Synthesis of molecular imprinted polymer based on acrylic acid derivatives for sample preparation of pyrrolidinophenone derivatives from biological fluids

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The study objective was to obtain a sorbent, which is a molecularly imprinted polymer based on acrylic acid derivatives, selective to compounds of the pyrrolidinophenone derivatives. Material and methods. Sorbents were obtained by the radical polymerization method of methacrylic acid, acrylamide, N,N'-methylene-bis-acrylamide, diallylamine in the presence of a template - phenylpiracetam. Amount of acrylamide and N, N'-methylene-bis-acrylamide used was varied. For the obtained sorbents, the degree of swelling in water and isopropanol, the imprinting factor, the cross-reaction coefficient, and the phenylpiracetam recovery from water solutions were determined. Results. The study of the degree of swelling of the obtained sorbents showed that the volumetric swelling in water and organic solvents increases with an increase in the content of acrylamide and a decrease in N,N'-methylene-bis-acrylamide. The volumetric swelling in water of all the obtained sorbents is lower than in isopropanol, which makes it possible to use them for analytes sorption from water and desorption. The value of the phenylpiracetam imprinting factor for the sorbent sample containing 56% acrylamide was 47% higher than for the sample containing 44% acrylamide. The low value of the imprinting factor of all sorbent samples in the study of cinnarizine and amitriptyline indicates that the obtained sorbents contain "molecular imprints" of the template, phenylpiracetam. The above sorbent samples are capable of recognizing phenylpiracetam in binary mixtures, which confirms the presence of selective binding sites. Phenylpiracetam recovery from water solutions using a sorbent sample containing 56% acrylamide was 89±17%. Structure analysis of this sorbent sample by FTIR revealed the availability of pronounced peaks at 1451, 1660, 2934, 3198, 3343 crml, which indicates the presence of carboxy-modified polyacrylamide matrix of the sorbent. Conclusion. A molecularly imprinted sorbent based on acrylic acid derivatives was obtained, which is stable in water and isopropanol. The produced sorbent exhibits a high level of selectivity to pyrrolidinophenone derivatives, which has been proven in an experiment with a model compound phenylpiracetam. This polymer sorbent can be used for sample preparation of biological fluids in the study for pyrrolidinophenone derivatives.

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About the authors

A. V Voronin

Samara State Medical University

Dr.Sc. (Pharm.), Associate Professor Samara

I. V Synbulatov

Samara State Medical University

Post-graduate Student Samara


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