The influence of chronic alcoholization on the functional and metabolic relations of the liver and muscles and the model of their correction



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An analysis of rearrangements in organs with different functional specializations (liver, muscles) can clarify the nature of changes in interorgan relationships in the early stages of chronic alcoholization, which will help determine the paths of corrective actions aimed at maintaining and consolidating adaptive reactions. The aim of the study was to analyze and evaluate the nature of oxygen-dependent metabolic changes in the liver and muscles, as well as to clarify the possibility of using the drug "Tykveol" to optimize intracellular adaptive reactions in the process of alcohol intoxication. Material and Methods. The object of the study was nonlinear white rats of both sexes. The object of the study was 5 groups of nonlinear rats of both sexes. 1-3 group received 15% solution of alcohol as the only source of drinking for 3 months. Group 4 and 5 received the drug Tykveol against the background of three-month alcoholization. In the liver and cardiomyocytes, the activity of antioxidant enzymes (glutathione peroxidase, catalase) and the level of grutathione were determined. Oxygen-dependent processes were judged by the content of lactate and pyruvate in the liver and muscles. Results. When analyzing morphological changes in the pancreas by the end of 2 months of alcoholization, signs of the development of acute pancreatitis are recorded, and a histological examination after 3 months revealed karyopyknosis and karyorexis. In the process of 3-month alcoholization, an increase in the level of lactate, pyruvate and glutathione compared with the control is recorded earlier in the liver than in the muscles. Glutathione peroxidase and catalase in the early stages are activated more in the muscles than in the liver. After taking Tykveol, both the muscles and the liver stimulate the work of antioxidant enzymes, especially catalase in the liver, the level of glutathione and lactate decreases, while the content of pyruvate, especially in the muscles, exceeds the initial level. Conclusions. An analysis of the data obtained shows that under experimental conditions of alcoholization, metabolic shifts develop rapidly, and shifts of oxygen-dependent processes in the liver occur earlier than in muscle tissue. The use of Tykveol is promising in the early stages of the pathological process and is aimed at stabilizing the antioxidant system. It is necessary to take into account the identified organ-specific features associated with the accumulation of pyruvate in the muscles, which justifies the feasibility of creating complex drugs to enhance energy metabolism in cardiomyocytes in conditions of chronic alcoholization.




Z. Mikashinovich

Rostov State Medical University

A. Romashenko

Rostov State Medical University

E. Uspenskaya

Rostov State Medical University



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