Standardization and value of the antioxidant activity of Onopordum acanthium herb



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Relevance. The raw material of folk medicinal plants must be guality controlled according standardization technigue for using in the official medicine practice including preventing agents. Standardization technigue of aerial part of folk medicinal plant Onopordum acan-thium L. and the antioxidant activity of extracts were developed. Aim. Development and validation of guantitative determination method of total amount of phenols in the aerial part of Onopordum acanthium L, establishment antioxidant activity of extracts. Material and methods. Spectrophotometry was used as standardization method of Onopordum acanthium raw material. Antioxidant activity was carried out in vitro by DPPH, superoxide, hydroxyl and nitrosyl radicals tests. Results. The optimal conditions of isolation phenols are grinding size 1 mm, extracting solvent - ethanol 70% at the ration 1:50, time of extraction - 60 minutes. The extraction is heating. The guantitative analysis was carried out spectrophotometry using wavelength 329 nm and estimated as gram of caffeic acid at 100 g of air-dried material. The sum of phenols at the herb of O. acanthium was at 1,44% to 2,71% (in various places of natural growth). Method was validated by linearity, precision and accuracy. The highest antioxidant activity was established to water-alcohol extract (ethanol 70%). Conclusions. The lowest amount of phenols in the Onopordum acanthium aerial part may be 1,2 g of caffeic acid per 100 g of air-dried raw material. The antioxidant activity is higher for 70% alcohol extract with highest amount of phenols from the herb of Onopordum acanthium in tests with DPPH, superoxide, hydroxyl and nitrosyl radicals, which was comparable to caffeic acid




E. Garsiya

Pyatigorsk Medical-Pharmaceutical Institute, Branch of Volgograd State Medical University Ministry of Health of Russia

Post-graduate Student, Department of Pharmacognosy, Botany and Technology of Phytopreparations Pyatigorsk

D. Pozdnyakov

Pyatigorsk Medical-Pharmaceutical Institute, Branch of Volgograd State Medical University Ministry of Health of Russia

Ph.D.(Pharm.), Associate Professor, Department of Pharmacology with Course of Clinical Pharmacology Pyatigorsk

A. Shamilov

Pyatigorsk Medical-Pharmaceutical Institute, Branch of Volgograd State Medical University Ministry of Health of Russia

Ph.D.(Pharm.), Associate Professor, Department of Pharmacognosy, Botany and Technology of Phytopreparations Pyatigorsk

L. Logvinenko

Federal State Budgetary Institute of Science «The Order of the Red Banner of Labour Nikita Botanical Gardens - National Scientific Center RAS»

Research Scientist, Laboratory of Aromatic Medicinal Plants Yalta, Republic of the Crimea

D. Konovalov

Pyatigorsk Medical-Pharmaceutical Institute, Branch of Volgograd State Medical University Ministry of Health of Russia

Dr.Sc.(Pharm.), Professor, Head of Department of Pharmacognosy, Botany and Technology of Phytopreparations Pyatigorsk


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