Vol XVI, No 1 (1909)


Physiology n. depressoris. Relationship n. depressor to vasomotor centers

Fofanov L.L.


The central apparatus of the human body, on which the equal distribution of blood throughout the body depends, - the heart, is not an organ completely independent in its functions in the body, but is always under the strict control of the nervous system. At the present time it is well known that there are nerves that change the activity of the heart - its rhythm either towards acceleration or deceleration, and that the heart is equipped with a special nervous mechanism, with the help of which it can change blood pressure, if the latter is very high in the beginning of the aorta, or if the ventricles of the heart are full and thus the emptying of the ventricles is difficult. This nervous apparatus is represented in the animal organism as a so-called depressor nerve. The action of the depressor nerve consists in the fact that when it is excited and its excitement, the total blood pressure drops sharply and the heartbeats are significantly slowed down. Both effects are aimed at allowing the ventricles of the heart to empty more easily from their contents and in this way to reduce the work that the heart would have to do. T. about. this nerve is, as it were, a natural regulator for the heart, as it is called. Regarding why a decrease in blood pressure occurs during irritation of a depressor, the opinions of physiologists are still not the same. Most physiologists with Suon in the head see in a decrease in pressure, in case of irritation of a depressor, the result of oppression of the center of vasoconstrictors, however, there is another view, which, however, has few defenders, according to which the drop in pressure, due to the stimulation of the center of the depressor, is due to irritation. T. the question of the influence of a depressor on one or another center is still open, and the existence of the very center of vasodilators is clearly questioned by some authors; and I think that my attempt to clarify this issue, undertaken at the suggestion of the highly respected teacher, my prof. NA Mislavsky will be, although not entirely new, but far from superfluous.

Neurology Bulletin. 1909;XVI(1):1-59
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Some data from the literature on diseases of the lowest part of the spinal cord with two cases of self-observation

Veselitsky I.A.


Over the last 25 years or so, the attention of neuropathologists has been drawn to the disease of the lower branch of the spinal cord with the roots extending from it. At first, in the course of 10-15 years, the reports were very meager, fragmentary, and acquaintance with this kind of diseases is extremely insufficient; Bekhterev in 1890, reporting one such case (from the Kazan clinic), mentions only 10 cases from the literature before him; Köster in 1898 in his article mentions 15 cases observed before him.

Neurology Bulletin. 1909;XVI(1):60-92
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Effect of botulinum toxin on lower vertebrates in connection with changes in the nervous system of them

Favorsky A.


In 1897, V. Ermengem established that the well-known phenomena of botulism in the clinic owe their origin to a special pathogenic saprophytic bacillus discovered by him, bacillus botulinus. He stated that the pathogenic action of this bacillus depends on that toxic principle, which lies in its protoplasm and those environments, strictly anaerobic, where it is able to develop. Introducing the culture of this bacillus or its pure toxin into the animals' mouth or under the skin, he became convinced that some of them are very sensitive to this poison, others are less susceptible and, finally, others are completely immune. The first to include rabbits, mice, guinea pigs, monkeys, which died with typical phenomena of botulism from the minimum doses. The second group includes cats, pigeons, and rats, which perished from more high doses; to the third, he classifies dogs, hens and,. mainly frogs, fish, cyprinus, which, according to him, have complete immunity. However, establishing the fact that animals are different in relation to the pure toxin bac. botulinus, V. Ermengem often does not provide definite data on the lethal minimum dose of the toxin for these animals. There is an exact indication of the dose of the toxin only for pigs and rabbits, and partly for a cat.

Neurology Bulletin. 1909;XVI(1):93-113
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To the question of the insufficiency and inaccuracy of the nomenclature in medical reporting in general and psychiatric reporting in particular in relation to the headings: "can be cured and not cured", "single and married"

Sergeev L.A.


Leaving aside the other columns, I want to draw attention to the insufficiency, and because of this, the inaccuracy of the nomenclature when registering patients according to the card system in the headings "marital status" and "treatable and incurable."

Neurology Bulletin. 1909;XVI(1):114-117
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The case of "myotonia congenita"

Donskov N.A.


A comprehensive study of Thomsen's disease has been accomplished quite a bit, and for the mood, in the words of R. I. Rossolimo, “it seems that the time has come when the study of typical cases gave everything that could be demanded from it, having established a more or less exact picture of the disease , and when there was a need for help on the part of deviations from the typical form. " However, the question of the essence and genesis of this suffering can hardly be considered explained satisfactorily enough to neglect the description of the not so often encountered individual cases of myotonia, even if even these cases differed little from typical ones.

Neurology Bulletin. 1909;XVI(1):118-131
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To the question of the relationship n. depressoris to the vasoconstrictor and vasodilator centers

Chalusov M.A.


Role n. depressoris in the regulation of blood pressure was elucidated by the works of Ludwig and Suon and the work is on an unshakable basis, but the relationship of depressors to that central cellular complex in the brain, which they are connected to, is unclear and insufficiently justified by them, therefore, the work clarification of these relations should be recognized as worthy of attention.

Neurology Bulletin. 1909;XVI(1):132-183
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E. Rodenwaldt. Simplification of the Nissl's coloring and its application with Beri-beri. Eine Vereinfachung der Nissl'schen Färbung und ihre Anwendung bei Beri-beri. — Monatschr. f. Psych und Neurol. 1908. IV

Sholomovich A.


The author proposes the following simplified modification of the Nissl color: kb 1.0 Azur II solution in 750.0 Aq. destill. add 4 drops of saturated Kalium Carbon immediately before use, for each 10.0 Azur II solution. Svezhіy, compacted in the ascending concentration of alcohol, material, filled in paraffin, is painted in the decree, dissolve for 1 minute without any heating. Differentiated: 1.0 aniline. oils, 9.0 alcohol 96%; eclipse 30 sec. absol. alcohol, 30 seconds xylene, origan oil and Canadian balsam. The old material is painted for 4-5 minutes, 2 cases were taken from the Chinese and 1 from the Indian were painted by the author for comparison in both ways. The author is very pleased with the results and illustrates them in 13 photograms.

Neurology Bulletin. 1909;XVI(1):184-184
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Dr. Brock Further research on the development of neurofibrils. Weitere Untersuchungen über die Entwicklung der Neurofibrillen. Monatschrift f. Psych, und Neurol. 1908. V

Sholomovich A.


On 28 fruits, the author studied the development of neurofibrils.

Neurology Bulletin. 1909;XVI(1):184-185
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E. Medea. About subacute lesions of the anterior horns of the spinal cord in adults. Beitrag zur Kentniss der Poliomyelitis anterior subacuta adultorum. Monatschrift. f. Psych. und Neurologie. Ioanuar-April. 1908

Sholomovich A.


The author describes in great detail 4 cases of subacute poliomyelitis of adults and gives a pathological and anatomical picture of the disease on 16 photographic photographs. 

Neurology Bulletin. 1909;XVI(1):185-185
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Dr. G. Panegrossi. To scholarship on the spinal cord dryness, accompanied by chronic spinal meningitis. Beitrag zur Studium der von chronischer spinaler Meningitis begleiteten tabes. Monatschr. f. Psych. und Neur. 1908-IV

Sholomovich A.


Proceeding from the idea that great interest, in addition to variations of dry mouth, sp. of the brain, have its complications, the author describes many years of the observed case of tabes, which he was able to study after autopsy: based on a detailed analysis of the clinical and pathological-anatomical picture, the author concludes that he had a case of cervico-dorsal tendonis associated with the spinal cord chronic spinal leptomeningitis.

Neurology Bulletin. 1909;XVI(1):186-186
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Dr. Helenefrederike Stelzner. A case of cerebellar atrophy. Ueber einen Fall von Kleinhirnatrophie. Monatschrift f. Psych. und Neurol. 1908.3-4

Sholomovich A.


The author at the suggestion of prof. Ziehen gives an accurate description of the case of cerebellar atrophy in order to enrich casuistry.

Neurology Bulletin. 1909;XVI(1):186-186
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Dr. Slatow. Spilled hlіoma of the medulla oblongata at children's age. Diffuses Gliom der medulla oblongata im Kindesalter. — Monatschrift. f. Psych. und Neurol. No. V, 1908

Sholomovich A.


Described a rare case of glimatosis of the medulla oblongata in a three-year-old girl, subjected to autopsy, and literature data on the named form of the disease.

Neurology Bulletin. 1909;XVI(1):186-186
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Dr. Sträussler. On the question of craniocerebral sensitivity disorders of the spinal type Zur Frage der cerebralen sensibilitätsstörungen von spinalentypus. Monatschr. f. Psych. und Nervenheilk. Band. XXIII. Mai 1908

Sholomovich A.


The author describes a case of cerebral sensitivity affection of the spinal type that was observed by him after the literature. 22 years old soldier epileptic; seizures began with tonic. convulsions in the right hand, overshadowing the clonic of the entire right half of the body, paresis of the right hand, absence of the right celiac reflex; from the right side of the refl. Babinsky

Neurology Bulletin. 1909;XVI(1):187-187
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Mach Völsch in Magdeburg. A case of acute sclerosis. Ein Fall von akuter Multipler Sclerose. — Monatschr. f. Psych. u. Neurol. 1908

Sholomovich A.


Over the course of 35 pages, the author, with exhaustive completeness and accuracy, gives a clinical and mainly histological and pathological description of one case of acute multiple sclerosis.

Neurology Bulletin. 1909;XVI(1):187-188
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Dr. Malaisé. Dorsal tabes and Graves' pseudo-fever. Tabes und Pseudo-Basedow. Monatschr. f. Psych. und Neurol. 1908-2

Sholomovich A.


Based on the study of two cases of dry mouth cn. of the brain, with symptoms of Graves' disease, the author concludes: in isolated cases of tabes, a disease of the sympathetic nervous system is added, which gives clearly expressed symptoms, especially when the cervical n. sympathies.

Neurology Bulletin. 1909;XVI(1):188-188
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Dr. Dromard et Dalmas. Spasmodic phenomena in the muscles of vegetative life in epileptics (Syndrome spasmadique portant zur les muscles de la vie vegetative chez un epileptique. La Progrès medicale, 1908, 65

Kovalevsky P.I.


At the congress of French psychiatrists, the authors reported the story of one epileptic who, in the form of epileptic equivalents, has a delay in bowel and urinary bladder dispatch, increased sweat separation, an attack of suffocation, and so on.

Neurology Bulletin. 1909;XVI(1):189-189
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A. Gordon. Vasomotor and trophic disorders in hysteria. Revue neurol. No. 18, 1908. I. Babinski. Comments on the article by A. Gordon. Revue neurol. No. 20, 1908

Osokin N.


In the course of events that took place in the current year in the Parisian society of neuropathologists, on the issue of hysterical trophic disorders, opposite opinions were expressed: Raymond Pitres admitted their existence; other neuropathologists with Babinsky in the head, argued that skin changes are always caused by artificially simulating patients (Revue neurol. Nos. 8 and 10).

Neurology Bulletin. 1909;XVI(1):189-189
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S. Vincent. Two cases of chronic syphilitic meningitis. Revue neurol. No. 19, 1908

Osokin N.


The purpose of the article is to show that in patients with seizures of general syphilis, but not representing yet subtle changes on the part of the nervous system, when the cerebrospinal fluid is examined, it is difficult to determine lymphocytosis characteristic of syphilitic meningitis. 

Neurology Bulletin. 1909;XVI(1):190-190
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Raviart, Breton, Petit, Gayet et Cannac. Wassermann's reaction in the mentally ill. Alienation mental et reaction de Wassermann. La Progrès medical, 1908, no. 71

Kovalevsky P.I.


The causes of mental illnesses are still far from clear, and therefore new developments in this direction are not surprising. The authors asked themselves to determine what role syphilis plays in mental illness.

Neurology Bulletin. 1909;XVI(1):190-190
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Dr. Charron. Recognition of abnormal children (L'assistance des enfants anormaux. Progrès medicale, 1908, 65)

Kovalevsky P.I.


The recognition and education of backward and abnormal children in Russia, in Russia, is of little interest to anyone.

Neurology Bulletin. 1909;XVI(1):191-191
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Dr. Delelle. Mongolian type of idiotia. La Progrès medicale, 1908, 44

Kovalevsky P.I.


The author reported a case of the Mongolian idiocy of three and half months, with a history of hereditary syphilis.

Neurology Bulletin. 1909;XVI(1):191-192
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Dr. Laignel-Lavastein. Mental disorders are caused by the defeat of the glands without excretory ducts. (Destroubles psychiques par perturbations des glandes à séctétion interne. La Progrès medicale, 1908

Kovalevsky P.I.


At the congress of French psychiatrists, the author made a report on the above topic.

Neurology Bulletin. 1909;XVI(1):192-192
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Dr. Labbé. Mitral contraction and nanism (Rétrécissement mitral par et nanisme. La Progrès medical, 1908, 73)

Kovalevsky P.I.


It was already noticed by the old psychiatrists that idiocy is often combined with a heart of small size.

Neurology Bulletin. 1909;XVI(1):192-193
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H. Fröderström. About the movements of the iris as equivalents of mental processes. Ueber die Irisbewegungen als Aequivalente der psychischen Vorgänge. Monatschr. f. Psvch. und Neurol. 1908-V

Sholomovich A.


The author studied pupil movements in 15 patients with Dementia praecox, one hallucinant and six paralytics.

Neurology Bulletin. 1909;XVI(1):193-194
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Dr. Iung. The theory of hysteria Freud'a Die Freudsche Hysteritheorie. Monatschr. f. Psych. u. Neurol. 1908

Sholomovich A.


The ardent supporter of Freud — Jung, from the very beginning, stipulates that the stated theory does not at all pretend to be an exhaustive solution to the question of hysteria — this is only a hypothesis, convenient for working in the field of hysteria and entirely based on experience.

Neurology Bulletin. 1909;XVI(1):194-195
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L. Gutmann. The difference between sound perceptions in neuro and mentally ill. Untersuchungen über die Unterschieds empfindlichkeit auf dem Gebiet der Schallemfmdungen bei herben und Geisteskranken. — Monatschrift f. Psych. und Neurol. 1908-V

Sholomovich A.


The article by Dr. Pa Gutman (from Moscow) presents the materials collected by him in the clinic of prof. Ziehen'a on the ability of the nervously and mentally ill to distinguish the power of sound when different bodies fall.

Neurology Bulletin. 1909;XVI(1):195-195
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M. A. Zakharchenko. About the treatment of facial nerve paralysis by anastomosis with the accessory nerve. Journal of neuropathology and psychiatry named after Korsakov, 1908, book. five

Zhilin P.


The author's impressions of this operation are not in her favor. The goal that the surgeon, resorting to such an operation, sets himself, namely, to return to the patient the lost symmetry of the face during rest, voluntary and affective movements, is not achieved at all.

Neurology Bulletin. 1909;XVI(1):195-196
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P. Avronesco. Local anesthesia during pachytoinization. Revue neurol. No. 20, 1908

Osokin N.


On the basis of his own experience with pachytovinization, the author was convinced that the anesthesia caused by this is due to the action of stovain on the spinal roots, and not on the substance of the spinal cord.

Neurology Bulletin. 1909;XVI(1):196-196
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A. Schmiergeld. The use of thiodine for tabes of the spinal cord. Revue neurol. No. 13, 1908

Osokin N.


Bearing in mind the reports of Weiss and Zweig on the successful use of this one in the treatment of tabes dorsalis, the author decided to test this remedy on tabiks in the clinics of prof. Raymond'a.

Neurology Bulletin. 1909;XVI(1):196-197
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Letter to the editor. Volume V, № 1 (1909)


Dear Sire, G. Editor!
Do not refuse to print in the next number of your publication the following additional information about the І-th All-Russian Congress of factory doctors and representatives of all factory industry convened in Moscow:

Neurology Bulletin. 1909;XVI(1):197-197
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Chronicle and mix. Volume V, № 1 (1897)


At the December meeting of the Society of Psychiatrists in St. Petersburg, on the discussion of the provisions on the forthcoming III Congress of Russian psychiatrists, it was decided to petition the government for permission to convene the III Congress of domestic psychiatrists in St. Petersburg, in December 5, 1909, on December 19, 1909. of the year; In the same meeting, the election of members of the organizational committee of the congress was made (Review of Psychiatry 1908, No. 12).

Neurology Bulletin. 1909;XVI(1):198-202
pages 198-202 views

The chronicle of the society of neuropathologists and psychiatrists at the imperial Kazan University. Protocol of the 7th regular meeting of the Society of Neuropathologists and Psychiatrists at the Imperial Kazan University Oct. 29. 1908

Darshkevich L.О.


Attended by: Chairman prof. L.O. Darkshevich. Action. members: prof. V. P. Osipov, Dr. V. V. Nikolaev, A. V. Gavorskiy, V. I. Levchatkin, V. N. Osipova, E. M. Idelson, G. V. Sorokovikov, N. A. Donskov , V. P. Pervushin, L. A. Sergѣev, A. G. Shuler, I. A. Veselitsky, A. G. Sholsmovich; guests: prof. I. A. Chuevskiy, Dr. A. N. Mislavskiy, M. A. Chalusov, Bolberg, M. M. Khomyakov and about 40 guests, mainly students of the University.

Neurology Bulletin. 1909;XVI(1):202-210
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Protocol VIII of the next meeting of the Society of Neuropathologists and Psychiatrists at the Imperial Kazan University on November 26, 1908

Darshkevich L.


Chaired by prof. V.P. Osipov under the secretary of Dr. V.P. Pervushin. There were actions. members: Dr. I. A. Veselitsky, A. V. Gavorsky, A. S. Sholomovich, N. A. Donskov, L. A. Serguev and guests: Dr. S. A. Bolberg, V. K. Voroshilov, M. M. Khomyakov, I. Zhilin, M. A. Chalusov, Goltsvogt and a human 20 senior medical students.

Neurology Bulletin. 1909;XVI(1):210-214
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Can we talk about the physiological dementia of a woman?

Osipov V.P.


The topic I have chosen for today's lecture requires explanation and motivation. In all likelihood, I would not have thought to speak about the mental, intellectual sphere of a woman, and even characterizing mental weakness with the term "physiological dementia", if it had not appeared a few years ago a brochure by the well-known neuropathologist and psychiatrist Möbius: Ueber den physiologischen Swachsinn des Weibes "-" On the physiological dementia of a woman. " Over the course of several years, Möbius's brochure has spread rapidly, with a number of editions.

Neurology Bulletin. 1909;XVI(1):216-236
pages 216-236 views

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