific data on urogenital radiology are of particular interest for radiation diagnosis and gynecologic oncology and serve as the basis for clinical application.
Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2022;(8):36-46
pages 36-46 views

Antenatal and intrapartum risk factors associated with fetal hypoxia in labor

Baev O.R., Prikhodko A.M., Ziganshina M.M., Evgrafova A.V., Khomyakova E.V.


Objective: To identify the risk factors associated with fetal hypoxia in labor. Materials and methods: A prospective cohort study included 657 women. Of them, 119 women delivered babies with fetal hypoxia at birth and were included in the study group. Cases without fetal hypoxia (n=538) constituted the control group. The diagnosis of fetal hypoxia at birth was verified by determining the acid-base composition of the arterial cord blood. Criteria for acidosis were pH<7.12 and/or BE≥12.4 mmol/L. To identify risk factors for fetal hypoxia in labor, we compared age, patient anthropometric parameters, medical history, and pregnancy complications by collecting anamnesis, studying ambulatory records and physical examination, as well as the characteristics of labor and delivery modes during labor management, evaluating fetal monitoring, and determ ining the composition of the blood acid- base. Results: Patients in the fetal hypoxia group were more likely to have anemia in the first half of pregnancy, gestational diabetes mellitus, extragenital infections, edema of pregnant women, placental insufficiency, and fetal growth restriction. Hypertensive complications of pregnancy as an indication of induction of labor were observed more frequently in the fetal hypoxia group [3 (0.6%) vs 7 (5.9%), p=0.0006]. Gestational age 37-38 and 41 weeks or more at delivery was more common in the fetal hypoxia group, while gestational age 39-40 weeks at delivery was more common in the control group. There were no differences in the rates of preterm prelabor rupture of membranes (9.9 and 13.4%), amniotomy (15.1 and 9.2%), epidural analgesia (51.3 and 55.5%), and mean length of ruptured membranes. Tachysystole was more common in the fetal hypoxia group (RR=7.12 (95% CI 4.8; 10.5), p<0.0001). The relative risk of fetal hypoxia in the presence of labor dystocia was RR=3.17 (95% CI 2; 5), p<0.0001, oxytocin labor stimulation was rR=1.6 (95% CI 1.3; 2), p<0.0001. Conclusion: Antenatal risk factors have low specificity. Intrapartum risk factors including gestational age 37-38 weeks, 41 weeks or more, labor dystocia, oxytocin, labor stimulation, and tachysystole have higher predictive value, especially when combined with CTG. However, in the presence of clinical intrapartum risk factors, the absence of a pathological type of CTG does not guarantee an asphyxia-free birth. Intrapartum risk factors are modifiable in most cases. A rational choice of gestational age and method of labor induction and careful labor management are the reserves for reducing the incidence of fetal hypoxia in labor.
Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2022;(8):47-53
pages 47-53 views

The course of pregnancy and childbirth outcomes in different fetal growth restriction phenotypes

Yakubova D.I., Ignatko I.V., Megrabyan A.D., Bogomazova I.M.


Objective: To investigate the clinical value of a phenotypic approach for the analysis of perinatal outcomes in fetal growth restriction (FGR). Materials and methods: This retrospective analysis included 230 pregnancy cards and delivery notes. The patients were divided into Group I including 200/230 (87%) pregnant women with adverse FGR outcome; Group II consisted of30/230 (13%) pregnant women with uncomplicated pregnancy and normal fetal growth trajectory. The phenotypic approach consisted of classifying FGR cases according to maternal, placental, and fetal risk factors for this pathology and then analyzing the contribution of each phenotype to the probability of an adverse fetal outcome. Results: In step 1, all analyzed observations were divided into 7 clinical FGR phenotypes. In step 2, the FGR clinical phenotypes were divided into three risk groups according to adverse perinatal outcomes: high, intermediate and low risk of perinatal loss. High-risk according to the study results corresponds to the FGR clinical phenotypes "preterm delivery" (59.6%), "infections" (45.1%), "hypertensive disorders during pregnancy" (37.3%), and "bleeding in the second and third trimesters" (24.8%). The intermediate risk was "chronic maternal disease" (9.9%), "no baseline risk factors" (11.4%), and the lowest risk model included the remaining clinical phenotypes. Among stillborns with FGR (n=64), the following FGR phenotypes were observed: "infections" (34.4%), "preterm delivery" (20.3%), "hypertensive disorders during pregnancy" (14.1%), and "bleeding in the second and third trimesters" (14.1%). Early neonatal mortality was highest in the clinical phenotypes "preterm delivery" (39.3%) and "hypertensive disorders during pregnancy" (23.2%). Conclusion: Seven clinical phenotypes of FGR associated with different risk of adverse perinatal outcomes were analyzed. The highest risk of stillbirth was noted in FGR concurrent with severe prematurity (the "premature delivery" phenotype), infectious affection of the fetal placental unit (the "infection" phenotype), and in II- III trimester hemorrhages caused by placental abruption, recurrent retrochorial hematomas, and placental abnormalities.
Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2022;(8):54-62
pages 54-62 views

Antenatal and intrapartum periods in singleton pregnancy after assisted reproductive technology

Kinsht D.A., Marinkin I.O., Soboleva M.K.


Objective: To investigate the antenatal and intrapartum periods in singleton post-ART pregnancies according to the type of infertility and the method of assisted reproductive technology (ART). Materials and methods: The study group included 409newborns from women with singleton post-ART pregnancy; all children were born from 2007 to 2017 at the Avicenna Medical Center (Novosibirsk). The control group consisted of 210 newborns from women with spontaneous pregnancy (SP) without a history of infertility, with equal gravidity and parity, and born in the same period. The study group was divided into 2 subgroups according to the predominant type of infertility and the ART method. Group I (n=205) consisted of women who conceived by IVF and predominantly had female causes of infertility in the parents' history. Group II (n=204) included women conceived by IVF+ICSI and mainly had male factor infertility. A retrospective analysis included outpatient and antenatal care cards of pregnant women and the developmental histories of the newborns. The main parameters of the health status were evaluated using clinical and anamnestic methods. Results: Patients in in the post-ART group were more likely to have threatened miscarriage than those in the spontaneous pregnancy group, but only with the predominance of female causes of infertility (IVF group, OR=1.12). ART does not increase the risk of preterm labor and pathological conditions of the intrauterine fetus. Conclusion: A personalized plan for antenatal care and childbirth in women with post-ART pregnancy should take into account the predominant type of infertility and the ART method.
Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2022;(8):63-70
pages 63-70 views

CD163 positive alternatively activated monocytes as a marker of early miscarriage

Farzalieva A.V., Sotnikova N.Y., Borzova N.Y.


Objective: To develop a new method for predicting spontaneous miscarriage in women with threatened miscarriage in early pregnancy by detection of alternatively activated monocytes expressing the scavenger receptor CD163 in peripheral venous blood. Materials and methods: The study included 71 women between 5 and 12 weeks of gestation. Of these, 54 women gave birth at full term (Group 1) and 17 women had early and late spontaneous miscarriages (Group 2). The relative abundance of CD14+CD16++ monocytes expressing the scavenger receptor CD163 was determined using a FACScanto II flow cytometer (Becton Dickinson, USA). Peripheral venous blood served as the material for the study. Results: There was no significant difference between the two groups in the content of classically activated and intermediately activated monocytes expressing the scavenger receptor CD163. However, the content of alternatively activated monocytes expressing the CD163 scavenger receptor in women with spontaneous miscarriage was statistically different from that of women who gave birth at full-term. Conclusion: The content of alternatively activated monocytes expressing the CD163 scavenger receptor in peripheral blood can be used as a predictor of spontaneous miscarriage in women with threatened miscarriage in early pregnancy.
Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2022;(8):71-75
pages 71-75 views

The role of chemokine genes in the development of adenomyosis with concurrent endometrial hyperplastic processes

Altukhova O.B., Radzinsky V.E., Polyakova I.S., Sirotina S.S., Batlutskaya I.V., Orlova V.S., Efremova O.A., Churnosov M.I.


Relevance: Adenomyosis and endometrial hyperplastic processes (EHPs) are among the leading problems in gynecology. The causes and underlying mechanisms of the concurrent development of adenomyosis and EHPs are studied by various research teams. Hormonal and genetic disorders are known to be involved in the development of this pathology. Chemokines are involved in angiogenesis, hematopoiesis, embryological development, B- and T-cell development, dendritic cell maturation, inflammation, infection, tumor growth and metastasis, so they may be associated with the development of adenomyosis and its combination with EHPs. The role of intergenic chemokine gene interactions in the formation of this disease remains poorly understood. Objective: To investigate the relationship between chemokine genes and adenomyosis with concurrent EHPs. Materials and methods: The study included 91 women with adenomyosis and concurrent EHPs and 789 control women. Genotyping of six chemokine genes SDF1 c.*519 G>А rs1801157, RАNТES c.-471 G>А rs2107538, I-ТАС c.*1539 Т>С rs4512021, МСР1 c.77-109 G>С rs2857657, МIР1β c.*524 А>Т rs1719153, IL-8 c.-352 А>Т rs4073 was performed by real-time PCR. The odds ratio (OR) and the 95% confidence interval (CI) were used to evaluate associations. ARSampler software was used to assess the association of combinations of alleles and genotypes of the analyzed genes with the development of adenomyosis with concurrent EHPs. Results: Associations of the studied genes with the development of the disease were revealed. Patients with adenomyosis and concurrent EHPs were more likely to have the T allele of the rs4073 IL-8 gene (86/142, 60.56%) than controls (379/744, 50.94%; p=0.04, OR=1.48 95% CI 1.02-2.40). The prevalence of the rs1801157 SDF A allele (38/152, 25.0%) was higher compared with controls (126/730, 17.26%; p=0.03, OR=1.59 95% CI 1.06-2.40). The combination of TT genotype rs4073 IL-8 with A allele rs1801157 SDF1, A allele rs4512021 I-TAC, and G allele rs2857657 MSR1 (OR=4.55, 95% CI 2.10-9.86, p=0.0002) was a risk factor for disease. The combination of the A allele rs4073 IL-8 with the G allele rs2107538 RANTES and the T allele rs1719153 MIR1β is protective against the development of adenomyosis with concurrent EHPs (OR=0.36 95% CI 0.18-0.73, p=0.002). Conclusion: Polymorphic chemokine gene loci SDF1 c.*519 G>A rs1801157, RANTES c.-471 G>A rs2107538, I-TAS c.*1539 T>C rs4512021, MSR1 c.77-109 G>C rs2857657, MIR1β c.*524 A>T rs1719153, IL-8 c.-352 A>T rs4073 are associated with the development of adenomyosis with concurrent EHPs.
Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2022;(8):76-84
pages 76-84 views

Systemic ozone therapy and its immunomodulatory effects in COVID-19 patients

Fedorova T.A., Krechetova L.V., Bakuridze E.M., Rogachevsky O.V., Zaitsev V.Y., Strelnikova E.V., Pyregov A.V., Kozachenko I.F., Esayan R.M., Khamidulina K.G., Inviyaeva E.V., Vtorushina V.V., Chudzhaeva E.B.


Objective: To evaluate the effect of systemic ozone therapy (OT) on the concentration of pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokines in the blood in the complex treatment of COVID-19 patients. Materials and methods: The study included 65 patients with a confirmed diagnosis COVID-19 characterized by a moderate and severe course of the disease. The patients were admitted to the Infectious Disease Hospital of the V.I. Kulakov National Medical Research Centre for Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology, Ministry of Health of Russia. The patients’ age ranged from 29 to 78 years. All patients were treated in accordance with the Temporary Guidelines of the Ministry of Health of Russia “Prevention, Diagnosis and Treatment of Coronavirus Infection (COVID-19)”. Two groups of patients were randomly formed. The first group included 35 patients whose complex therapy included OT: intravenous administration of 400 ml of ozonated saline solution with an ozone concentration of 4 mg/L; a total course consisting of 6procedures performed every other day. The second group included 30patients who did not have OT. Clinical and laboratory parameters were evaluated on admission to the Infectious Disease Hospital and after two weeks of complex treatment; clinical, laboratory, special, statistical research methods were used. The content of cytokines GM-CSF, IFN-y, TNF-a, IL-2, IL-4, IL-6, IL-8, IL-10 and their ratios were determined with a multiplex method on the Bioplex 200 analyzer (Bio-Rad, USA) using Bio-Plex Pro Human Cytokine 8-plex Panel (Bio-Rad, USA). Results: On admission to the Infectious Disease Hospital 47/65 (72,3%) patients had a moderate course of the disease and 18/65 (27.7%) patients had a severe one. The length of hospital stay in the group of patients with OT averaged 12.2 (2.7) (8-17) days, and it was 17.9 (4.2) (12-26) days in the group of patients who did not have OT. On admission, all patients had an increase in the level of C-reactive protein in their blood serum; the cytokine content in patients of the groups differed from the initial cytokine level and it was different between groups after two weeks of therapy. The medians of the pro-inflammatory cytokines IL-2, IL-6, IL-8 were particularly different. The content of these cytokines remained elevated in the second group of patients who did not have OT, compared with the baseline data and compared with the first group. The study of anti-inflammatory cytokines showed that the patients of the first group who had OT demonstrated a significantly higher IL-10 content compared to IL-10 content in the patients of the second group. Ratios of pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines IL-2/IL-10, IL-2/ IL-4, IL-6/IL-10, IL-6/IL-4, IL-8/IL-10, IL-8/IL-4, TNF-a/IL-4 in the first group of patients with OT significantly decreased compared to the baseline indicator, which can be suggestive of a marked decrease in the activity of the inflammatory process. Conclusion: The positive effect of systemic OT on the clinical course of the disease has been revealed. Laboratory indicators in COVID-19 patients have shown a decrease in the severity of the inflammatory response. Besides having anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory effect, OT helps to stop the process, improve the condition of patients and reduce the length of hospital stay. Systemic OT should be considered as an additional adjuvant method in the complex treatment of patients with SARS-CoV-2 infection.
Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2022;(8):85-94
pages 85-94 views

Orenetide for the treatment of hypoactive sexual desire disorder: results of a randomized placebo-controlled trial

Sukhikh G.T., Smulevich A.B., Stenyaeva N.N., Nemenov D.G., Prilepskaya V.N., Khritinin D.F., Myasoedov N.F., Matskevich A.A., Andreeva L.A., Zelenina E.V.


Hypoactive desire disorder (HSDD) is characterized by a distressing and prolonged deficiency of sexual desire. Currently, despite the high prevalence of HSDD in women, the potential of drug treatment for this problem is limited: there are only two pharmacologic treatments both with modest efficacy, approved in a limited number of countries. Desirix (INN Orenetide) - is an innovative peptide drug developed in Russia to restore sexual desire and concomitant functions in women with HSDD. Aim: This study aimed to conf irm the safety and eff icacy of Desirix (INN Orenetide) in premenopausal women with HSDD. Materials and methods: This randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled, multicenter, 12-week Phase III clinical trial in parallel arms was conducted at 19 sites within the Russian Federation (Russian CTA #688 dated 25.12.2017; NCT03463707). The study enrolled 189 premenopausal women with diagnosed Lack or loss of sexual desire (ICD-10 code F52.0; equivalent to acquired generalized HSDD according to DSM-IV), aged 21-50 years. Participants were eligible if they had a regular menstrual cycle and low sexual desire for at least 24 weeks prior to screening. After 4 weeks of baseline assessment (screening period) participants were randomly assigned to receive Desirix (Orenetide, development code BP101) 2 mg/day nasal spray or identical placebo. 95/189 (50,3%) participants were randomized to Desirix (Orenetide) treatment arm, and 94/189 (49,7%) to placebo arm. After 4-weeks daily treatment period there was 8-weeks no-treatment follow-up. The primary efficacy outcome was the change in number of satisfying sexual events (SSEs) after 4 weeks of therapy compared to a baseline period. Secondary efficacy outcomes included changes in the number of SSEs in the follow-up period; changes in the number of sexual events leading to orgasm, total Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI) score, FSFI “desire” domain, total Female Sexual Distress Scale-Revised (FSDS-R) score, FSDS Item 13 (“[How often... you were] Bothered by low sexual desire?”) score and assessment of Patient Global Impression of Improvement, PGI-I) after treatment, and after 4 and 8 weeks of follow-up. The incidence and nature of adverse events (AEs) was recorded. Results: The primary efficacy endpoint was met as Desirix (Orenetide) had a higher mean change in the number of SSEs after 4 weeks of treatment with the mean treatment difference of 1,83 (95,9% CI: 0,28-3,39; р=0,02) compared to placebo. Desirix (Orenetide) significantly increased SSEs compared to placebo at the 4-week - 2,38 (95% CI: 0,62-4,13;р<0,01) and 8week - 2,37(95% CI: 0,70-4,05;р<0,01) follow-up visits. Greater changes in total FSFI score and for “desire”, “arousal” and “orgasm” domains, as well as PGI-I score were reported at all time-points in the Desirix (Orenetide) treatment arm (p<0,05 vs placebo). Desirix (Orenetide) effectively reduced the signs of distress on the FSDS-R scale, and increased in the mean number of sexual events leading to orgasm at 4 weeks of treatment and at 8 weeks of follow-up (p<0.05 vs placebo). Most AEs were mild, caused no trial discontinuations and no serious treatment-related AEs were reported. Conclusion: Desirix (Orenetide) medicine is an efficacious and safe treatment for HSDD in premenopausal women.
Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2022;(8):95-106
pages 95-106 views

Body surface cultures in preterm neonates on the first day of life: clinical usefulness

Krogh-Jensen O.A., Nikitina I.V., Bragina O.N., Isaeva E.L., Priputnevich T.V., Zubkov V.V., Degtyarev D.N., Lenyushkina A.A.


Background: Early-onset neonatal sepsis and pneumonia remain one of the leading causes of neonatal loss. The role of microbiological examination of body surface cultures on the first day of life (DOL) in preterm neonates with high risk for early-onset infections currently remains insufficiently studied. Objective: To estimate the clinical value of microbiological examination of body surface cultures in preterm neonates on the first day of life. Materials and methods: The study included 173 preterm neonates at 24-36 weeks’ gestation admitted directly from the delivery room to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) from January 2020 to April 2021. Microbiological examination was carried out using classical (microscopic, cultural) and innovative methods (proteometric MALDI-TOF-MS analysis). Biological material was taken from three loci (blood culture and two surface cultures, namely oral and rectal swabs). All neonates were divided into two main groups: group I included 43 neonates with positive body surface cultures, group II included 130 neonates with a negative surface culture result. According to their gestational age (GA), the patients were compared in the following subgroups: a) GA<33 weeks (Ia n=10 vs IIa n=47); b) GA=33-36 weeks (Ib n=33 vs IIb n=83). The relationship between surface culture results and the incidence of early neonatal infections (pneumonia, sepsis), complications, as well as severity scores (nSOFA, NEOMOD), inflammation markers, and complications was studied. Results: The subgroups did not differ in anthropometric data, antenatal steroids rates, Apgar, NEOMOD and nSOFA scores. There were no differences in the incidence of early-onset neonatal infections (sepsis and/or pneumonia) (8/10 vs 36/47, in subgroups Ia and IIa, respectively, p>0.05; 11/33 vs 27/83 in subgroups Ib vs IIb, p>0.05). However, additional analysis without regard to commensal bacteria revealed statistically signif icant increase in early-onset neonatal clinical sepsis (EONS) in the neonates <33 weeks GA with positive surface cultures (E. coli and/or Candida sp., and/or Klebsiella sp. and/or Acinetobacter sp. and/or Enterococcus sp.): 4/7 vs 7/47 in Ia and IIa, respectively (p=0.02); this subgroup also had a higher level of C-reactive protein on DOL3 (Me=2.7mg/L, Q1-Q3 1.6-23.4 vs Me=0.95 mg/L, Q1-Q3 0.33-5.0 in subgroups Ia vs IIa, respectively, p=0.08). This pattern was absent in neonates of GA 33-36weeks. Necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) incidence was found to be higher in all preterm neonates colonized with E. coli and Candida sp. on DOL1 (E. сoli: RR=4.8 (95% CI 1.6-14.7); Candida sp.: RR=9.6 (95% CI3.5-26.7)). Conclusion: Microbiological examination of body surface cultures on DOL1 may be considered as a valuable clinical tool for EONS in preterm neonates born before 33 weeks GA. It can also be regarded as a prognostic method in all premature babies: the absence of E. coli and/or Candida colonization significantly decreases the risk of subsequent development of NEC.
Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2022;(8):108-123
pages 108-123 views

A comprehensive approach to treating chronic recurrent uncomplicated cystitis during pregnancy

Tyutyunnik V.L., Mikhailova O.I., Kan N.E., Mirzabekova D.D.


Objective: To evaluate the eff iciency of combination therapy for chronic recurrent uncomplicated cystitis during pregnancy. Materials and methods: The investigation enrolled 50 pregnant women with chronic recurrent uncomplicated cystitis in the second or third trimester. There were two equal formed groups: 1) a study group that included 25 women who received combination treatment with an antibiotic and an immunomodulatory agent; 2) a comparison group that consisted of 25 women who took an antibiotic only. The efficiency of different treatment regimens for chronic recurrent uncomplicated cystitis was evaluated, by analyzing laboratory data, assessing the Acute Cystitis Symptom Score (ACSS) questionnaire, determining the immune status, and analyzing the characteristics of the course of labor and perinatal outcomes. Results: Therapy with an antibiotic in combination with the immunomodulatory agent Superlymph showed the greatest efficiency in treating chronic recurrent uncomplicated cystitis. In the study group, leukocytosis during a urinalysis and the growth of pathogens during microscopic examination were most significantly decreased; positive changes in the indicators of innate immunity were more pronounced; the period between exacerbations of cystitis was much longer and the duration of relapses was shorter; and the quality of life became substantially better, as shown by the ACSS questionnaire. In addition, this patient cohort was recorded to have the most favorable obstetric and perinatal outcomes. Conclusion: The immunomodulatory agent Superlymph in combination with an antibiotic can be recommended for use in the therapy of chronic recurrent uncomplicated cystitis in the second or third trimester of pregnancy, which signif icantly increases the eff iciency of the performed treatment.
Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2022;(8):124-130
pages 124-130 views

Assessing the feasibility of preoperative preventive vaginal cleansing to prevent contamination of the uterine cavity with vaginal microflora

Dobrokhotova Y.E., Borovkova E.I., Zaidieva Z.S., Romanovskaya V.V., Nugumanova O.R.


Objective: To demonstrate the feasibility of preoperative preventive use of vaginal Elgin tablets with an applicator (VERTEX, Russia) to prevent contamination of the uterine cavity with vaginal microflora during hysteroscopy and separate diagnostic curettage. Materials and methods: A prospective observational clinical study was conducted in parallel groups involving 50 patients. The investigators formed a study group (n=30) and a control group (n=20), which included patients with vaginal normocenosis and indications for hysteroscopy. The vagina was preoperatively cleansed with Elgin for 6 days in the study group. No preventive treatment was performed in the control group. The study methods included general clinical examinations and real-time polymerase chain reaction (Femoflor-16, DNA-Technology, Moscow). Resuls: The indications for hysteroscopy and separate diagnostic curettage in the study and control groups were infertility of unknown origin (16.7% and 20%), endometrial polyp (46.7% and 50%), and suspected endometrial disease (36.7% and 30%). After a cycle of preventive therapy with Elgin, the vaginal concentration of lactobacilli vagina did not change, but there was a substantial decrease in opportunistic pathogens (Enterobacteriaceae by 5.7 times, Gardnerella vaginalis by 1.5 times, and Mobiluncus by 1.86 times) (p40.001). Staphylococci, streptococci, mycoplasmas, Candida fungi, veillonella, and fusobacteria were completely absent. The intrauterine microbiota in the study group patients was represented only by lactobacilli. The total bacterial mass in the uterine cavity was 1.48 times lower than that in the vagina, while the concentration of lactobacilli was almost 1.5 times lower. A variety of bacteria was identified in the uterine cavity of the control group patients. All the bacteria were characterized by a quantitative decrease as compared to vaginal biocenosis. The titer of streptococci and staphylococci in the uterine cavity was 1.2 times lower than that in the vagina, there were reductions in the titers of gardnerella by 1.7 times, eubacteria by 1.9 times, veillonella by 1.5 times, mobiluncus by 1.4 times, and Candida fungi and ureaplasma by 1.3 times. In the control group, the uterine cavity displayed the representatives of the intestinal microflora and eubacteria in significantly higher titers (the titer was 1.8 times higher), streptococci and staphylococci (that was 2.1 times higher), veillonella and ureaplasma (1.3 times higher), and mobiluncus (1.9 times higher). Conclusion: A preventive vaginal cleansing cycle before intrauterine manipulations can reduce overall vaginal bacterial contamination and the risk of intrauterine ascending infection from indigenous microflora.
Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2022;(8):132-142
pages 132-142 views

Pharmacokinetic properties and safety assessment of the generic vaginal gel progesterone preparation: results of an open-label, randomized, crossover bioequivalence study

Tapilskaya N.I., Gzgzyan A.M., Kogan I.Y., Pisarev V.V., Merkulov M.E., Korneeva I.E.


Objective: To assess bioequivalence of the generic (test) progesterone preparation Miragel, vaginal gel 90 mg/ dose (WERTEX JSC, Russia) and the branded (reference) vaginal gel progesterone Crinone, 90 mg/dose (Merck Serono Limited, Great Britain). Materials and methods: Progesterone concentrations in the blood plasma of volunteers (naturally postmenopausal women) were determined after a single intravaginal injection of the generic Miragel, vaginal gel 90 mg/dose (WERTEX JSC, Russia) and branded preparation Crinone, vaginal gel 90 mg/dose (Merck Serono Limited, Great Britain). The study was conducted using an open-label, randomized, a 4-period crossover scheme, with two sequences of medicine administration and with an interval of 14 days. A total of 42 female volunteers who met the inclusion and non-inclusion criteria were selected for participation in the study; all of them provided informed consent. The concentration of progesterone in the blood plasma samples of volunteers was determined using high performance liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry. Results: Progesterone concentration was identif ied in 3281blood plasma samples obtained from 42 volunteers during four study periods. The mean values and standard deviations of the pharmacokinetic parameters of progesterone after intravaginal administration of the test and reference drugs were as follows: C 11.497+3.693 ng/ml and 10.912±3.651 ng/ml; AUC0I 200.114+93.023 ng-h/ml and 225.264+134.477ngh/ml, respectively. Two-sided 90% confidence intervals for the ratios of the corresponding geometric mean values of the pharmacokinetic parameters of progesterone Cmax and AUC0 t were 100.45-111.98% and 85.28-101.41%, respectively. A total of 30 adverse events were registered in 20 volunteers of the safety population (47.6%): 18 adverse events in 14 volunteers (33.3%) after administration of the test drug and 12 adverse events in 10 volunteers (23.8%) after administration of the reference drug. No adverse events that would be reliably, probably or possibly associated with the administration of the test or reference preparations have been registered. Conclusion: The boundaries of the estimated two-sided 90% confidence intervals for the ratio of the geometric mean values of the pharmacokinetic parameters AUC0 I and Cmax range from 80.00 to 125.00%. Therefore, the test preparation Miragel, vaginal gel 90 mg/dose (WERTEX JSC, Russia) and the reference drug Crinone, vaginal gel 90 mg/dose (Merck Serono Limited, Great Britain), are bioequivalent.
Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2022;(8):144-152
pages 144-152 views

Extragenital endometriosis: diagnostic difficulties, modern treatment policy

Yarmolinskaya M.I., Rusina E.I., Semenova V.O., Beganova A.K.


The incidence of extragenital endometriosis (EE) is 6-8% of all forms of endometriosis; however, there has been an increase in the prevalence of the disease in recent years. EE is characterized by the growth of tissue similar in morphological structure and function to the endometrium in the organs and tissues that are not related to the reproductive system. A wide range of non-specific clinical manifestations and the ensuing difficulties in diagnosing EE at various sites lead to its delayed diagnosis and to the absence of pathogenetically based therapy. The authors reviewed literature on the diagnosis and treatment of EE and analyzed their own experience on this topic. They described clinical cases, by providing the features of female patients’ medical histories, diagnosis, surgical and medical treatments for endometriosis of the intestine, catamenial pneumothorax, urinary system, and umbilicus. Conclusion: The diagnosis and treatment of extragenital forms of endometriosis requires an interdisciplinary approach, by attracting gynecologists, general and thoracic surgeons, urologists, and gastroenterologists, to decide on the personalized strategies for patient management and on the mandatory prescription of long-term pathogenetically based anti-relapse therapy.
Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2022;(8):154-162
pages 154-162 views

Combined modified two-stage Osada-Strassmann surgery in a patient with severe concurrent pathology (a complete bicornuate uterus, diffusive adenomyosis, and deep infiltrating endometriosis)

Tskhay V.B., Mikailly G.T., Andreeva A.A.


Background: Young patients with a concurrence of various severe gynecological diseases are now increasingly being observed in the practice of an obstetrician/gynecologist. The treatment of these women, primarily surgical treatment, presents a significant challenge due to the need to preserve reproductive function. Case report: The paper presents the authors’ clinical observation of successful two-stage surgery in a young patient with complex concurrent pathology: grade 3 diffuse adenomyosis; infiltrating endometriosis of the uterovesical fold, retrocervical endometriosis, complete bicornuate uterus (uterus bicornis bicollis), and primary infertility. During the laparoscopic stage, endometriosis focus removal, adhesiolysis, and bilateral tubectomy were done; during the laparotomic stage, adenomyomectomy for severe diffuse adenomyosis using the method of H. Osada in each of the uterus, subsequent metroplasty, and creation of a single uterus by the modified Strassmann method, by taking into account the individual characteristics of a patient and the presence of complex concurrent pathology. Conclusion: Severe concurrent gynecological pathology required surgical treatment consisting of several stages. The performed operation was not just a combination of two techniques, but also needed a particular modification in terms of the individual characteristics of a patient and the presence of complex concurrent pathology. The surgical treatment restored the normal anatomy of the internal genital organs, which leaves the patient with a chance to realize her reproductive function.
Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2022;(8):163-169
pages 163-169 views

Isolated torsion of the fallopian tube during pregnancy

Strizhakov A.N., Ignatko I.V., Bogomazova I.M., Belousova V.S., Grigoryan I.S., Korchagina M.O.


Background: Isolated torsion of the fallopian tube (IFTT) is extremely rare - in 1 out of 1500,000patients. Its possible causes include anomalies of the structure of the fallopian tubes, paraovarial cysts, hydrosalpinx, long mesosalpinx, hydatids of Morgagni. The main clinical manifestations are nonspecific: sudden pain in the lower abdomen, accompanied by nausea, vomiting and frequent urination. Visualization during instrumental research is difficult. The preferred method of treatment that allows to preserve the organ, and hence the fertility of the patient, is the detorsion of the fallopian tube, with the ineffectiveness of which tubectomy is indicated. Case report: A first-pregnant patient at 35-36 weeks gestation went to an obstetric hospital with complaints for pain in the ilio-lumbar region on the right. Palpation revealed soreness in the right iliac region and a weakly positive symptom of pounding on the lower back on the right. Ultrasound examination of the kidneys revealed right-sided pyelokalikoectasia, the patient was diagnosed with gestational pyelonephritis and underwent infusion, antispasmodic and antimicrobial therapy, as well as drainage of the right calyx-pelvic system. Taking into account the persistent pain syndrome, the appearance of symptoms of peritoneal irritation and the detection of free fluid in the abdominal cavity, the pregnant woman underwent a diagnostic laparotomy, which revealed necrotic changes in the right fallopian tube against the background of its isolated torsion. Tubectomy was performed. Conclusion: The expansion of the calyx-pelvic system in patients in the second half of pregnancy is due to a violation of the passage of urine due to compression of the ureters by the growing uterus. Stagnation of urine in the cup-pelvic system is a favorable environment for the reproduction of opportunistic microorganisms with the development of gestational pyelonephritis, which is a risk factor for severe maternal and perinatal complications. In this clinical observation, the most probable diagnosis for pregnant women was established - gestational pyelonephritis - with appropriate treatment, which turned out to be ineffective. Diagnostic laparotomy was delayed, and therefore organ-preserving treatment in the amount of detorsion was inappropriate and the necrotically altered fallopian tube was removed.
Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2022;(8):170-175
pages 170-175 views

Asphyxiating thoracic dysplasia (Jeune syndrome)

Mirzakhmetova D.D., Khoroshilova I.G., Aipeisova A.Z., Bogach M.A., Efimenko I.G.


Background: Short-rib thoracic dysplasia (SRTD) is a group of skeletal ciliopathies that are characterized by a narrow chest, short ribs, and shortened tubular bones with or without polydactyly, with the high mortality associated with severe respiratory disorders in the intrapartum and early neonatal periods. One of these disorders is asphyxiating thoracic dysplasia (Jeune syndrome). Case report: The paper describes two clinical cases with asphyxiating thoracic dysplasia (Jeune syndrome) with a fatal outcome: intrapartum death of a full-term fetus due to asphyxia and early neonatal death of a premature newborn with respiratory distress syndrome. Conclusion: The presented clinical cases of respiratory disorders with a fatal outcome in a full-term fetus during labor and delivery and a premature newborn with Jeune syndrome may be of interest to ultrasound and medical genetics specialists for predicting fetal viability, to obstetrician/gynecologists for predicting the course of pregnancy and birth outcomes, and to neonatologists for predicting therapeutic outcomes.
Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2022;(8):176-180
pages 176-180 views

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