Development of quality indicators of trichoderma atrobrunneum culture fluid extract vkpm f-1434

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Relevance. It is relevant to solve the problems of quality control of medicinal substances, drugs, preparations by conducting pharmaceutical analysis.

The purpose of the study – determination of physico-chemical and biological properties of Trichoderma atrobrunneum VKPM F-1434 culture fluid extract. Development of a method for determining the mass concentration of culture fluid extract T. atrobrunneum VKPM F-1434 in bioproducts.

Material and methods. The strain Trichoderma atrobrunneum VKPM F-1434 synthesizing low molecular weight biologically active compounds with bacteriostatic effect was used in the work. The extract was obtained by single-stage mixing and settling extraction with ethyl acetate from the culture liquid of T. atrobrunneum VKPM F-1434 after 5 days of deep cultivation at a temperature of 28 ° C, the seed material was the vegetative mycelium of the producer in the late exponential growth phase. The mass concentration of
T. atrobrunneum VKPM F-1434 culture fluid extract was determined in a healing liniment for wound healing.

Results. Based on the study of physico-chemical and biological properties of culture fluid extract T. atrobrunneum VKPM F-1434, its individual characteristics have been established. The method "Determination of the mass concentration of culture fluid extract T. atrobrunneum VKPM F-1434 in the finished bioproduct" has been developed. Scope of the method: determination of the extract’s mass concentration at the stages of the technological process of preparation, as well as in ready-made dosage forms, therapeutic and preventive orientation of zootechnical and veterinary purposes. Characteristic of the method: the range of determined values – mass concentrtion (ω): 1 – 10%; repeatability: CV = 1.69%; reproducibility CV1 = 1.68%; CV2 = 1.78%; Fr = 1.09; Ft = 3.44; correctness:
R = 100.1%.

Conclusions. Physico-chemical and biological properties of culture fluid extract T. atrobrunneum VKPM F-1434 can be used to establish its authenticity and quality assessment. The method of determining the mass concentration of culture fluid extract T. atrobrunneum VKPM F-1434 can be considered suitable for a reliable assessment of the composition of the finished bioproduct.

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About the authors

I. A. Gneusheva

Orel State Agrarian University named after N.V. Parakhin

Author for correspondence.

Candidate of Sciences in Technology, Associate Professor of the Department of Biotechnology

Russian Federation, Orel

A. V. Lushnikov

Orel Regional Center for Agricultural Biotechnology, N.V. Parakhin Orel State Agrarian University


Chief Specialist

Russian Federation, Orel


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Rice. 1. Spectrum (a) and the second derivative of the spectrum (b) of the extract of the cultural liquid of T. atrobrunneum VKPM F-1434

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3. Rice. 1. Spectrum (a) and the second derivative of the spectrum (b) of the extract of the cultural liquid of T. atrobrunneum VKPM F-1434

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4. Rice. 2. Dependence of optical density on the mass fraction of the extract of the cultural liquid of T. atrobrunneum VKPM F-1434: a – general graph on a logarithmic scale OX; b – linear range

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5. Rice. 2. Dependence of optical density on the mass fraction of the extract of the cultural liquid of T. atrobrunneum VKPM F-1434: a – general graph on a logarithmic scale OX; b – linear range

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